“When we remember that we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.” (Mark Twain, 1835-1910, US Printer, Steamboat River Pilot, Miner, Journalist, And Author [397])
“The world is a mirror image of human nature. [...]. Neither ideology nor technology will change human nature.” (Unknown, in 2019) [emphasis added]
“[...] what experience and history teach is this –that peoples and governments never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.” (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770–1831, German Philosopher [20]) [emphasis added]
"Never in the history of the world have the means for imparting information been conducted on such an extensive and magnificent scale as at the present time [like now in the technological age of the internet and mobile phones]; yet never have the masses been more ignorant of their real condition, or more mystified as to the real cause of their afflictions [like now in the nascent 21st century]." (Sarah E. V. Emery, 1838-1895, US Author & Activist [21]) [explanations added]
"When people who are honestly mistaken learn the truth, they will either cease being mistaken –or cease being honest!" (Anonymous)
"Above all it is essential to refer to things by their correct names. If things are not referred to by their correct names, then our language will not reflect reality. If our language does not reflect reality, then our actions will not reflect reality, and will be exercises in futility." (Confucius, 551-479 BC, Chinese Teacher [22])
"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." (George Orwell, 1903-1950, English Political Author & Culture Critic, in "The Freedom Of The Press", Orwell's proposed preface to his novel ‘Animal Farm’, 1945)
“[...] perhaps two of the most important healthy practices of all time [...] are –always do the right thing, and help one another.” (Jim Humble, Author, in 2016 [23])
“Few people dared stand up to the madness that most of the world endured in 2020-2022.” (Peter Gøtzsche, MD, Danish Medical Researcher, Critic Of Official Medicine, Medical Whistleblower, Co-Founder of 'The Cochrane Collaboration', and Author & Janus Bang, Danish Documentary Filmmaker, 27-Mar-2024 [428])
Approximately a year ago, near the end of June of 2020, I've read a comment in response to an article authored by, and published in, the “BMJ” (formerly known as the “British Medical Journal”) [24] that caught my attention.
The BMJ, regarded by the cognoscente as one the world's most prestigious medical journals, allows the submission of “rapid responses”. Those are e-letters sent in to them in response to their published works. Physicians, scientists, eclectic medical experts, or erudite individuals commonly submit commentaries. If approved by the journal's “rapid response” editor(s), these letter responses get published within a certain period of time from the date of the principal works' publication.
The person whose post caught my interest elaborated on the promising theoretical reasons for the potentially beneficial use of vitamin C for the “new” Covid-19 coronavirus [318] (also misleadingly parroted as the “China virus” or “Wuhan virus”) that's putatively causing the Covid-19 malady [25]. The BMJ's piece is on the divers
pharmaceutical drug treatments that are being investigated for
Covid-19 (also referred to as CV-19) [24].
Upon reading that comment I immediately thought that sound practical-clinical evidence thereof already exists and that I must inform the commentary's author, the BMJ, and its voluminous readers about it due to its potentially life-saving informational merit.
So, I decided to put together my own rapid response that underscores the important empirical knowledge of the value of vitamin C against the CV-19 disease and submit it.
On 5-July-2020 I sent in my commentary to the BMJ. Unfortunately, the BMJ made the decision not to publish it [26].
What follows (within starred bold brackets [***], in green color) is the exact text of my ditched BMJ rapid response:
Title: Vitamin C For Covid-19 Backed By EMPIRICAL Evidence
Dear Editor,
This is in response to Saeed Ahmad's commentary from 22-June-2020:
Specifically, I'm addressing his positive arguments in support of vitamin C in the treatment of Covid-19.
Apart from vitamin C's THEORETICAL potential described by Mr. Ahmad here in this BMJ rendition (and by others elsewhere [1,2]),
we do have powerful EMPIRICAL evidence of the merit of proper vitamin C
therapy in the fight against this new Covid-19 coronavirus.
February of 2020, the 'Orthomolecular Medicine News Service' (OMNS), a
not-for-profit health organization, has regularly reported on vitamin
C's highly beneficial CLINICAL application in moderate to severe
Covid-19 patients by numerous licensed doctors and healthcare
professionals in China and South Korea [2-6].
In the US several physicians, too, have used vitamin C to treat Covid-19 with excellent results [6,7].
For example, some American physicians treated nearly a hundred Covid-19
patients with vitamin C therapy (along with other nutritional
supplements) and not a single patient died [8]. Some US hospital have also used vitamin C treatments against Covid-19, reporting impressive benefits [9,10].
Even a conventional allopathic US medical school strongly recommends
the usage of adequate vitamin C treatment against Covid-19 [11].
this vital data and knowledge has been broadly suppressed by the
mainstream news media, social media outlets, Google's 'YouTube' channel [3,6,12,13],
and the transnational state-medical establishment (the organized
medicine-government collusion syndicate, which includes, among others,
the authoritative US 'Centers for Disease Control and Prevention' (CDC),
the US 'National Institutes of Health' (NIH), the US 'Food and Drug
Administration (FDA), the 'Federal Trade Commission' (FTC), and the
'World Health Organization' (WHO)) [6,12,13].
licensed holistic physicians who treated many Covid-19 patients with
great success are silenced and ordered by the US authorities (e.g., the
FTC) to stop using vitamin C against Covid-19 because there's no
“competent and reliable scientific evidence” that vitamin C (and other
dietary supplements and natural medicines) is effective against Covid-19
the legally nailed down “justification” or “rationalization” proffered
by the coercive irrational US state-medical industrial complex for its
sweeping acts of vitamin C suppression is that it matters not if we
DEMONSTRABLY have an inexpensive, safe and effective Covid-19 remedy
because there's no available true scientific research proof thereof yet [14].
or cured real-life Covid-19 patients constitute no such quality
evidence per their absurd “legalized” logic. Saved lives do not count or
matter first and foremost –what counts and matters first and foremost
is dominant AUTHORITY-DEFINED, and not REALITY-VERIFIED, “competent and
reliable scientific evidence” –EVEN during this allegedly highly
precarious potentially humanity-dooming pandemic (hence, the
officialdom-imposed totalitarian “emergency measures”: global
unprecedented lockdowns, and the strict practices of “social distancing”
and mask wearing), which the WHO called “the defining global health
crisis of our time” [15].
It's surreal. It's absurd Medieval inhumanity.
The French 18th century historian and philosopher Voltaire (1694-1778) once described that:
"Those who you can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities."
surely, those individuals or groups (e.g., bodies of authority) who can
make you believe absurdities are the first people who can commit
atrocities –and perhaps find a loyal sycophant in you to assist them in
committing their atrocities.
of making you believe absurdities, do you honestly think any of these
ruling authorities would follow this inhumane unconscionable precedence
program if THEY had a moderate or serious case of Covid-19? But if YOU
are a Covid-19 patient –EVEN A SEVERE COVID-19 PATIENT– they want YOU to
obey to, comply with, and coerce you into, this absurd order of twisted
priorities, blocking you from accessing this reality-backed therapeutic
intervention, during this purported humanity-threatening pandemic.
Some scholars with knowledge about the research literature on vitamin C pointed out that:
someone tells you it's not proven, consider two things: (1) Nothing is
proven to work against Covid-19, because it is a NEW virus; (2) Vitamin C
has worked against EVERY SINGLE VIRUS including influenzas, pneumonia,
and even poliomyelitis.” [16] [emphasis added]
In section number 37 of the authoritative “Declaration of Helsinki” by the 'World Medical Association' (WMA) it states:
the treatment of an individual patient, WHERE PROVEN INTERVENTIONS DO
physician, after seeking expert advice, with informed consent from the
patient or a legally authorised representative, MAY USE AN UNPROVEN
This is the case with the proper application of vitamin C for Covid-19.
Considering that:
(A) nothing is proven with scientific research to work against the NOVEL Covid-19 virus,
(B) the therapeutic use of vitamin C has so far worked against “every single virus” [16],
(C) vitamin C is safe, including at massive doses, in Covid-19 therapy [2,5],
(D) vitamin C has a CLINICALLY documented high value against Covid-19 [2-6], and
(E) we're in a purportedly highly precarious potentially humanity-dooming global pandemic state,
Covid-19 scourge among the very best manifestations of “competent and
reliable scientific evidence” we currently have anywhere in the world?
we're dealing with a supposedly highly critical potentially
humanity-dooming global Covid-19 pandemic, as the globally aligned
establishment narratives and scripts have us believe (along with their
ordered universal lockdowns, and the strict measures of “social
distancing” and mask wearing), why would any rational humane body of
authority systematically conceal, illogically and deceptively discredit,
and heartlessly withhold from patients a VERY SAFE, CHEAP, AND
EFFECTIVE Covid-19 medicine as vitamin C, and –utilizing threats of
large fiscal penalties (and worse)– muzzle and crack down on health
professionals who have successfully applied this efficacious natural
Covid-19 therapy?
Wouldn't any truly rational, psychologically
healthy, humane, compassionate, ethical person –at any level of
authority– welcome such an inexpensive, safe, and beneficial treatment
with wide open arms in any so-called pandemic emergency? Like those
aforecited doctors and other healthcare experts who diligently, swiftly,
and gratefully used vitamin C therapy on their Covid-19 patients.
sense, ethical responsibility, and humanitarian mandate instruct that
the resort to vitamin C therapy for Covid-19 by medical professionals
–an act supported by the Helsinki declaration– is ESPECIALLY called for
immediately during a natural disaster such as world-wide pandemic,
potentially jeopardizing the lives of millions of people.
these merciless suppressive efforts against vitamin C by the corporatist
US government (and other governments around the globe) amount to
immoral truth destruction and criminal behavior AGAINST THE NEEDS AND
INTERESTS OF THE PUBLIC, reminiscent of Medieval barbarism?
broad and fierce suppression of vitamin C is an inexcusable negligence
and is a crime against humanity by the soulless authoritarian medical
authorities around the world that probably cost, unnecessarily and at a
minimum, the lives of tens of thousands of Covid-19 patients.
government authorities' mendacious coercive acts of censorship and
suppression of vitamin C –resulting in the needless loss of a very large
number of people– prove that the ruling powerholders are deceptive,
insane, and inhumane. In short, these individuals are psychopaths –the
sickest, most manipulative, most evil, most heartless and conscienceless
people amongst humans. And, that the psychopathic allopathic medical
establishments' quest for a treatment against Covid-19 is certainly not
authentic and genuinely benevolent –but profoundly biased, both
“scientifically” and politically, favoring their own markedly profitable
pharmaceutical drugs and medical interventions [18,19].
Indisputably, the official quest for Covid-19 treatments is primarily an inhumane political affair.
Rolf Hefti
Independent Health Investigator & Author
United States
Competing interests: Founder of www.Supplements-and-Health.com [*] (Primarily an informational site. I sell no supplements, or anything related to them.)
*) Since May of 2021 my website's name is www.Rolf-Hefti.com
"The institutional conception of science as a part of public domain is linked with the imperative for communication of findings. Secrecy is the antithesis of this norm; full and open communication its enactment. [...]. [...] the suppression of scientific knowledge is condemned.” (Robert K. Merton, PhD, 1910-2003, US Sociologist, in 1942 [27] [emphasis added]
“Truth can bear any criticism, examination, or argument. It does not need censorship to protect it. What does need censorship to protect it is a lie. And so the vast majority of what we are expected to believe is a lie.” (Unknown)
“Denial of observable Reality is the core of insanity –the refusal to be corrected when beliefs bury Sobriety.” (Peter Mann, in 2020)
"As the totalitarian horror [=the Holocaustal Covid-19 ScamDemic] unfolds before our eyes, only the willfully blind will ignore it. Only those who refuse to think will fail to grasp its implications. Only the irretrievably corrupt will embrace it." (Robert Gore, US Lawyer, Financier, Social Critic, And Author, at the very beginning of the publicized “Covid Pandemic”, 24-Mar-2020 [295] [explanation & emphasis added]
“Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad. There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.” (George Orwell, 1903-1950, English Political Writer & Social Critic [351])
I wasn't at all surprised that my BMJ e-letter did not get published. Frankly, I expected it.
For one thing, my commentary was “politically highly undesirable” to the corrupt inhumane transnational allopathic state-medical establishment (which the BMJ belongs to) [6,12,13,28-64,250,273] because of my devastating critique of their broad systematic absurd ban and suppression of the knowledge on the practical usefulness of vitamin C against Covid-19 respiratory disease.
Politically denied and culturally forbidden –a taboo– I rightfully dared identifying and referring to the official medical business club as psychopathic, which is the embodiment of evil or inhumaneness due to an absence of conscience [65-77].
Here is a quick résumé (or “CV”) of what true psychopaths are:
“The simplest, clearest and truest portrait of the psychopath is given in the titles of three seminal works on the subject: 'Without Conscience' by Robert Hare, 'The Mask of Sanity' by Hervey Cleckley, and 'Snakes in Suits' by Hare and Paul Babiak. A psychopath is exactly that: conscienceless (a.k.a “soulless”). The most important thing to remember is that this is hidden from view behind a mask of normality that is often so convincing that even experts are deceived and, as a result, they become the 'Snakes in Suits' that control our world.” (Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Editor, Writer, And Author, in 2008 [69]) [emphasis added]
As a matter of fact, the official global medical tyranny of psychopaths' repression of vitamin C's experiential knowledge against Covid-19 has been carried out in the characteristic manner of pathological psychopaths –covertly, unconscionably, inhumanely, and behind a "Mask of Sanity” or a “mask of normality” as I had delineated in my BMJ-disavowed commentary. And in this scholarly article about Covid-19 you're now reading I further substantiate with unerring evidentiary material that the official transnational state-allopathic medical enterprise matrix is indeed thoroughly psychopathic.
This real reality can potentially be recognized by many, if not most, people if we allow life (the “live science” domain, reality, truth) –not people (e.g., “authorities” and “experts” of all sorts)– to always be our primary and ultimate teacher whom we ought to learn from (my coined saying of “Trust Facts, Not Authorities” is illustrative of that central, self-organizing, self-guiding orientation).
A REALITY-BASED main approach to life –not an AUTHORITY-BASED main approach to life.
A LIFE-GROUNDED core alignment –not an EXPERT-CENTERED core alignment.
A TRUTH-BACKED main compass –not SPECIALIST-BACKED main compass.
A determined trust in EMPIRICAL PLANETARY REALITY –not HUMAN ANIMAL-PROCLAIMED “official science”, “consensus science”, or “evidence-based science”.
An overriding assimilation of NATURE-BASED evidence –not “civilized” HUMANS' RATIFIED SCIENCE-BASED evidence (i.e., their “conveniently self-serving” science-BIASED evidence).
A primarily real life-VERIFIED personal modus vivendi versus a primarily authority-CERTIFIED personal modus vivendi.
In the sense that I deemed the official mainstream medical caste (i.e., the government-medical allopathy collusion complex) psychopathic (evil, conscienceless) in my BMJ-muffled digital letter, it appears I'm one of the type of people US essayist, journalist, and culture critic, H. L. Mencken, (1880-1956), described when he stated:
“The most dangerous man, to any government [especially a corporate industry-captured government, which governments are by nature or become], is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable [...].” [78] [explanation added]
Former US President John F. Kennedy (1917–1963) warned that, “without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed –and no republic can survive” [79].
And none other than the famous English political novelist and establishment critic George Orwell (1903-1950) pointed out that:
“To write in plain, vigorous language one has to think fearlessly, and if one thinks fearlessly one cannot be politically orthodox.” [80]
A non-open, disingenuous, unreal, irrational, fearful, sick, cowardly, mendacity-based populace practices the kind of “acceptable”, “politically orthodox”, “sanitized”, restraint vocabulary –which is per Orwell “the unavoidable result of self-censorship” [80] (the mobilization of one's own gate-keeper)– that defends and protects collective cultural myths, fantasies, delusions, and taboos [39,65,81-83]. Hence, a non-open, disingenuous, ethics-disabling, unreal, irrational, fearful, sick cowardly, mendacity-oriented society has “unassailable” myths and taboos –“politically and culturally sensitive” themes, critique-exempt idols, and ideological domains of non-discussion (“forbidden topics”) [37,39,57,65,69,81,83-85]. Arenas of officially unapproved facts and culturally unapproved realities you're officially and culturally not supposed to be authentically educated in.
So, the use, or framing, of language is a practical means to manage perception –a censor to control social perception [283,322]. Language as a “mediator of perception” [81]. A medium of consciousness control to convey and create culturally sanctioned “reality” [81,283,322]. A vehicle to shut out truths, and shut in delusions (false beliefs, falsehoods, mendacities, myths, illusions, fake realities). An instrument of self-deception, of self-propaganda, of self-lies. A tool of personal and collective self-deception (i.e., cultural self-propaganda).
Conversely, as a medium of perceptual reality (“politically incorrect”, “forbidden”) genuine language can also shut in truths, and shut out delusions (falsehoods, mendacities, myths, illusions, fake realities).
Idiosyncratic language use is, ultimately, a thermometer indicating the degree of health –or unhealth (sickness, decadence, lunacy)– of a person, a society, or the world at large.
Politically unorthodox uncensored language or truth tend to be unpleasant, combative, and harsh because they are up against formidably ugly opponents: falsity, delusion, mendacity, and deception.
Yet, it's always right and the right time –NOW MORE THAN EVER– to call a spade a spade, to “tell it like it is”. To use raw, direct, uncensored, fearless, reality-verified language. Rather than use dampened, “politically orthodox”, “ideologically permissible”, “emotionally pleasant”, misleading, obfuscating, reality-sequestering, fake language that serves, wittingly or unwittingly, to delude everyone –particularly ourselves– and, thereby, keep the insane inhumane sociopolitical status quo thriving.
“Politically incorrect” or “culturally impolite” language opens up and reveals renewed possibilities of perception. Such as accurate keen perceptions of truths and realities that are unwelcoming to the mendacious officialdom and culture –and ourselves. Authentic language provides new possibilities for realness (reality, truth ), sanity, and health to broadly manifest or prosper.
Two current establishment critics and authors who are cognizant –and not in denial (akin to Henry Louis Mencken over half a century ago)– of the globally controlling cohesive psychopaths-at-the-helm and their great danger to non-ruling people anywhere proffered these insights to the public at large:
“Telling the truth is not slanderous, telling the truth is not defamatory.” (James Grundvig, in 2021 [60])
“It is every humane [=non-psychopathic] being's URGENT responsibility to expose sociopathic [=psychopathic] agendas wherever they exist –NEVER to attack [or cancel, censor, or suppress] those who seek to do so.” (Tim Foyle, in 2021 [77]) [explanations added]
Moreover, speaking from past personal experience with the BMJ, some time ago the famed medical journal censored (“disappeared”) a similarly “politically unorthodox” or “politically undesirable” –or rather “politically highly inconvenient”– rapid response of mine on the topic of mammography (after the BMJ had published numerous of my rapid responses on the same thread of discussion), in which I exposed the VESTED-INTEREST-based, evidence-BIASED foundation of the official breast cancer screening business (part of the industrial allopathic state-medical power matrix). Subsequently, I publicized my BMJ-banned mammogram commentary on my own website [46].
Beyond that, looking from a sociological perspective at the repressive choices made by the BMJ regarding my corporate medicine-critical posts, leading scientific-medical journals (the medical-scientific media) are an integral part of, by, and for the allopathic medical industry. Therefore, the discriminatory medical media's institutional and professional role is that of publishers (or advertisers and marketers [46]) of scientific knowledge that mainly serves the big business they are allied to –the transnational allopathic medical orthodoxy [28-33,36-38,41,44,46,52,53,55-57,250]. As such they regularly market the sort of deliberately “biased science” or “selective science” that supports and promotes the profitable merchandise (drugs, procedures, etc.) of the massive business of official conventional evidence-BIASED medicine [28,30-32,36,38,41,42-46,52,53,57,86,87,250].
Conversely, much of the empirically and scientifically valid data on treatments and remedies from (competing) so-called “unconventional medicine” is omitted in their “scientific” publications –or even excluded entry into the world's largest official library of scientific-medical publications (i.e., PubMed) [88-91,441]– or, if published, is distorted, degraded, or reframed in order to diminish and discredit the great value of many “alternative” healing modalities (e.g., dietary supplements) that notably encroach on their self-indulgent monetary interests and powerful authoritative status [28-32,34,36,38,40,41,49-51,58,83,84,89].
In fact, the BMJ's distinct conflict-of-interests-based bias in favor of its allied medical allopathy business complex (authorized medicine) and its conflict-of-interests-based bias in DISfavor of “unauthorized” medicine, such as vitamin therapy (supplement therapy) –i.e., their untrustworthy unscientific modus operandi– is registered in the official biomedical literature [92].
In line with these professional and institutional commitments, ideological objectives, and politicized practices, the BMJ's decision to withhold my electronic letter of 2020 signifies a political concealment and distortion of the full reality about the merit of vitamin C in the fight against the Covid-19 fiasco (see this chapter's opening quote by Dr. Merton).
Specifically, my legitimate signaling about the clinical-practical usefulness of vitamin C against CV-19 is what the BMJ is suppressing by their decision to trash my piece. It's the kind of smothering activities, squashing science communication or empirical truth, that are exactly in unison with what the dominant callous state-medical politicians have been doing regarding the so-called Covid-19 pandemic as documented in my BMJ-muted Vitamin C-Covid letter.
This makes the BMJ complicit (a “partner in crime”) with the preposterous inhumane efforts by the leading psychopathic state-medical authorities in their systemic curtailment of vitamin C for the Covid-19 disaster.
Sociologically and ideologically, the BMJ's suffocating reaction to my revelatory rapid response rendition corroborates its partisan political function as an allopathic mainstream medical journal in the form of a politicized mouthpiece of the official medical factory of self-interested BIASED evidence.
And from a humane standpoint, which is what truly counts in terms of people's well-being, the BMJ's deliberate choice to bury my informative contribution completely violates the two perhaps “most important healthy practices of all time” –always doing the right thing and helping each other (see Mr. Humble's quote at the start of the “Introduction”).
“To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle.” (George Orwell, 1903-1950, English Political Writer & Social Critic [93]) [emphasis added]
“Knowledge is produced in response to questions. [...]. Here is the point: once you have learned how to ask questions –relevant and appropriate and substantial questions– you have leaned how to learn and no one can keep you from learning whatever you want or need to know.” (Neil Postman, 1931-2003, Media Theorist, Social Critic & Author, and Charles Weingartner, Author, in 1969 [81])
“There’s three things the Amish don't like. And that's government –they won't get involved in the government; they don't like the public education system –they won't send their children to education; and they also don't like the health system –they rip us off. Those are three things that we feel like we're fighting against all the time. Well, those three things are all part of what Covid is.” (Calvin Lapp, member of the Amish Community, an “uncivilized” “primitive” group of non-conformist people who reject most modern technology, in 2021 [307]
Alluding to the aforecited statements by sociologist Robert Merton, PhD, “the suppression of scientific knowledge” about the real-life (empirical) benefits of vitamin C against Covid-19 marks the intentional production of “secrecy” by the dominant pack of state-medical psychopaths through their failure to fully and openly disseminate this evidence-grounded scientific information among the public.
By canceling and squelching this remarkable data broadly it remains a “secret” –concealed knowledge– to much of the public at large. And, therefore, the global information embargo on vitamin C against Covid-19, a very deliberate repressive act, is “the antithesis” of “the institutional conception of science” to fully and openly communicate its finding –and, consequently, such criminal acts are “condemned” by rational sane people.
The reason for this “condemnation” is straight-forward to keen humane individuals as denoted in my BMJ-scrapped letter.
More generally, a systemic ban on vital knowledge at the controlling hands of the oligarchic psychopaths disempowers the global public because it diminishes their survival chances –making it a crime against humanity.
This colossal willful atrocity against the public (a crime against humanity) is a towering clue, out of many, to any sane person –and that should make it most blatantly obvious to even the most deluded people– that just about ANYTHING the officialdom of psychopaths wants the public to believe, do, and comply with in connection with their Authorized Covid-19 Hoax (e.g., lockdowns; wearing of an arbitrary assortment of “Covid-19 face masks”, coined by certain individuals as “face diapers”, “face muzzles”, or “symbols of obedience”; getting so-called Covid-19 coronavirus vaccines) works in their disfavor, works to their disadvantage [53,54,57,59,61-64,84,94-137,291,293,303-309,315-322,324-327,338].
The categorical disempowerment of people around the world via blanket global technocratic censorship (a.k.a “technofascism” [442]) of potentially life-saving knowledge indicates that official authorized science, including official medicine, is unequivocally benevolent IN THEORY (in its theoretical VERBAL or RHETORICAL construct of openness, transparency, objectivity, and benevolence) but notably corrupt, malevolent, and criminal IN REALITY (in its practical enACTment or behavioral application).
The contradictory situation essentially mirrors the colloquially known dialectic of “ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS”. Or, perhaps more fittingly, it mirrors a familiar pattern of psychopaths. It reflects a naturally applied technique of deception commonly used by pathological psychopaths.
Namely, their resort to wicked mind games with their victims to fabricate and curate a scripted reality (“fake reality”) for them via a continuous systematic use of propaganda (words) and truth cancellation (the censorship, distortion, and omission of facts; the obfuscation and hiding of the objective reality). This extreme form of manipulation of the truth –that is, the grave mutilation of a person’s sense of reality, the invasive implantation of a fake version of reality, such as this deviant creation of a truth reversal, or a reality inversion (turning reality upside-down)– is referred to as “gaslighting”, commonly and naturally practiced by psychopaths [65,71,76,328].
In that scheme, the real-world reality of actual saved Covid patients' lives because of proper vitamin C treatment is perceptually nullified (erased) across the planet by the authoritarian medical psychopaths-in-control via their systemic suppression and censorship of this authentic knowledge –amounting to a perceptual, albeit inauthentic (untrue), reversal of reality to the hoodwinked global non-ruling population. Of course, the observable reality-certified fact (truth) that vitamin C is an effective, inexpensive, and safe Covid-19 treatment remains valid regardless of these systemic manipulations and deceptions by the controlling criminal ruling psychopathic gaslighters-in-positions-of-authority. Just as the natural law of gravity remains valid regardless of any coordinated global censorship and suppression of this observable reality-certified fact (truth).
Indeed, the true carefully hidden reality about the transnational state-allopathic medical guild –behind their gaslighting vocalized pretensions of adhering to authentic ethics (e.g., the allopathy's Hippocratic Oath) and scientific impartiality– is that its practice is secretly controlled by self-concerned politics, unveiling internal rot and, indeed, core rot [28-40,42-45,49-51,55,56,58,62,63,250].
This real world-verified scientific assessment is a congruent large-frame application, or sociological extrapolation, of a guiding truism offered to us by Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968), a US human rights activist, establishment critic, and Nobel laureate, in terms of person-to-person interactions –do not judge people “by the color of their skin but by the content of their character” [138].
Officially approved, benevolent-sounding, self-glorifying, “feel-good” labels, ornaments, symbols, and cloaks of a person, group, organization, culture, society, the world, or the human species (calling itself “wise” or “rational” as with “homo sapiens”) –such as credentials, badges, IQ scores, accolades, oaths, mission statements, global declarations (e.g., the “Nuremberg Code”, the “Declaration of Helsinki”, see my abovereproduced BMJ-cancelled commentary on the latter)– versus their true inner substance, true integrity, true goodness, true humaneness, and core character exposed and reality-verified through consistent actions and practices –or inactions.
What do authorized diplomas, prestigious awards, and high-minded pledges of dignified conduct really amount to if their carriers, or proponents, do NOT ACT according to genuine truth, actual reality, and authentic humaneness (morality, doing the right thing, doing no harm)?
What worth are these cult(ure)-given symbols of excellence (e.g., “PhD”, “General”, “Pastor”, “MD”, etc.) if their possessors do NOT ACT according to genuine truth, actual reality, and authentic humaneness (morality, doing the right thing, doing no harm)?
What function have the alleged honorable decorations of cult(ure) members with cult(ure)-dispensed certificates of excellence if their recipients do NOT ACT honorably –i.e., according to genuine truth, actual reality, and authentic humaneness (morality, doing the right thing, doing no harm)?
What then is mainstream credentialism's psychological, political, and sociological role?
Is it to deceive ourselves about ourselves? Cult(ure)-approved collective self-deception via collective deluding self-validification –via collective self-propaganda? Treasured cult(ural) insignia of excellence and vows of honor as reality-masking or truth-masking or humaneness-masking mediums –as pretenses or false images of reality, mimicries or smokescreens of truth, and charades or masquerades of humaneness and wisdom? Are reputable gold-plated cult(ure) credentials serving as pragmatic functional masks?
The inhumane abominations, issued by the highly credentialed professional class of psychopaths-in-control and their lauded sycophantic minions, of “No Jews Allowed” and “No Colored People Allowed” of yesterday is the “No Unvaccinated People Allowed” of today. And probably very soon to be the Orwellian nightmare [351] of “No Un-Digital-Surveillance-Device-Implanted People Allowed” –i.e., allowed are only consenting, indifferent, robotic, machine-like, “enlightened”, “intelligent”, delusional, soulless (i.e., conscienceless), electronically fused, branded, and linked-up people [246,282,317].
Are cult(ure)-specified tokens of excellence (i.e., certificates of compliance and indoctrination) hindrances to –instead of liberators of– the accurate recognition of truth, reality, and morality (humaneness)?
Habitual proper actions and sound scientific and medical practices include an openness and willingness to change firmly held perspectives when faced with salient factual officialdom-dissenting life-saving information (e.g., on the official CV-19 “Pandemic”) –even if it means a personal loss of money, power, or status– rather than to ignore, twist, hide, or discard such essential knowledge as is commonly done via the politics-controlled and politics-based dogmatic practices of the official global medical mafia club [6,12,13,28-36,38-40,42-45,47-53,55,56,58-63,112,137,139,250,273,337,338,419-421,433].
Institutions, bureaucracies, societies, cultures, the world at large –and people– are historical entities. Therefore, to understand them accurately in the present a proper understanding of their unhampered whole histories, good and bad episodes, are essential [140]. Yet those authorized histories and biographies are commonly compromised, distorted, and whitewashed [e.g., 29,36,38,56,86,141,418].
In terms of the history of state-corporate allopathic medicine in relation to vitamin C, and in endorsement of the factual point of the control-by-politics reality of the official medical practices, various messengers of vitamin C's highly significant medicinal value have been unfairly politically attacked previously by the venal mainstream medical community –the medical priest class of psychopaths.
The organized underhanded efforts by the psychopathic state-medical collusion behemoth (the mainline fascist medical power structure) to conceal, warp, and falsify the unparalleled benefits of cheap, safe, and non-patentable vitamin C started more seriously in the 1960s and early 70s. After the highly esteemed American double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, PhD, (1901-1994), began publishing scientifically sound data on the health benefits of vitamin C [89,142].
Despite the known solid evidence of the benefits of supplemental vitamin C for the common cold many factions of the psychopathic transnational government-medical allopathy officialdom (including the World Health Organization/WHO), and its colluding morally vacuous corporate press and a large number of collaborators, denied it or simply spread falsehoods –and even lies– about the cheap essential nutrient [142].
This is the politicization of science. It is the political science of the in-group of medical psychopaths-in-power-and-control.
And as anyone who's familiar with the science of psychopathy (i.e., the science of evil, a.k.a “ponerology” [65,69,216,457]) would expect, neither did these sick medical authoritarians show ethics to recant when their vitamin C misrepresentations or propaganda was exposed by Nobel Prize Winner Pauling [142]. In harmony with their nature of psychopathy, the psychopathic medical clergy displayed the same awful absence of morals, ethics, and decency during the official Mega Covid-19 Fraud [112,338].
However, the omission of real facts, the obfuscation of real facts, the warping of real facts, the non-acceptance of real facts, the refusal of real facts, the denial of real facts, the illegitimation of facts (making truth illegal), and the promotion of falsehoods or lies in place of real facts don't invalidate real facts or objective reality (such as the notable empirical-clinical value of vitamin C for the Covid-19 illness). Believing otherwise is delusional. Those activities only invalidate and expose the fact suppressors, the fact deniers, the incompetents, the delusionists, or liars and propagandists [142]. Logically, the same truism pertains to those who engage in the marginalization, vitriol, slander, imprisonment, or destruction of truth-tellers. Untruth, unreality, or disreality never negate actual truth, true reality –or the messenger of authentic truth and reality.
These, and many other, entirely unscientific duplicities and political escapades demonstrate that the transnational federal government-backed allopathic medical enterprise isn't first and foremost after the whole truth, after real science, but after control, power, and privilege [28-40,42-44,47-53,55-58,61-64,116,131,250].
An unquenchable pathological hunger for control, power, and privilege exemplify trademark behavioral personality characteristics of pestilent psychopaths [65-71,73-77,143,457]. Due to their unstoppable lust for power and control, and their grandiose sense of self-worth and narcissism, at times, psychopaths are referred to as “narcopaths” or have been recognized as being afflicted with a “God complex” or “Messiah complex” (e.g., “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods.” –Yuval Harari [363]). Indeed, as sociologists have assessed, government-colluding allopathic mainstream medicine (official medicine) is “an institution of social control” and a cultural center of “professional power struggles for cognitive authority and control” [86].
Sure enough, there's a plethora of irrefutable evidence in support of these vile real-world realities that completely demolishes the perpetuated myth (or delusion or gaslighting deception) of the institution of authorized medicine as a venue of OBJECTIVE, IMPARTIAL, NON-IDEOLOGICAL, CREDIBLE, SCIENTIFIC evaluation [29,30-36,38,40,42-45,47-53,58,61-64,86,131,139,147,269-272].
As an example, another specious scenario surrounding the actual medicinal merit of vitamin C ensued in the late-1970s and 80s. The contentious topic was the scientific value of vitamin C for cancer. On the face of it, the corrupt state-captured official medical establishment –in collaboration with the allied institutional mass media– managed to create a bogus vitamin C controversy.
However, a closer scrutiny of the events reveals it was accomplished through the calculated resort to prestigious junk studies –using a common disingenuous debunking strategy (i.e., the “set-up-to-fail” study methodology) to guarantee that vitamin C “fails” the “scientific” testing [144]– to officially but falsely claim that the accurate vitamin C-cancer work by Pauling and a collaborator was refuted [86,92].
The debased government-allopathy medical officialdom cherishes and loves this ever-effective scientific con (i.e., the use of fraudulent designed-to-fail “studies”) because they've been using it “successfully” for eons to repeatedly fool the public anywhere they do their criminal activities in as Daniel Haley, a former US legislator and author, curated [36] and pointed out:
“This is an old Official Medicine trick; cheat on a test and then quote it as proof that the medicine tested was no good.” [36] [emphasis added]
So this public fake controversy was, in fact, an authorized ruse epitomizing a typical pseudo-scientific gaslighting operation by the transnational official medical mafia establishment of psychopaths [28-36,38-40,42-45,47-53,55,56,58,137,337,338,419-421]. Another routine nefarious serving of their official political or politicized science.
Not surprisingly, the same type of longstanding pseudo-scientific trickery has been pulled during the Covid-19 Scandal by the official, “prestigious”, utterly criminal, transnational, mainstream, medical mob cabal (i.e., the allopathic medical dictatorship) to “officially” discredit safe, cheap, effective Covid-19 remedies. On the other hand, deliberate public deceptions are being used by the morally bankrupt mainstream medical science community –the fake medicine profiteers– to profusely hype the negligible benefits of so-called Covid-19 vaccines [e.g., 128,145,146]).
In essence, the reaction of the psychopathic “scientific” modern state-medical industrial consortium to Pauling's scientifically valid evidence on vitamin C was similar to how the unscientific dogmatic authoritarian barbaric officialdom responded to the scientifically legitimate heretic Galileo Galilei in the 17th century: by vilifying and ridiculing him, and falsely condemning his factual statements and rational ideas [87]. The unscientific fallacious political Dark Age-form renunciation of Pauling and his vitamin work by the criminal unscientific clan of authoritarian state-medical lunatics continues in the “unbarbaric”, “advanced”, “progressive” 21st century [32,92].
The biased phony “war on supplements” by the criminal authorized state-medical controllers, and their courtiers, has continued unabated since the 1980s. As it happens, the calculated suppression and selective deformation of the sound scientific data about proper beneficial vitamin C therapy and a host of other valuable harmless dietary supplements of all kinds
by the despotic psychopathic state-allopathy business network
has been a long ongoing ORCHESTRATED political effort [30,32-36,40,41,87-92,147-149].
To put it in front of everyone's nose (see Orwell's quote at start of this chapter), what real-world brand of grand criminalities and inhumane atrocities [e.g., 453-456] does it take for the general public to recognize and acknowledge –i.e., wake up to the real fact (true reality)– that a gang of karmic evil psychopaths (an oligarchy of plutocratic elite crooks) is ruling, controlling, exploiting, disempowering, or otherwise seriously harming them?
Nobelist Albert Einstein, PhD, (1879–1955), taught the following a century ago:
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” [150]
And, similarly, over half a century ago Aleck Bourne, (1886-1974), a British allopath, wrote:
“It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be entirely uneducated [=be a complete idiot; e.g., be a fact-filled, "officially educated” moron]; the facts must be used as a basis for thought and criticism.” [312] [explanation & emphasis added]
How do we “train the mind to think”, how do we use facts “as a basis for thought and criticism”, how do we educate ourselves?
By asking “relevant and appropriate and substantial questions” [81].
By evaluating different answers [81].
By using word definitions and metaphors as tools for thinking [81].
By perpetually verifying one's views and beliefs [81].
By examining personal assumptions and official premises.
By being receptive (rather than self-defeatingly closed-off) to new perspectives, counter-opinions, contrarian facts, and “inconvenient” knowledge –which allows the personal experience of metanoia (=“a change of mind”).
By forming and exercising a critical mentality (for instance, by always being skeptical of “authorities”, “experts”, “luminaries”, “gurus”, and “prophets”).
By reflecting about the meaning of facts or new meanings of facts, which necessitates to “STOP and THINK” about the potential hidden, deeper, or contextual implications of perceptions, observations, and facts.
By contemplating how facts and meanings fit into “the bigger picture” of things.
By gathering a broad variety of facts in a coherent rational narrative (or meta-narrative) that reasonably and logically –and not (or only marginally) contradictorily and absurdly– curates, and consequently harmonizes with, objective reality.
By pondering on how official “politically correct” language or the “culturally approved” vocabulary and one's own common use of language and vocabulary –or the ownership of cult(ure)-designated emblems of excellence (e.g., official degrees)– might be “invisibly” obscuring one's clear view of critical facts and realities.
By being observant both within one's immediate and larger context.
By inquiring about (hidden) financial-political-ideological motives, etcetera.
Education as a flexible adaptive active imagining vibrant broad-spectrum continuous “developmental process” [54] rather than a passive absorption and mechanical reflexive recitation of facts –a static “dead” (mindless) process.
Authentic education is a discerning process of “leading out from” darkness (ignorance) to light (truth). Perverted official education (fake education, authorized indoctrination) is an uncritical process of “leading into” accommodating servile loyal “respectful” conformity and compliance (a “carefully contrived behavioral-training machine” “establishing fixed habits of reaction to authority” [339]) instead of “leading toward” actual enlightenment and mind expansion [55,81,85,176,208,210,311,339,448,457].
The implementation of conformity is a form of mechanization of thought –a mechanization of the human organism, making it more machine-like (mechanical and “dead”) than life-like with its intrinsic natural aliveness. It
is a minor, or nascent, normalized level of “transhumanism” (a.k.a “directed evolution”). Therefore, unreflective human conformity and compliance are fundamentally anti-life and anti-nature –and, thus, anti-self, anti-individual.
In 2021 James Neuenschwander, MD, an American allopathically-trained doctor, voiced a description of the schooling of the medical allopathy (official or regular medicine) that unimpeachably and eerily resembles the doctrinaire process of member inauguration and inculcation into an authoritarian dogmatic cult (or religion) along with the difficulty of extricating oneself from it [253,254]:
"[Allopathic orthodox medicine schooling] is not a questioning-kind of education. You have the guru, you have the professor who is bestowing the secret knowledge of medicine unto you and you accept that as the truth. You accept that like you accept gravity. It's really hard to break away from that when you get out of your training [=programing, indoctrination, brainwashing]." [261] [explanations added]
Now imagine the general obedience-commandeering and compliance-establishing educational and official media systems of “civilized” corporatist societies around the world (i.e., the authorized brainwashing factories as “Weapons of Mass Instruction”) –under the oligarchic control of predatory psychopathic globalist master manipulators– indoctrinating the unsuspecting non-ruling populations with an authorized curriculum of endorsed admissible narratives into a streamlined dogmatic cult. Molding and establishing –right in front of everyone's nose– a culture that is a cult. Culture as an ideological-mercantile cult. A fundamentally degenerative conformist cult-culture (a psychopathic “cult-ure”) [210,221,227,234,255-259,266,290-293,310,314,316,317,338-340,448,455-458].
In a cult (or a religion), such as the decadent delusional-psychopathic “civilized” conformist world culture, the name of the game is not “how to think” –it is “what to believe”.
In a 1995 interview Noam Chomsky, PhD, a celebrated US linguist, philosopher, social critic, intellectual, political theorist, and author, described this rudimentary process of personal consciousness capture, mind constriction, and manufacturing of consenting docile domesticated individuals –hallmark elements of cult building [253,254] (or how religions operate)– through the authorized institutional structures of “education” (the official mills of indoctrination), including, of course, the distinguished ateliers of “higher education” (“higher education” is a euphemism for “deeper indoctrination” with permissible narratives):
“[...] if you’ve been really well educated, meaning well indoctrinated, you can’t even think rational thoughts any longer. […]. […] the conception of the state working to increase profits for wealthy Americans is inconceivable. You can’t think that thought. If it’s ever expressed, you have to designate it “unthinkable,” with scare words like “conspiracy theory.” And that’s the process of “good education.” People who don’t internalize those values are weeded out along the way. By the time you get to the top, you’ve internalized them.” [281] [emphasis added]
Over two decades later Allan Savory, a Zimbabwean ecologist and farmer, reverberated the degenerate condition of the psychopathic cult(ure)'s educational milieu, the lasting effects of the official indoctrination by authoritarians –obscuring, or preventing, the recognition of experiential reality (truth, nature):
“What is science? People are coming out of the university with a masters degree or a PhD and you take them into the field and they literally don't believe anything unless it is a peer-reviewed paper! That's the only thing they accept. And you say to them “but let's observe, let's think, let's discuss" –they don't do it. It's just "Is it in a peer-reviewed paper, or not?" That's their view of science! I think it's pathetic! Going to universities as bright young people –they come out of them brain-dead, not even knowing what science means. They think it means peer-reviewed papers, etc. No! That's "academia"! […]. We're going to kill ourselves because of stupidity." [331] [emphasis added]
Of course, mind or perception constriction always leads to, as cult(ure) critic George Orwell remarked, a 'reduced state of consciousness” which is “at any rate favourable to political conformity” [283], serving the profits-and-power-above-all-else interests and aspirations of the psychopathic cult(ure)'s most powerful institutions. The authorized allopathy business of psychopaths (i.e., the mainstream medicine institution), for instance, has been historically presenting to the public a deliberately cherry-picked one-sided selection of medical evidence, and then falsely, deceitfully, and self-servingly called and denominated their indoctrination inductees as so-called intelligent people who are making an “informed choice” about health matters [30-33,36,42-48].
It follows that mechanically, passively, mindlessly believing, repeating, and spreading officialdom narratives, authorized explanations of official authorities, and popular notions of the conformist mainstream culture is not intelligence but the antithesis of intelligence, especially in “non-savage” “progressive” “civilized” psychopathic societies. Although this non-thinking behavior and “lifeless” practice of reflexive compliance and conformism are being officially inculcated –and systemically propagandized– as to be equated with “intelligence” (e.g., wearing a mask during the Covid-19 madness or getting inoculated with Covid-19 “vaccines” are deemed “intelligent”, “rational”, “sane”, and “wise”).
The psychopathic cult(ure) baptizes adapted, adjusted, conforming, consenting, compliant individuals (i.e., “normal” members) as “intelligent” or “rational” or “good” or “moral” or “heroic” or “successful” [221,314,457]. (Non-adaptive, non-adjusted, non-conforming, non-consenting, non-compliant people get looked down on, dissed, sidelined, slighted, harassed, outed, penalized –or worse).
It is the deliberate misleading degradation, distortion, or reframing –i.e., “retruthing”– of the concepts of “intelligence”, “rationality”, “goodness”, “morality”, “heroism”, “progress”, and “success” (and many other terms) by a deceitful conformist anti-life cult(ure) and its controlling mendacious twisted authorities, by the inhabitants of a global mental asylum [335]. And, therefore, hardly anyone anywhere of those cult(ure)-certified as so-called “intelligent”, “good”, “moral”, “heroic”, “progressive”, and “successful” individuals (or groups of individuals) has been daring to face and expose this reality contortion –disclosing their own genuine reality-verified status and the vapidity and pretentiousness of their cult(ure) degrees, credentials, awards, and decorations.
The cult(ural) induction of reflexive obedience and compliance –or consensual complicity– among the general non-ruling masses has a direct reciprocal repercussion (sustaining and reinforcing complicity with narratives, decrees, rules and laws of the psychopathic axis of ruling authorities). It leads to most people's self-sabotaging tendency to reflexively (i.e., unthinkingly) reject and distrust non-authorities or unofficial authorities, and unauthorized narratives and information –the recurring “automatic” (unthinking) self-imprisonment in the cult(ural) bubble of madness or “ship of fools” [335].
It is the commonplace standardized parade of a “confirmation bias” towards normalcy (i.e., a “normalcy bias”) in a societal or global “circular system of institutional validation” [458] –and, conversely and concurrently, a “rejection bias” towards non-normalcy [458]. This unfolding of vacuous, knee-jerk-type, robot-like culture conservation –or, rather, cult preservation or cult perpetuation (i.e., the safeguard and continuity of the existing “normal” social order and its values, aims, and narratives)– is long known in sociology as “system justification” [45].
The continual crime against humanity with the “war on nutritional supplements”, using manipulation, deception, and coercion, unearths that psychopaths are at work –that monopolistic psychopathic plutocrats are in domineering positions of authoritative power [68,69,71,72,74-77,151,227,234,290-293]. Because committing repeated crimes against humanity (inhumane unethical crimes of epic scales), engaging in compulsive deception, and chronic manipulation –all of which are manifestations of people without a conscience culminating in a lack of compassion and empathy– typify major behavioral traits of psychopaths [65-70,73,75,77,143,152].
A real-life example of this astounding inhumanity due to a primary trait of psychopaths, a profound absence of conscience (ergo, zero true compassion), during the current global Covid-19 coronavirus health “crisis” is the psychopathic state-medical power bureaucracy's denial and repression of the “compassionate use” of non-toxic effective inexpensive vitamin C for the Covid-19 coronavirus [153].
It is the sort of typical absurd inexcusable real-world atrocities of the psychopathic authorities-in-power the sharp Henry L. Mencken, (1880-1956), formed the following conclusion from. And which is indicative of the true nature of, and intent with, the authorized Covid-19 “pro-vax mania”, the Concocted Covid Menace, the Contrived Holocaustal Covid-19 Pandemic Of Terror, the Staged Covid Fear-Mongering Kabuki, the Organized Virulent Covid Propaganda Pandemic, the Cleverly Doctored Covid PanicDemic Psyop (=a “Psychological Operation” involving governmental, medical, military, and intelligence agencies [84,221,405,434], more inclusively it's what's been called by a former CIA operative the “Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academic-Think-Tank Complex” [402]; i.e., a global propaganda operation (“imperialist propaganda”) using a mind virus –a “magic virus” [317], or as some people pointed out a fictitious virus meaning a “novel” coronavirus as in a “novel”, a fictional story), deliberately presented and staged falsely as a humanity-dooming “Black Plague” type of threat [55,57,100,104,109,111,112,114,116,137,154,273,291,314,315,317,322,324,338,458]. Here now is Mencken:
“The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face [=a gaslighting plot by psychopaths-in-command] for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts.” [155] [explanation added]
Consistent with the sick nature of psychopaths, the transnational psychopathic government-allopathic medicine mobster posse has in the past also cancelled the “compassionate use” of other non-toxic and highly effective treatments of unofficial medicine (“forbidden medicine”) [36] –highlighting another historical pattern that verifies the historical governance bypsychopaths [457].
Unconscientious inhumane ACTIONS and PRACTICES when conscientious humane ACTIONS and PRACTICES are called for (i.e., “doing the right thing”, which above all means doing no harm) reveal the ACTIONS and PRACTICES –thus, the real-life presence (REALITY)– of clinical psychopaths [65-77,143,151,152,457].
Aptly, in the 19th century psychopathy had been described as “moral insanity” [70,156].
Analogously, a leading contemporary scientist in the study of psychopathy referred to a psychopath as a person “without a soul” [66].
Indeed, the word “psychopathy” literally means “soul sickness”.
“The true miracle of modern medicine [=the allopathic “official medicine” business] is diabolical. It consists in making not only individuals but whole populations survive on inhumanly low levels of personal health.” (Ivan Illich, 1926-2002, Austrian Social Critic & Author, in 1975 [337]) [explanation & emphasis added]
"The great majority of scientists have faithfully set up camp in the fields of the multinational corporations [e.g., the monopolistic pharma-allopathic medical business], and in many of the skirmishes between the powerful and the powerless, they have stolidly sided with power, showing themselves to be more interested in the pursuit of profit than in the public good." (Martin Walker, Independent British Health Researcher & Author, in 2011 [33]) [explanation added]
“The American Medical Association [representing official authorized “conventional medicine”, the state-allopathy medical monopoly establishment] was founded in 1847 to promote “scientific” allopathic medicine, and to suppress the practice of homeopathy, empirical medicine, herbalism, etc [representing unofficial unauthorized “unconventional medicine”].” (Ray Peat, PhD, 1936-2022, US Biologist, Painter, And Author, in 2021 [318]) [explanations & emphasis added]
“Here [with the organized suppression and destruction of genuinely valuable unconventional medical remedies and treatments by the psychopathic government-corporate medical establishment] a common pattern emerges. The [psychopathic] authority figures first recognize and thus acknowledge the value of the discovery. Next, they try to separate the innovator from his discovery, to essentially steal it, usually with a profit-motive in mind. And finally, without fail, they pursue a no-holds-barred course to destroy the discoverer. This, ladies and gentlemen, is evil.” (Julian Whitaker, MD, US Physician, in his 'Introduction' of Dan Haley's book “Politics In Healing”, 2000 [36]) [explanations & emphasis added]
Over time the recurrent violation or eradication of humaneness and morality invariably leads to, and ends with, the deletion of life –all life. Because over time the recurrent violation or eradication of humaneness and morality is the steadfast creation and establishment of inhumaneness and immorality –the destructive domination of evilness (psychopathy), the jurisdiction of an anti-life “dark force”.
Therefore, perpetual, and ongoing, acts of violations of humaneness and morality inform us that psychopaths (and their liaisons, frontmen, agents, and operators) are bustling –and are in authoritative positions of differential control.
In terms of the history of official medicine (the traditional medical allopathy), some statements by one of its members, Lewis Thomas, MD, (1913-1993), a former president of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and a former director of Squibb Pharmaceuticals, are instructive in that regard:
"The history of medicine [=official allopathic medicine] has never been a particularly attractive subject in medical education, and one reason for this is that it is so deplorable a story. [...]. It is hard to conceive of a less scientific enterprise among human endeavors. [...]. It was, in retrospect, the most frivolous and irresponsible kind of human experimentation [“was” and still IS because it's ONGOING with the YEARLY staggering medical mass murder caused by properly used medical interventions [43,147] AND the current highly destructive human experimentation with official EXPERIMENTAL (=basically untested) Covid-19 vaccines –ALL recurrent violations of humaneness and morality] [...]. It is astounding that the profession survived so long, and got away with so much with so little outcry. Almost everyone seems to have been taken in. Evidently one had to be a born skeptic [...] to see through the old nonsense [=the everyday medical lies/propaganda of what they PROCLAIM to the public they are and do versus what the true reality is] [...]. Most people were convinced of the magical powers of medicine and put up with it. Medicine was, in truth, a kind of superstition [=a kind of delusion]." [336]) [emphasis & explanations added]
Most psychopaths –especially professional psychopaths (corporate psychopaths) who are ruling and controlling big organizations, institutions, nations, or the world– have characteristically a long history of destruction, which they try to muddle, whitewash, or cover up [65-70,74,143,151,152,337,457].
Predictably, the perpetual ongoing organized tyranny against vitamin C therapy –and nutritional supplements in general– which are recurrent violations of humaneness and morality, follows a broader trajectory of wicked suppression and evil-doing by the psychopathic medical power super-structure.
A carefully coordinated orchestrated plan by organized ethically bankrupt allopathic conventional medicine, in collaboration with national governments, against safe effective treatments, remedies, and healing modalities of non-mainstream medicine (“unorthodox medicine”, “unconventional medicine”, “complementary medicine”, “alternative medicine”, holistic medicine, unofficial applied medicine) in general has been in place for over a century –unbeknownst to most of the public [28-36,38,40].
As alluded to, James Carter, MD, stated it succinctly 3 decades ago, and which still applies today:
"The American public has no idea how politics secretly controls the practice of medicine." (James P. Carter, MD, in 1992 [30]) [emphasis added]
This longstanding criminal holocaustal war on unconventional medicine by the official unscrupulous psychopathic fascist government-medical industry complex has caused a tremendous amount of unnecessary suffering and the premature deaths of TENS OF MILLIONS of people during that time period [28-36,38,40,58]. Keep firmly in mind these legitimate facts are not merely words and symbols on a medium of communication but that they authentically represent real people.
Again, what real-world brand of grand criminalities and inhumane atrocities [e.g., 453-456] does it take for the general public to recognize and acknowledge –i.e., wake up to the real fact (true reality) right in front of their inert self-absorbed surrendering noses (see aforecited Hegel's/Orwell's “nose” quotes)– that a leading clique of evil soulless psychopaths (a minority class of ultra-wealthy elite scoundrels) is ruling, controlling, exploiting, disempowering, or otherwise seriously harming them?
And once more, Nobel Prize Victor Albert Einstein, PhD, (1879–1955), taught the following a century ago:
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” [150]
This reality-certified medical holocaust is the symptomatic monstrous work of profit-and-control-above-all-else staggeringly criminal grandiose psychopaths-in-power who are excellent compulsive liars and pathological manipulators [65-71,73-77,143,151,152,457] due to a “stunning lack of conscience” [66] which, as mentioned earlier, spawns and facilitates acts and activities of extreme immorality (e.g., crimes against humanity).
This criminal callous inhumane war on unconventional medicine is an officially unaccounted and unacknowledged, silent, concealed, sequestered, “invisibilized” –albeit real– holocaust of astronomical proportions committed by the official leading transnational state-medical politicians-in-control (the global public allopathic diseasecare cartel), and their myriad of partaking lackeys (establishment marionettes), “astroturfers”, and hirelings [28-36,38,40,49-51,58,157].
Being unaccountable for wrongdoing (or, in some instances, denying it ever happened) is another principal clinical attribute of the personality of psychopaths [65-71,74,75,151,152]. An immoral mode of action, or inaction rather, witnessed also, for instance, in the psychopathic state-medical overseers' stark absence of rescinding and retracting the verified misinformation and disinformation on vitamin C against cancer, standing since the 1970s [86,92,142]. An unethical erosive non-scientific practice that, too, is not an outlier or fluke with the government-colluding allopathic medical industrial complex [158].
And this hidden officially “non-existing” invisibilized medical holocaust with the war on unorthodox medicine –a taboo holocaust– occurring right in front of the general public's complacent indifferent non-acting “see no evil” noses (see aforecited Hegel's/Orwell's “nose” quotes) and representing a massive amoral unaccountable crime against humanity, is silently ongoing [49-51,58,148,149,159].
In reality, to reiterate, the clandestine politics-controlled “practice of medicine” causes hulking genocidal harm, rendering the allopathic medical profession's nominal propagation of “first, do no harm” meaningless and mischievously farcical. As a matter of fact, as alluded to, it signifies another gaslighting reality reversal (truth inversion) fabricated by the governing state-medical bureaucrats-in-charge. Again, it is the standard LABEL of integrity versus the standard PRACTICE of non-integrity by allopathic medicine.
Longstanding high-minded words and convincing rhetoric are only authentic and meaningful if they're backed by –that is, in alignment with– consistent right actions and practices. If not, then they're merely empty promises and unethically deceptive lies.
Longstanding unethical inhumane medicine by the actuality of behavior (i.e., PRACTICES, ACTIONS), nullifying the allopathy's longstanding WORDY framework of ethics, is authenticated morally insane medicine –psychopathic medicine [6,12,13,28-36,38-40,42-45,47-53,55,56,58-63,112,137,139,250,273,337,338,419-421,433].
Roughly a year after the original publication of the book-size thesis you're reading an open-minded, integrative, allopathic physician with 40 years of experience sent me a personal message after this medical individual had pored over my treatise. This doctor got suspended and expelled from the medical profession, like a number of extremely few other regular doctors with some real ethics and a skeptical mentality, because of merely questioning “the official Corona narrative” (and who wants to remain anonymous due to the personal attacks and persecutions by the official medical tyranny syndicate). Their inhumane, subjugating, authoritarian ACTIVITIES annul and wipe out their professionally-crafted lofty RHETORICS –their polished comforting COMMUNICATORY assurances of being committed to the scientific process, “the scientific method”, and to real ethics and humanitarianism.
Their reality-verified tyrannical ACTIONS glaringly expose the true nature of their bedazzling virtuous TALK, heart-warming noble CLAIMS, and saintly verbose PROMISES: they are hyperbole, lies and deceptions, which are copiously, continually, and repeatedly “hammered” into the individual minds of the populace from cradle to grave (programing the human machines) by the transnational allopathic medical mafia business [6,12,13,28-36,38-40,42-45,47-53,55,56,58-63,112,137,139,250,273,337,338,419-421,433]. This salesmanship game of “smoke and mirrors”, this pathological charade, this pretense subterfuge, this posturing with a mask of reality –that chart stereotypical behaviors of psychopaths [65-71,151,216]– is modeled after the ever-useful perception-is-reality bluff. Here is part of what this doctors said in the message I got:
“I agree with your opinions that the major controlling institutions in the world, particularly the medical institutions, are psychopathic. [...].” (Personal Correspondence, 1-Aug-2022)
It is exactly because pathological psychopaths are hollow of genuine ethics and highly deceitful master manipulators, subverters, and brazen liars –because they wear a “CONVINCING MASK of sanity”– experts in the science of psychopathy have realized decades ago that the only reliable objective evidence demonstrating and exposing the psychopaths' operational presence is their behavior, practices, actions, and activities, alongside affective symptoms [69,151].
In fact, a pioneering clinical expert on the psychopathic personality who was well acquainted with the extremely vast social damage psychopaths cause through their behavioral activities explicitly emphasized:
“We must, let it never be forgotten, judge a man by his actions rather than by his words.” (Hervey Cleckley, MD, 1903-1984, US Psychiatrist, in 1976 [151])
The inhumane systemic global ban of vitamin C (and other orthomolecular remedies; e.g., see vitamin D and Covid-19 [113,159]) for the treatment of Covid-19 coronavirus and the fierce suppression of its advocators by official psychopathic medicine is essentially, and in part, an extension (one out of many) of their perpetual historical genocidal program against non-allopathy medicine through ACTIONS and PRACTICES.
Once more, what real-world brand of grand criminalities and inhumane atrocities (such as crimes against humanity) [e.g., 453-456] does it take for the general public to recognize and acknowledge –i.e., wake up to the real fact (true reality) right in front of their apathetic non-learning non-acting noses (see aforecited Hegel's/Orwell's “nose” quotes)– that a mecca of morally deficient psychopaths (a political oligarchy of mega-rich elite criminals) is ruling, controlling, exploiting, disempowering, or otherwise seriously harming them?
And again, Nobelist Albert Einstein, PhD, (1879–1955), taught the following a century ago:
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” [150]
The fact that the dominant psychopathic order pretends this and other atrocious holocaustal inhumanities (crimes against humanity) don't exist, or are not permissible to exist (they are forbidden thoughts, thought crimes, taboos), or tries to make its population believe they don't exist (they are invisibilized atrocities, invisibilized genocides) [160,161,348,403,453,454], is also one out of many psychopathic gaslighting truth inversions (turning reality upside-down) going on right in front of –or ABOVE [55,162-164]– the general public's self-contented lackadaisical unconcerned credulous noses (see aforecited Hegel's/Orwell's “nose” quotes).
This deceptive behavioral trait of psychopaths, inducing an inverted reality in other people through manipulation of their perception –limiting, biasing, and twisting their perceptual field, thus, their full and proper cognitive-emotive understanding of the veritable reality [65-69,151]– is now in full bloom during the Rigged
Make-Believe Covid-19 “Pandemic”, a premeditated global mass murder operation, a holocaustal crime against humanity [53-55,57,59,61-64,84,94-137,165,172,209,291,293,306,316-322,324-326,338].
The easy recognition of the global HOLOCAUSTAL atrocity and deliberate criminality of the official supremely felonious Covid-19 Ploy, the “Covid-19 Coronavirus” Apocalypse, seeps through excruciatingly in a statement by Angelo Codevilla, PhD, an Italian-US political scientist, as much of these (and related) repercussions also applied –or still apply– in lots of countries around the world:
“The U.S. authorities, the “experts,” the [psychopathic] ruling class, chose to do precisely the opposite [of what should have been done in the case of the Covid-19 Coronavirus “Pandemic”]. They “locked down” a general population that is at virtually no risk, thereby delaying the virus’s spread to people it could not harm and whose infection would build herd immunity. Keeping millions of people indoors also worsened their health. Keeping people from interacting and working normally wrecked economic and social life. Worst of all, these authorities, these experts, transferred elderly persons known to be infected with the virus into nursing homes [naturally infecting many other susceptible high-risk elderly people]. […]. That is what happened, and it is perverse. It deserves punishment. Doubly so because of the cruelty [typical of pathological psychopaths] with which it was done. As known virus carriers and unscreened persons were moved in, as the contagion raged, the debilitated, powerless inmates were prohibited visits from their families. These, being nearly all uninfected, would have posed no danger. Had the families been allowed to visit, they might have become aware of what was happening. As it was, they were powerless to save these innocents who, without advocates, were effectively condemned.” [112] [explanations added]
Yet many, and very probably most if not nearly all, naive “bright” people believe –such as willfully sleeping mainline scientists, mainstream doctors, and other officially credentialed folks [120] (see upcoming entry on “Valery Legasov”), even after 3 years into the planned genocidal mega crime [381]– that this choreographed allopathic Big Pharma, military intelligence-mediated PsyOp [84,221,405,434,458] coined “Covid-19” is a case of grave officialdom incompetence (i.e., “mistakes were made”) or a case of unfortunate unintended coincidence instead of a case of cold-blooded malicious intentionality, exposing these individuals' dangerous DELUSIONAL mentalities. This most common variety of believers, the vast majority of the masses, are what has been rightfully dubbed “coincidence theorists” (i.e., they are delusionists).
In the ongoing prolongation of these holocaustal crimes, the censorship or obfuscation of truthful critical facts about experimental so-called Covid-19 vaccines, the disfigurement of real facts about the safety and efficacy of experimental so-called Covid vaccinations [451] (i.e., various “Covid-19 lies”), the official bald propaganda to get preferably every person on earth inoculated with an experimental so-called Covid-19 coronavirus vaccine (or several of them), and the various illegitimate ways to push, bribe, and coerce people to comply with this official illegitimate vaccination program (i.e, an inhumane criminal epic human experiment) are in direct violation of the “Nuremberg Code” [166,167,251], a set of humane moral rules to prevent the occurrence of governmental-scientific-medical inhumanities (i.e., crimes against humanity) such as the Authorized Fraudulent Covid Holocaust, a premeditated people extermination spectacle [53-55,57,59,61-64,84,94-137,165,172,209,291,293,316-322,324,338].
What other glowing ultimate proof does it take for anyone anywhere to recognize that the completely criminal Covid-19 PsyOp (the “CoVax Operation”) –a cognitive vista-control project of monumental manipulations, monumental deceptions, and monumental lies– is a holocaustal program AGAINST populations around the world?
What other sparkling ultimate proof does it take for anyone anywhere to recognize that authentic predatory human psychopaths are in positions of power and control around the globe?
What other flashing ultimate proof does it take for anyone anywhere to recognize that authentic predatory human psychopaths holding global control over populations cannot be meaningfully defeated across the board through any legal avenues or other conventional ways? Approximately two years after I wrote and published that prognostic statement in 2021, we have evidence of this global legal nihilism [411,445], another firm clue that global tyranny by psychopaths is an objective reality (and has long been exactly that).
"We shifted to measuring growth [="progress"] not in terms of how life is enriched but in terms of how life is destroyed." (Vandana Shiva, PhD, Indian Physicist, Author & Environmental Activist, in 2019 [296]) [explanation added]
“An individual has not begun to live until he can rise above the narrow horizons of his particular individualistic concerns [=the megamajority of “civilized” people's self-imposed self-serving myopic state of ignorant “blissful happiness”] to the broader concerns of all humanity. And this is one of the big problems of life, that so many people never quite get to the point of rising above self. And so they end up the tragic victims of self-centeredness.” (Martin Luther King, Jr., 1929-1968, US Human Rights Activist, in 1957 [168]) [explanation added]
"The past is not dead; it is people who are sleeping." (Edward Curtin, US Sociologist, in 2018 [169])
Politics are, per one definition, “political activities characterized by artful and OFTEN DISHONEST PRACTICES” [170] [emphasis added]. Dishonest political practices are used to obtain and maintain differential positions of power or control, such as in a business or a fascist state-business matrix (e.g., transnational government-colluding allopathic corporate medicine [6,12,13,28-64,250]).
James Carter, MD, illustrated (in the quotation cited earlier) and documented [30], along with many others [28,29,31-36,38,40,42-44,49-53,55,56,58,62,63,86-91,250], that in contemporary times, the 20th and 21st centuries, the practice of transnational official allopathic medicine has been secretly dominated by politics.
Unsurprisingly, this uncivilized Machiavellian POLITICAL state of affairs had also already been well present in “official” medicine (i.e., allopathic industrialized medicine) in the 19th century [29]. Here's a corroborating statement by a 19th century allopath who was not “asleep” or just uncommonly genuinely honest:
"It is my candid opinion, and that opinion has not been formed hastily, that nine-tenths of all the medical practice of the nineteenth century [...] is not based on scientific principles, or benevolence and truth, but on cupidity, avarice, and a desire for fame, on the one part, and ignorance and misplaced confidence, on the other. Remove these pillars, and the gilded temple called medical science, that medical authors have been propping up for four thousand years [...] would fall to the ground with as much certainty as did the edifice from which Samson, with giant’s strength, removed the pillars." (Benjamin Colby, Jr., MD, 1815-1886, in 1846 [171]) [emphasis added]
In other words, from its historical inception to today, mainstream organized medicine (the transnational authorized state-backed allopathic medicine monopoly) has been and is a SEAMLESS huge criminal business of reality-verified psychopaths whose CONTINUOUS HEARTLESS PRIORITY is THEIR PROFITS, STATUS, AND CONTROL over OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVES [28-36,38,40,42-44,47-53,55-58,61-64,116,131,132,134,135,172,250,338].
When, of course, it should and would be the other way around in a HEALTHY, SANE world not dominated and cannibalized by pathological elite psychopaths (i.e., predatory master manipulators) with their aberrant concepts, psychopathic mentalities, and psychopathic values as conspicuously implied in this statement:
“There are only 3 important questions when evaluating a potential treatment. Does it work? What are the adverse effects? How much does it cost? Ideally, issues such as the theory underlying the treatment or the guild to which the proponents of the treatment belong should be irrelevant to the fundamental questions of efficacy, toxicity, and cost. The history of the response of academic medicine to micronutrient supplementation [=the use of vitamin supplements] suggests that we have not attained that ideal.” (James S. Goodwin, MD & Michael R. Tangum, MD, in 1998 [87]) [explanation added]
As anticipated, psychopathic aspirations, traits, and language have all been conditioned, normalized, naturalized, standardized, and institutionalized globally (an insidious process called “ponerization” [65]). Pathology, unhealthiness, and abnormality have been made to embrace by everyone as “normal”. And heaps of people have adopted attributes of the controlling psychopathic predators [39,65,66,68,69,75,156,173,227,234,290-292,340,457,458], and have been justifying these warped perceptions and toxic lifestyles to themselves and others in a sublime numbness of collective uniformity. The stages of psychopathy normalization (evilness standardization or madness naturalization) have even reached and expanded to the “civilized” sick insane North American cult(ure)'s “glamorization of the psychopath” [267] –the lunatic cult(ure)'s elevation and celebration of “psychopaths as heroes” [418].
In lockstep with this fateful process of psychopathy standardization (evilness normalization, insanity naturalization), opposite traits –attributes of humaneness such as integrity, character, morality, honesty, truthfulness, caring, courage, accountability and responsibility– have steadily declined as they're the enemies of the global psychopathic fabric.
With the global conditioning, normalization, and institutionalization of psychopathy –such as psychopathic ideologies, values, mindsets, lexicons, etiquettes, and mannerisms (i.e., “the psychopathy of the ruling class becomes the dominant mental disorder” [457])– comes consequently the global naturalization of psychopathic deeds: crimes against humanity, including taboo holocausts (invisibilized holocausts, “invisible” holocausts, invisibilized evilness). The normalization and exponentiation of a world of, by, and for psychopaths [39,65,66,68-70,74-77,79,82,151,156,173-178,227,234,289-293,457]. Unsurprisingly, this reality has then been also very distinctly manifested during the Global Holocaustal Covid-19 Mega Crime [411,445,457].
Understandably, the systemic coordinated world-wide suppression of all kinds of inexpensive safe and effective remedies for Covid-19 (whether unpatentable inexpensive vitamins, such as vitamin C or vitamin D3, and other natural substances [113,159,179,180], or patent-expired inexpensive pharma drugs [112,137]) via the official technocratic censorship machine of this nasty serial ilk of profit-and-control-above-all-else psychopathic bandits-in-charge is yet another heinous incarnation of this psychopathy-characteristic nonstop historical precedent of committing HOLOCAUSTAL profits-over-lives crimes against humanity [53,58,110,159,172,180-189].
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is thought control. Controlling what you can or cannot know.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is dictatorship. Instructing and dictating what you're allowed to know or not.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is NON-science because it's the theft of truth from you. Ergo, the official non-scientific truth-thieves' modus operandi (e.g., the authorized Covid-19 memes and scripts of the official non-scientific medical “experts”) is the truth-stealing, evidence-biasing administration of authoritarianism, dogmatism, and despotism. That is, it is bogus science, pseudo-science, scientism (science as a dogmatic religion), cult science,
fraudulent fake science (“faux science”)– masked and sold to the public as official legitimate science (“mainstream science”).
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is a form of LYING by omission (because it's censorship by deliberate omission of genuine knowledge).
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is deception. The deliberate targeted trimming of truthful information out of your field of awareness creates a distorted false perceptual “reality”, a fictitious reality, a fake reality, a pseudo-reality, a pseudo-objectivity in place of what the whole objective reality is.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is the creation of public ignorance by hiding, ostracizing, and suppressing pertinent knowledge from the public. Such as about potentially life-saving, safe, and cheap Covid-19 therapeutics, like vitamin C.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is the disvaluation, disempowerment, and DEFRAUDING of the public because it creates a knowledge deficit in people, sabotaging and obscuring clear vision. Legitimate informed decision-making relies on adequate correct knowledge. Knowledge suppression or omission hampers and prevents that process.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is dislove for the public.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is IMMORALITY because it causes enormous harm to people.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is a form of slavery because of the destruction of freedom. The destruction of your freedom to learn and know helpful valuable truthful information –such as about potentially life-saving, safe, and cheap Covid-19 remedies, like vitamin C.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is anti-humaneness and anti-life.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is a crime against humanity. It is evil.
Systemic censorship and suppression of dissenting views, real facts and realities (unalloyed truth), and heretical voices and truth-spreaders is NEVER about protecting the public from false information (misinformation), malinformation, or disinformation.
Therefore, logically, such totalitarian anti-truth practices by the cancel culture are always implemented AGAINST the public to systemically protect and “perceptually validate” official lies and deceptions –i.e., the official conceptual transcripts, the authorized mental narratives– of the crooked ruling breed of psychopaths.
Censorship of vital true facts and genuine realities is ALWAYS proof of a real-life condition of rule and control by, of, and for psychopathic thugs in positions of authority.
The from-the-onset orchestrated systemic global censorship and suppression of many incontestable Covid-19 truths amounts to a HOLOCAUSTAL crime against humanity perpetrated by the psychopathic elite –the psychopathic soulless monsters.
In the extractive permanent “cult(urally) invisibilized” 2-class system of a ruling class or caste (a few “masters”, a “master class”, a “superior class”, an “elite class”, a “dictator class”) and a non-ruling class or caste (a mass of “slaves”, a “slave class”, an “inferior class”, a “nobody class”, an “exploited class”) –a form of social organization, a binary hierarchy of inequality and injustice (a dominance hierarchy, which is the characteristic “primate hierarchy”), a noxious unequal structure of control, the history and sociology of nations shows “civilized” “sophisticated” societies have been continuously “stuck” in since antiquity [39,82,143,174,178]– the real reason for wall-to-wall censorship and broad concealment of relevant facts and true realities is always the same:
"[...] the benighted self-interest of the self-appointed ruling class recognizes that objective reality is always a threat to their interests.” (Ray Peat, PhD, 1936-2022, US Biologist, Painter, And Author, in 2001 [190])
And when truth censorship, truth-teller suppression, ceaseless propaganda, and desperate bribery [191,327] –such as “paying kickbacks to compliant doctors” to solidify their criminal elective commitment to omerta (silence about the truth) [300,404,426], and even the bribery of the general public (blanket bribery or universal bribery) [315]– are not enough to maintain systemic (elective) ignorance about the authentic truth (objective reality, the “what is” or that which truly exists) and to maintain systemic (elective) public acquiescence with the interests, aims, and agendas of the “invisibly” governing psychopathic terrorists-in-control-and-power, they turn to coercion, subjugation, and violence –Dark Age savageries or mafiosi tactics [192,315,324,340].
For instance, if influential people, including cult(ure)-credentialed individuals, express cult(ure)-dissenting perspectives, angles, and interpretations orders are marshaled by the reality-verified unethical unfree undemocratic cult(ure) of terroristic psychopaths-in-global command (and their notarized “properly educated” unethical “scientific” minions) for such heretical persons to undergo a “re-education” or “re-training” of their unacceptable non-conforming frame of mind, to “re-adjust” their impermissible non-standardized mentality and to “cure” their critical disagreeable “thought disorder” [365] –their embodiment of “wrongthink”. These types of forced decrees call for such officially deemed “thought criminals” to get “disciplined”, “schooled”, and “taught” to only brainlessly repeat or robotically echo (like a parrot, monkey, or machine) the official propaganda scripts and remain in line with, and consent to, these authorized FAKE narratives or officially propagated “group think” narratives (i.e., reality-certified lies and deceptions; myths and delusions). This approved intimidatory process of mental programing –or forced psychological “re-programing” of “politically challenging” questioning human thinkers– is a classic hallmark of a totalitarian state or of an actual cult [253,254].
Or to take another example, in April of this year (2021), the leading psychopathic chiefs of the imperialistic US regime/US empire [21,114,161,175-177,235,292,310,340,403,418,457] began to enact a new gaslighting policy in the US called "The Covid-19 Consumer Protection Act”. It threatens healthcare practitioners –or anyone else– with steep fines for educating others on the applied science or the empirical reality of how safe effective inexpensive non-allopathic approaches (e.g., vitamin C, vitamin D3, other remedial orthomolecular substances, etc. [113,159,179,180], sometimes denigrated as “home remedies for Covid-19”) can help in the fight against Covid-19 because such educational activities allegedly, per their customary psychopathic “mask of sanity” language (i.e., “fakespeak”), “endanger consumers” [193].
It's the criminalization of dissent.
It's the criminalization of heretics.
It's the criminalization of non-compliant non-conforming people who rightly guide others to genuine life-saving realities. The dissemination of truths as a form of “thought crimes”.
It's the criminalization of “doing the right thing” (manifesting personal integrity).
It's the criminalization of humaneness.
Therefore, ultimately, it's the destruction of the public's ability to recognize discernible reality –the truth (what actually exists or is). A destruction of the personal freedom to move towards truth, objective reality.
The criminalization of truth.
The criminalization of authentic life (reality, realness).
Getting punished for ethically doing the right thing (the criminalization of morality) –standing up for, promoting, and sharing life-saving authentic realities (truths)– always demonstrates and proves that criminal, anti-truth, anti-reality, anti-life, primitive, crazy psychopaths (a.k.a “the elite”, a linguistic gaslighting euphemism) are in command.
It's proof of the lunacy and psychopathy of the visible and invisible controlling authorities.
In terms of ruling psychopath recognition, this dictatorial policy is another customary gaslighting scheme, of course (already given away by its disingenuous title), protecting the interests of the state-allopathy cartel of psychopaths and not the interests of the public (corresponding with their pragmatic historical record, see earlier segment). For instance, inexpensive effective safe Covid treatments logically do NOT “endanger consumers” but they endanger the controlling psychopathic state-medical fascists' inflated status of power and their astronomical profits with conspicuously harmful, nugatorily efficacious, experimental (=essentially untested) so-called Covid-19 coronavirus vaccines (i.e., “quackcines”) for everyone on the planet [53,128,130-132,145,146,251,273,285,286,308,309,316,318,321,323,324] and other hell-bent dark agendas behind their invisibilized Holocaustal Covid-19 Scam, their medical genocide camouflaged and masked as “The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic”, their orchestrated reality-verified “Pandemic Of Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries And Fatalities” (i.e., A Global Vaccine Genocide) [57,59,61,64,84,115,116,122-125,128,132-135,145,146,172,291,293,315-317,321,327,338,458].
Brian Shilhavy, a writer and health activist, coherently unpacked for everyone this criminal discombobulating absurdity of the official psychopathic medical mafia complex (i.e., the allopathic-governmental medical dictatorship), and that it's them –as usually– who greatly “endanger consumers” in the real world:
“When people in Europe started dying from fatal blood clots shortly after receiving experimental COVID injections last month (March, 2021), some countries began criminal investigations over the deaths, including Italy which launched a manslaughter investigation after several people died following the injections. Here in the U.S., as of this week, the CDC is stating that they have received 3,486 reports of people dying following the experimental COVID injections. So what is the U.S. Government’s response to all these deaths being reported? Are they investigating them to see if the pharmaceutical companies are acting criminally? No, last week the Department of Justice announced that they were going to start enforcing a new bill signed into law back in December by then President Donald Trump, which makes it illegal for anyone to promote non-pharmaceutical products as treatments for COVID-19. The law is called the “COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act.” The name is mislabeled, however, as it does not protect consumers from dangerous products that can harm or kill them, such as the experimental COVID “vaccines,” but it protects the pharmaceutical industry instead, by eliminating free speech for non-pharmaceutical remedies for COVID-19. This law really should be named the “COVID-19 Pharmaceutical Protection Act”.” [188]
Comparative medical data collected by health insurance companies, too,
lent veracity to the reality of outrageous harms caused by so-called Covid-19
coronavirus vaccines (i.e., the pandemic of corona vaccination) [345-347,389]. This health insurance company data unveils one of the characteristic or common Covid-19 vaccine side effects (a.k.a “serious adverse events”) –death.
And again, what real-world brand of grand criminalities and inhumane atrocities [e.g., 453-456] does it take for the general public to recognize and acknowledge –i.e., wake up to, and face, the real fact (objective reality) right in front of their docile indifferent snoozing noses (see aforecited Hegel's/Orwell's “nose” quotes)– that a bunch of evil psychopaths (a pack of affluent elite gangsters) is ruling, controlling, exploiting, disempowering, or otherwise seriously harming them?
And also again, Nobel Prize Winner Albert Einstein, PhD, (1879–1955), taught the following a century ago:
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” [150]
The ever more vicious official attacks on evidentiary Covid-19 truths and truth-bearers will continue, predictably, with the quest of the authoritarian ruling ilk of globalist psychopaths to advance their premeditated vaccine frenzy and its associated plans of theirs.
The fiercer the authorized murder of unvarnished truths about Covid-19 the less of these indisputable truths reaches the public. The more ignorant –thus, disempowered and neutered– people at large become and remain.
It indicates that within this caustic anti-truth environment of delusional-psychopathic tyranny it behooves everyone to urgently become a staunch ambassador and active spreader of the truth (objective reality).
Since the submittance of my unappreciated e-letter to the BMJ in early July of 2020 additional scientific papers and solid CLINICAL-EXPERIENTIAL evidence of the prophylactic-therapeutic usefulness of vitamin C (alone or in combination with other substances with medicinal effects) for Covid-19 got published despite the merciless oppression of this Covid therapy/preventative and its proponents by the inhumane psychopathic state-medical Inquisitors [179,182,183,185,194-199,262,263,287,288,323,443,444]. Or the unwillingness of doctrinaire major medical journals to publish that knowledge [182].
As Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, a holistic doctor and medical expert on vitamin C, explained in 2021:
“[...] vitamin C is the ultimate anti-pathogen agent […]. [...]. Properly-dosed and properly-administered vitamin C has been curing nearly all acute infectious diseases, especially viral ones, for over 80 years now. Many different articles have documented its benefits in this regard. Yet no current medical textbook [of Modern Dark Age psychopathic mainstream medicine] even mentions vitamin C as a potential or possible treatment for infectious diseases.” [58] [explanation added]
“Life –what's happening on this planet– is like a jigsaw puzzle that's thrown at someone in a dark room. The objective is to gather up as many pieces as you possibly can. Then bring them to a place of light where you can assemble them. And you don't need to gather every piece. You do need to gather most of the pieces if you're to see the larger picture to emerge.” (Mark Passio, US Spiritual Teacher, Anarchist, And Radio Host, in 2010 [200])
"[Everyone should] know and have an ever present consciousness that this is a world of fools and rogues, blind with superstition, tormented with envy, consumed with vanity, selfish, false, cruel, cursed with illusions –frothing mad!” (Ambrose Bierce, 1842-1914, US Journalist & Author [264]) [explanation & emphasis added]
“This world is not for freedom lovers, or truth tellers [but for conformists, cowards, slaves, controllers, rogues, liars, psychopaths, delusionists, psychotics, fools, fakes, ignoramuses, immoralists, emotional flatliners, and cult followers].” (Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD, Retired USAF Lieutenant Colonel, Farmer, And Writer, in 2019 [268]) [explanation added]
“You must face realities instead of
taking refuge in ignorance and evasion of truth. [...]. [...] mankind is
challenged, as it has never been challenged before, to prove its
maturity and its mastery –not of nature, but of itself. Therein lies our
hope and our destiny.” (Rachel Carson, 1907-1964, US Marine Biologist,
Environmentalist, And Author [284])
"People who have “murdered” their souls and choose to exist in a life of perception rather than reality
have become the greatest danger to a free society. People who lack the
fortitude and courage to seek truth and demand truth are the facilitators of tyranny. [...]. The truth no longer matters to soulless human beings." (Unknown) [emphasis added]
To constructively orient oneself –especially over the long haul– requires an accurate grasp (i.e., a correct diagnosis) of the nature and essence of the environment, the context, the culture, and the type of world, one lives in. The flipside of this blueprint is: one must “know the enemy” in order to be able to defeat it.
Adequate proper knowledge –i.e., sufficient good information– is necessary for that accurate understanding. Adequate correct knowledge –i.e., sufficient good information– instructs a matching perception of the true manifested reality (perception authentically aligns with objective reality).
“Adequate correct knowledge”, or being fully “awake and aware”, about what world we live in requires the recognition and authentic understanding of the entire depth of the rabbit hole –not just of a low level depth or a mediocre level depth (i.e., a misdirecting “surface understanding”).
And throughout most (if not all) of “civilized” human history, the real-world rabbit hole has been and still is extremely deep and dark as just a single confessional statement by a former FBI director of the genocidal US empire, J. Edgar Hoover, (1895-1972) unveiled –despite of, or because of, his contextual confession's selective misdirecting nature...
“[...] the individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” [435]
“Psychopathic empire-building”
has been occurring for millennia in the history of “civilized” humans -including in present times [457].
As a rule, someone's lucidity and sanity correlates with someone's proper understanding of the level of depth of the whole rabbit hole.
To properly perceive, to see, and live in the light (truth, objective reality, what actually exists or is) one must open one's eyes and keep them open habitually and predominantly –or darkness (untruth) will inevitably dominate.
Paul Rosenberg, an American culture critic and author, and who's well aware that gaslighting psychopathic elitists, alpha psychopaths, or super psychopaths, run the world, pointed out in 2014 that:
"Governments, like all hierarchies, are havens for sociopaths [=psychopaths]. [...]. I’m trying to think of any single thing that would eliminate human suffering better than sociopath recognition, and I’m not coming up with much." [73] [explanation added]
Along this line, in 2021 an aforecited British writer posed a question I'd argue is one of the most crucial ones for humankind to most urgently and most pro-actively tackle (a serious notion which had been raised by clinical scholars of psychopathy decades prior [e.g., 151]):
“The most important question might be something like, 'how do we disempower sociopaths [=psychopaths] and establish a humane world?'” (Tim Foyle [201]) [explanation added]
The efficacious authentic disempowerment of the parasitical ruling sect of corporate psychopaths is most critical for the sake of life anywhere. Because the predatory psychopaths' pragmatic anti-life orientation or anti-life consciousness has, too, long been known in the scientific literature on psychopathy [65,66,151,457]. But the faculty of logic or mere “common sense” alone, based on observations of the natural world or wildlife, unravels this incontestable existential reality because predators are, by their very nature, THRIVING-ON-DEATH creatures.
Transnational cultural institutions that exhibit this deleterious practical attitude are mainstream commercialized science (the scientific theocracy) and allopathic psychopathic medicine (the official, government-colluding, medical monopoly enterprise) [6,12,13,28-64,250,273].
As the bright American biologist Ray Peat, PhD, (1936-2022), stated in May of 2021:
““Science”,” especially medical science, has become life's greatest danger, when its goal has become the empowerment of “artificial intelligence,” centralizing control, institutionalizing the reductionist view of knowledge, and displacing actual intelligence.” [139]
Most people cannot, or don't want to, fathom how anyone could orchestrate all the crime-against-humanity and crimes-against-life monstrosities the psychopathic ruling hegemonic minority routinely engages in –therefore, they automatically reject any such notion by anyone (thereby further disempowering themselves). IF the public at large had a good informational grip on the theme of psychopathy all of these organized obscene horrors would make sense, or start making sense. Then they can readily imagine the formerly unimaginable –unless they do not want to imagine it (i.e., face it) by self-servingly evading into willful blindness.
So, to confront the most pressing endeavors formulated in the two psychopathy citations above is FOR EVERYONE TO MAKE GENUINE PERSONAL EFFORTS to obtain a GOOD understanding of psychopaths (currently most people have vast misconceptions about them; the dedicated perusal of the following citations is a solid foundation to remedy this personal disadvantageous condition [65-80,457]) because ruthless psychopaths have permeated and control the global landscape [65-70,73-77,151,227,234,290-292,340,457].
Here's an example of the widespread famine of proper knowledge about psychopaths –a misinformed state of the public at large about this most destructive “personality disorder”. Most psychopaths are not visibly abnormal insane people (e.g., many, if not most, psychopaths are not physically violent) [66-68,151,274,275,352] as the psychopathic cult-ure (e.g., its entertainment industry, such as with Hollywood movies [274]) has falsely and intentionally brainwashed the general public to associate the term “psychopaths” with, training our presumptions and programing our expectations of what a “psychopath” is supposed to be –or is not supposed to be. Or how this immoral mainstream entertainment business has romanticized psychopaths as some charming cool clever sly mysterious characters to be admired [332] –the idolization and idealization of psychopathy [267]– as part of the long-ongoing cult(ural) effort and process of the normalization of evilness [39,65,66,68,69,75,156,173,227,234,290-292,457].
Most psychopaths are invisibly abnormal insane persons because they're hiding behind a convincing mask of normality and sanity as exploitative destructive anti-life human stealth predators [66-68,151,274,275].
Or, most psychopaths are invisibly insane (covertly crazy) and not visibly insane (not overtly crazy).
Or, most precisely, the ruling cabal of plutocratic psychopaths –representative of a super-sized pink elephant in the room– are “invisibly” insane (“covertly” crazy) right in front of most people's willfully ignorant oblivious indifferent noses [276-278].
As one long-time psychopathy investigator taught over a decade ago:
“If there is any work that is deserving of full time efforts and devotion for the sake of helping humanity in this present dark time, it is the study of psychopathy and propagation of that information as far and wide as possible. For anyone who wants to really do something, let's get the knowledge of social pathogens out to the people, let's learn how to identify them first, and then we can decide how to proceed from there. […]. [...] identifying the psychopath, ceasing our interaction with them, cutting them off from our society, making ourselves unavailable to them as "food" or objects to be conned and used, is the single most effective strategy that we can play.” (Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Editor, Writer, And Author [69]) [emphasis added]
Such focused personal efforts lead to self-empowerment.
Then empower others by being a spreader (ideally: a super spreader) and teacher of this knowledge “far and wide” in the public interest everywhere –most preferably via non-mainstream channels. Anonymously or under a pseudonym if need be as illegitimate Draconian laws and environments force this step upon a heavily disempowered oppressed public [154,180,183,189].
This constitutes right action based on a right understand of the world we live in, a technocratic Dark Age of censorship –a psychopathic world, a seriously degenerate diseased world [39,65,66,68-70,74-77,79,82,85,151,156,173-178,221,227,234,289-293,310,340,419-421,455-458].
The master psychopaths' global control and dictatorship is established through the utilization of the most advanced modern technologies to stifle and perceptually erase truth. As a matter of fact, technology (“the dominant ideology” [202] or the “magical” religion of technology that's directing and structuring the dominant global cult-ure) –such as that used in the world-wide internet censorship of the truth about Covid-19, a coordinated global brutal censorship purge– has always been the visible psychopathic officials' and invisible psychopathic non-officials' prime utilitarian method to actualize and perfect their deceptions, attain greater control, and feed their pathological greed [42,45,66,69,178,202,203,227,231,234,266,289-291,294,317,356,382-388,454].
As noted above, in the modern “technologically advanced” psychopathic world extremely perverted practices, psychopathic “thinking”, and collective affective dwarfism are naturalized, normalized, institutionalized, and globalized. That is, they've long been the gaslit “new normal” reality unbeknownst to the general sleeping indifferent global public (virtually none of them ever ask themselves if any given “new normal” reality, past or current, is actually a healthy reality) [39,65,66,68,69,75,82,85,114,156,173,204,228,231,290,292,340,457,458]. In true non-gaslit reality, it has always been a successive conception and creation of “new abnormal” realities (inhumane sick realities). A process the self-indulgent cult(ure) views, labels, and brands as “progress”.
This progression of new abnormal states externally mirrors and manifests the organically defective, biologically diseased, physically abnormal brains and “emotional hearts” (i.e., the brain's limbic system) of the controlling authoritative psychopathic politicians and power players [65,66,68-70,72-75,77,151,152,156,205-207]. It is a psychophysiological hallmark of psychopaths. Psychopathy is not simply a “personality disorder” or “psychological disorder” or “mental disorder” –a defect of the psyche– but a set of tangible abnormalities of the physical brain.
Collective ignorance about the controlling psychopathic internationalists-in-power works in their favor.
Proper collective knowledge about the ruling psychopathic MASKeradors is their disadvantage. It is their weakness.
Hence, they've been –historically and naturally as nebulous predators– operating in secrecy, in stealth mode, cloaked, hidden, “invisibly”, like viruses [69].
WITH adequate proper knowledge about the controlling political complex of psychopaths their egregious activities, deceitful practices, absurd injustices, and recurring crimes against humanity will become (more) identifiable, apparent, and predictable. Consequently, these fanatical power-greedy psychopaths-in-control become less powerful and, thus, more defeatable as notably detoothed and disemboweled (disempowered) entities. A former unpredictable, “invisible” mask-wearing, UNCONQUERABLE enemy becomes more of a predictable, unmasked, CONQUERABLE enemy.
Being properly educated about psychopaths works in favor of populations across the planet. It is people empowerment [65].
This practice of authentic self-empowerment and others-empowerment –of every individual– is, or would be, a manifestation of seeing the light (truth) and living in the light by habitually and predominantly open one's eyes.
acquirement takes a personal pro-active effort because true education
is a dynamic responsive active
process [54]. Unlike indoctrination –such as the official “educational” system of the US and other ”highly civilized” nations of the modern Western world (or Westernized world)– which is (as
alluded to prior) a reflexive-automatic obedience and compliance-instilling rigid passive
process [55,81,85,176,208,210,311,339,448,457,458].
People's empowerment only occurs by people “DOING the right thing” consistently, which requires personal courage, efforts, and ethics. An intellectual acumen of a problem is only the beginning in the equation of manifesting constructive change. People's empowerment only ever happens in reality by people's ACTIONS –particularly COLLABORATIVE action (in unison, not in division among non-ruling people). Just as the controlling united psychopaths' empowerment happens by their collaborative actions –in conjunction with (artificially divided [69]) non-ruling people's habitual INactions, which always ends in people disempowerment.
The truth of things, that which actually exists or is, can (still) be found if one pro-actively seeks out the truth [55] –despite the spectacular magnitude of systemic censorship by the cancel world at current times, which illuminates that we live in a Modern Dark Age and not in a Modern Enlightened Age.
Doesn't the survival and prosperity of authentic truth, realness, and genuine humaneness absolutely require this personal responsibility –this personal duty, this personal moral duty– to truth education (education in, and to, true unalloyed reality)?
It is truth, realness, and humaneness that desperately need more members and ambassadors, not mendacity, fantasy, and psychopathy –for the sake of all planetary life.
Presumably, just about everyone with proper knowledge and understanding about psychopathy will swiftly recognize that, from the very beginning, the Holocaustal Covid-19 Hoax (“Coronafake”) is a well planned, determinedly executed, extremely destructive, fraudulent, Big Global Psychological Operation perpetrated by the leechlike trivial useless morally insane karmic psychopaths-in-power [53-55,57,59,61-64,75,84,94-137,165,172,209,291,293,303-309,315-327,338].
A concerted landmark psychological operation of people disempowerment.
Non-ruling people disempowerment.
Psychological warfare on the public.
The imperialistic ruling 1% of cleverest psychopaths' warfare against the non-ruling 99% of people at large (the rank-and-file public).
The one and only authentic eternal class war [143].
Well, at least on a “surface level” or myopic, human-centric level it appears that way or emerges in that fashion. In empirical actuality or from a more “cosmological”, non-myopic, non-human-centric vantage point, the one and only true and invisibilized eternal class war has been between human civilization and all the rest of planetary life (this appalling reality will be incontestably evident by the end of this special report).
The Genocidal Covid-19 Con is a calculated imperial campaign of public mind manipulation (global narrative control) –the manufacturing of collective paranoia, the “hysterization of society” [65]– to confuse, disorient, and make populations feel fearful and helpless using non-stop scare tactics and fear and terror propaganda [55,57,100,104,109,111,112,116,137,154,165,175-177,209,273,291,314]. It is the politics of fear porn [175,176].
And in this Notarized “Corona Tyranny” typical brainwashing methods (e.g., fear induction via fear campaigns, keeping victims unaware and uninformed, fostering a sense of helplessness, confusion, powerlessness, self-doubt, and authority dependency) used by authoritarian cults and tyrannical dictators [254], and known psychological torture techniques (e.g., isolation, which fosters obedience, delusional thinking [203], and the breakdown of one's identity [254]) [203,210-212], are applied concomitantly or sequentially in the form of scientifically spurious unconscionable granular “emergency measures”, such as social self-isolation (self-incarceration in one's home), lockdowns, curfews, and travel bans [59,99,111,112,114,119,120,137,165,291].
The “Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic” Swindle is a giant gaslighting endeavor to intentionally capture –thus, control (own)– everyone's mind to get everyone to “THINK” AND DO what's in the twisted self-interests of the control-addicted sick globalist psychopaths-in-command. (Keep in mind, many other lucrative medical interventions, apart from “vaccines tests” and “vaccinations”, such as regular screenings with mammography, are also routinely manipulatively peddled to the public via fear-mongering to attain public abidance with the business interests of the criminal medical allopathy [42,45,202]).
This rudimentary deviant objective and real external reality –that is, collective mind control (public mind colonization) by the “invisible” psychopathic controller class (the governing monopolistic oligarchs, the dictator class of psychopaths)– had been openly laid out and confirmed already over a century ago by former US President T. Woodrow Wilson, (1856-1924) [213].
Just a few years later, an establishment shill and apprentice (or “secondary psychopath” [70]) of the commanding psychopathic parasites [143,154,175] corroborated Wilson's account and explained openly –right in front of the general public's willfully complacent surrendering noses and which I now put there too, and many others had done so prior, again and again and again– how that profoundly degenerative system of control and its (in current times visibly [69] and) invisibly imposing psychopathic terrorists-in-power work:
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government [=the criminal clique of psychopaths-in-control] which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested [e.g., Wear a mask! Self-isolate! Vitamin C for Covid-19 does not work! There are no effective Covid treatments! Get Covid-19 vaccines! etc.], largely by men we have never heard of. [...]. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world. […]. Whatever of social importance is done today, whether in politics, finance, manufacture, agriculture, charity, education, or other fields, must be done with the help of propaganda. Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government [=the criminal clique of psychopaths-in-control]. […]. [Through propaganda] the invisible government [=the criminal clique of psychopaths-in-control] […] dictates our thoughts, directs our feelings and controls our actions [e.g., Wear a mask! Self-isolate! Vitamin C for Covid-19 does not work! There are no effective Covid treatments! Get Covid-19 vaccines! etc.]." (Edward Bernays, 1891–1995, The “Father Of Propaganda” & “Social Engineering”, in 1928 [214]) [explanations & emphasis added]
Two of the world's top experts on psychopathy, Robert Hare, PhD, and Paul Babiak, PhD, have in fact referred to a psychopath as “a near-perfect invisible human predator” and that they, “like chameleons, [...] can hide who they really are and mask their true intentions from their victims for extended periods” [68] –like human “snakes in suits” [68].
The two-prong Latin rooting meaning of the word “government” is “govern” or “steering” (gubernare) and “ment” (mens), referring to the mind [170] –“GovernMind”. Also known as mind control, mental programing, brainwashing, a war on consciousness (the control of consciousness), or cognitive warfare. More euphemistic, “politically convenient”, or “culturally sanitized” terms for “brainwashing” are “thought reform”, “psychological programing”, “coercive persuasion”, or “undue influence” [254].
As numerous scholarly individuals had pointed out [455,456], a “war on your mind” is “the name of the game” for “non-primitive” “non-savage” “free” human animals. Of course (and as broached earlier), in this mendacity-centered game –in this “information warfare” [221]– the prerogative of the domineering mind controllers is never to teach you “how to think” but “what to believe” (or “what to “think””) that principally serves them and their entourage. This constant war on the public mind –the gaslighting of the masses [455-458]– results in this general schemata (“Gestalt”): what you “know” is what you “think” you know –instead of what you actually know to be true. And the most dominant mind manipulators and mind strangulators get to “invisibly” or “covertly” control “what you “think” you know” –which is mostly comprised of their “faux-facts” (trivial facts, false facts, or distorted misleading facts) planted in you. And
which aid to establish a compliance in “thinking” to form the collective “sameness of thought” (group “think” or consensus “think”), “common knowledge” (standardized beliefs, herd narratives), and the mainstream cult(ure)'s “legitimate truths” (fake truths, fallacies, lies).
And who are the most assertive prevailing manipulative deceitful public mind engravers, mass mentality managers, and underclass cognition enslavers who get to “invisibly” or “covertly” control “what you “think” you know”?
Enter authoritative predatory pathological manipulators, control addicts and power fanatics –wizardly psychopaths [65-71,73-77,143,442,457].
Enter the most influential colony of psychopathic monopolists anywhere –“governminds” (governments).
Simply put, the real-life actuality of the official ruling order of psychopathic evilness is “hidden in broad daylight”, “hidden in plain sight”, right in front of everyone's “intelligent” “enlightened” nose –like a jumbo pink elephant in a tiny room. A certified truth that lives within us. Securely, cozily, and conveniently residing on everyone's tongue. And surfacing “invisibly” via everyone's daily use of cult(ure) language (“cult jargon”), like whenever we spawn cult(ural) words, such as “government” or “governments”.
“GovernMinds” (governments), meaning the gang of predatory “public mind-governing” moguls or the syndicate of (unelected) psychopathic governors, are about covert perception colonization and management, covert thought control, covert information control, covert affective control, and covert behavior control through “the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses” via their controlled conformity manufacturing factories –such as the dull education system and the virtually singular-voice mass media matrix (e.g., television, movies, video games, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, music records, the internet [273])– (mainly) for their interests, agendas, and purposes [69,83,85,109,154,176,177,203,204,210-215,227,234,266,290,291,314-317,348,442,454-458]. Which is virtually indistinguishable from the self-centered deceitful practices of the authoritarian leadership of a doctrinaire cult [253,254]. And which makes “governments” (i.e., “governminds”) a camouflaged genre of a monolithic corporate PR firm, an obscured “public relations” juggernaut, “silently” capturing, directing, and managing the public mentality (the “thinking” of the masses) –and, consequently, their emotions and behavior.
Government is coercive influence. Government is directorial interference –dictatorial interference with non-ruling individuals' modus operandi.
The etymological origin of “governments” (“GovernMinds”, the mass mind steerers) discloses governments true “hidden” principal political function as a coercive clandestine tool of dictatorial power, differential control, and mass exploitation (i.e., an organized crime syndicate, a mafia cadre) behind a fluffy “we care about you” fake patina (a MASK of principal public benevolence, a parody of “do-gooding” for the non-ruling plebs) [39,82,85,114,175-177,315,316,455,456].
Leo Tolstoy, (1828-1910), an awe-inspiring Russian novelist, heretic, truth-stater, and freethinker, certainly and clearly understood this –unlike most people throughout “civilized” history, including today– when he wrote well over a century ago:
“In order to obtain and hold power a man must love it. Thus the effort to get it is not likely to be coupled with goodness, but with the opposite qualities of pride, craft and cruelty. Without exalting self and abasing others, without hypocrisy, lying, prisons, fortresses, penalties, killing, no power can arise or hold its own.” [280]
“Official governments”, run by a ruling echelon of high-functioning predatory necrophilous psychopaths, have –de facto, verified by their practices– historically been the perennial biggest instruments to exploit, torture, kill, murder, or massacre “disposable” non-ruling commoners, civilians, and “nobodies” [39,69,82,85,114,143,157,160,161,175-178,210,214,226-228,230-235,265,290,292,310,340,348,403,453-457].
As natural predatory chameleons [68], “government” is the ruling hegemonic psychopaths' institutional, cultural, and societal MASK of sanity and normality –a crafty veneer of legitimacy– they are hiding behind and operating from.
“Governments” are the “friendly” psychopathic masks of monopolies of power and control. Because a monopoly is the centralization of power and control and is all about power and control –total control and total power [227,234,290,291,384]. Monopolies are dictatorships, highlighted by a differential power advantage. “Governments” are dictatorships in disguise –masked dictatorships [36,39,74,82,83,85,143,178,290,291,384]. Dictatorships of, by, and for psychopaths. Totalitarian dictatorships of, by, and for psychopaths and their entourage –psychopathocracies.
The recognition of “governments” as unaccountable dictatorial organizations, as “hidden” dictatorships –proved by their ACTIONS and ACTIVITIES in the form of systemic control apparati run by a plutocratic psychopathic minority [36,39,74,82,83,85,143,176,178,214,290,291,439,455-457]– discloses that the common mainstream narratives of democracies (e.g., “Western democracies”, “liberal democracy”, “open democracy”) or “republics” attached to many industrialized countries are mere misdirecting, limp, deceitful LABELS, MASKS, or WORDS.
Corporate monopolies (i.e., corporate dictatorships) –criminal organizations of complete control and power, such as “governments” [39,74,82,83,85,143,178,214]– are always set up and run by the worst psychopaths anywhere because monopoly creation to seize monopoly power and monopoly control [114,157,175,176,227,234,290,291,384,455,456] is a logical and natural outcome of the insatiable addiction to control, power, and privilege of superlative psychopaths [66].
As creations of alpha psychopaths (i.e., the "governmentors", the Governing Psychopaths Incorporated), these ruling monopolistic corporate oligarchic dictatorships (or corporatocracies, mafiacracies, pathocracies or psychopathocracies), such as “governments”, and their highly malignant psychopathy-based and psychopathy-fostering systems to pillage or destroy resources, people, and life on earth [65,143,156,175-178,210,225-228,230-235,290,291,301,348,455-457] are sold to non-ruling “informed” “educated” “knowing” “enlightened” “intelligent” populations (i.e., the classes of nobodies) across the world under various linguistic contortions (gaslighting names, false slogans, “feel-good” pretensions) –i.e., fakespeak (the official “invisible” language of mendacities, the authorized invisibilized language of lies), which the fantasy-addicted general underclasses devour– such as democracies, transparent open societies, populism, communism, socialism, ecomodernism, sustainable free-market capitalism or inclusive capitalism, and so forth [220,296,301].
For instance, do you really think that the egocentric grandiose psychopathic control freaks in power (the overclass) have any true interest or intent in establishing an authentic real democracy (=“rule by the public”, majority rule, popular sovereignty) anywhere, and ever had at any time in history, considering that they view –inherently as native megalomaniacs– the public (the underclass) as “deaf, dumb and blind” [239,240] AND who are as extreme psychopathic egomaniacs pathologically fanatical about, and pathologically addicted to, possessing control over others, holding power over others, along with their chronic upperclass psychosis or delusion of “rightfully” deserving to be privileged over others, the underclass [65-71,73-77,143,439,455-457]?
Nearly half a century ago the empirical reality of a non-democratic oligarchic world of plutocratic corporate dictators was even curated in a 1976 Hollywood movie:
“There is no America. There is no democracy. There is only IBM and ITT and AT&T and DuPont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon [and further along on this prevailing non-democratic wealth & power-consolidating pattern of a ruling corporatocracy or plutocratic psychopathocracy [175,176,227,234,290,384,456], i.e., currently, it's almost exclusively corporate Vanguard and Blackrock that “secretly” control much of the entire world [291]]. Those are the nations of the world today. [...]. We no longer live in a world of nations and ideologies [...]. The world is a college of corporations, inexorably determined by the immutable laws of business. The world is a business [...]. It has been since man crawled out of the slime.” [395] [explanation added]
Along the same thread but originating much earlier, Louis Brandeis, (1856-1941), a US Supreme Court Justice, too, unmasked the collective fantasy, myth, delusion, or lie of the true existence of a democracy in the “civilized” world controlled by a savage tribe of psychopathic plutocrats (i.e., he exposed the cult's pseudo-democracies):
“We can have a democratic society or we can have the concentration of great wealth in the hands of a few –but we can't have both.” [396]
The “civilized” psychopathic world –under the control of collective consciousness-controlling pathological psychopaths (brainwashing governments) [39,65,66,68-70,74-77,79,82,85,114,151,156,174-178,221,266,289,291-293,314,316]– is a conglomerate of ANTI-LIFE cultures because of the dominance and hegemony of this psychopathic battalion of mind-controlling social predators: they are preying on, manipulating, deceiving, controlling, exploiting, and destroying other people's lives.
An erudite woman with extensive knowledge about psychopathy explained this latent human plight:
“[...] the psychopath is a predator. If we think about the interactions of predators with their prey in the animal kingdom, we can come to some idea of what is behind the "mask of sanity" of the psychopath. Just as an animal predator will adopt all kinds of stealthy functions in order to stalk their prey, cut them out of the herd [=the psychopathic elite class' classic “divide and conquer” tactic of deceit [69,317]], get close to them, and reduce their resistance, so does the psychopath construct all kinds of elaborate camouflage composed of words and appearances –lies and manipulations– in order to “assimilate” their prey.” (Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Editor, Writer, And Author, in 2006 [216]) [explanation added]
Predatory psychopaths as natural schemers. Human wolves preying on human sheep. Ruling unified predatory psychopaths are natural conspirators against the endlessly and bountifully divided, fragmented, and disunited (thus, easily controlled) herd of non-ruling people.
This deeper discernment gained by looking through a prism of human animal biology places official deceitful manipulative language [456] (a.k.a “loaded language” [254] or “weaponized language” [105]) such as “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” –or most currently, “Covid-19 conspiracy theories” and “Covid-19 conspiracy theorists” and “Covid-19 misinformation” (or simply “misinformation”)– in a whole new valid light and bestows it with a new layer of reality-anchored authenticity and legitimacy.
Because that deliberately disparaging language is designed to mean for the public to NOT realize that the unacknowledged global mafia of ruling predatory psychopaths are indeed by psychopaths' very nature and, thus, inevitably and continually conspiring against them, and to NOT look into “unofficial” directions of event explanations –that is, to NOT “look behind the curtain” of officialdom story lines.
Designed to mean for the public to NOT carefully consider, explore, and pro-actively scrutinize unauthorized interpretative narratives and possibilities, such as oppositional or expansionary views.
Designed to mean for the public to NOT discover the truth (recall that earlier I referred to language as “a censor to control social perception”).
It is meant to trigger self-brainwashing. It is intended to make you stop thinking. It is meant to kill thinking for yourself –it is geared toward you to kill your own attempt of thinking (see prior section on “How do we “train the mind to think”, how do we use facts “as a basis for thought and criticism”, how do we educate ourselves?”).
It is anticipated to cue intellectual self-lockdown. It is purposed to trigger psychological self-incarceration –to keep yourself in your own mental prison. It is designed to induce self-censorship –a sly process of insidious persuasion or enticement to commit “cognitive suicide” (or rather mental-emotive suicide). It is a form of menticide (the Latin root words of it translate to 'the killing of one's mind' [170]).
Manipulative political language is deceitfully designed for the public to self-defeatingly disavow, reject, and denounce the real truth itself (by wrongly and gaslightingly associating and equating truth with a silly conspiracy to be disregarded and discarded).
As Herbert Hildebrandt remarked in the autumn of 2021:
“In a world of propaganda, the truth is always a conspiracy.” [302]
Ergo, applications of weaponized linguistics –unleashed at the non-ruling herd of people– are truth-killing maneuvers.
They are derailments of truth recognition by the masses via cooked-up shaming of “politically inconvenient” people using weaponized words (which is emotional intimidation, the manipulation of non-ruling ordinary people's emotions).
These official forms of political speech [283] aim at the manipulation of the public consciousness or the gaslighting of the public mentality.
They are tailored acts of disempowerment of non-ruling individuals.
A war on populations with loaded manipulating language.
Proof that truth-hostile psychopathic villains are at the helm.
The calculated application of weaponized vocabulary (for instance, a person's or group's targeted derogatory stigmatization with a “conspiracy” label) is thought control, information control, emotional control, and behavioral control at the mercy of official psychopathic ruling misleaders –exactly like in an oppressive cult environment [253,254].
Insofar as manipulatively used linguistic Covid terms such as “Covid-19 conspiracy theorist” or "domestic extremist" go, a closely related affectively weaponized lexicon slur to deceitfully mobilize, amplify, and polarize negative public emotions against legitimate (Covid-19) vaccine skeptics, vaccine dissidents, and vaccine eschewers is “anti-vaxxers”.
Similarly, the governmental-allopathic medical mob's slogan “vaccine hesitancy” is, of course, another glaring example of insolent manipulative language to try getting everyone of the non-ruling hordes to comply with what the directive psychopathic cult(ure) leadership wants them to do (i.e., these psychopathic dictators want global unthinking robotic “vaccine conformism” by the undercaste), and to facilitate stirring of animosity among the firmly manipulated happily ignorant comatose members of the masses against anyone who's not conforming with harmful absurd official cult(ure) orders.
A shared characteristic identification mark of psychopathic cults (such as human civilization) and organized religions is that they all perpetually teach, want, or demand “authority conformism” –never “truth conformism” or “reality conformism”– from their non-ruling members.
All of this contemptuous political phraseology with official manipulative fakespeak is meant to stigmatize a person as a revulsive lunatic. It is the psychopathic illegitimate authorities' deliberate gaslighting subterfuge of falsely diagnosing and public politicized labeling or “branding” someone rational as mentally ill [311].
Anthony J. Hall, PhD, a historian and professor emeritus of the university of Lethbridge, Canada, carved out this snide psychological mind trick played by the perfidious ruling echelon of psychopaths on the non-ruling populations' mentality and sentiments –with a major effect of generating division among the public (the traditional savage “divide & conquer” gambit of the predatory human master psychopaths [69,317], disempowering the herd):
“The minds of the vaccinated are being poisoned to hate the “unvaccinated,” or, worse yet, the “anti-vaxxers.” […]. On the basis of this form of psychological warfare, conditions are being created to justify the creation of a new class of lepers and untouchables.” [260]
The predominant presence of loaded language in a culture –systemically and deliberately manipulating people's hearts and minds (emotional control, thought control) in a cataclysmic manner– as it has long been the reality in “civilized” “advanced” “free” nations anywhere is the distinctive “culture” of an authoritarian intolerant closed cult [253,254], and not of a free-thinking tolerant open society. It is evidence of core sickness, and not evidence of core well-being.
In terms of “the psychopath constructs all kinds of elaborate camouflage composed of words and appearances –lies and manipulations” [216], the controlling ravaging elite/best psychopaths completely understand and know that most people easily succumb to the error-susceptible misleading concept (i.e., a half-truth, a fake concept) of “perception is reality” (or “belief is reality” or “ideas-about-reality” or “fantasy over reality” or “reputation is reality” or “appearance over substance” or “deception over reality”) [69,217,370,455,456].
The genuine whole truth is that perceptions are representations of reality. As such they may or may NOT be truthfully, accurately, and authentically mirror or represent actual objective reality (existing truth).
Perceptions are only accurate, true, and authentic if perceptions (or beliefs or worldviews) correspond and align with real objective reality (truth). If not, perceptions are false subjective subjectivities, misconceptions, deceptions, swindles, untruths, unrealities, disrealities, illusions of truth, masks of truth, camouflages, imaginary realities, plastic realities, “virtual realities” –delusions. And it does not change anything on the actual reality (truth) no matter how firmly, faithfully, continuously, or stubbornly someone holds on to false perceptions, wrong ideas, phantoms, fantasies, fake truths –delusions. Nor does a person's self-imposed cognitive erasure (self-censorship, intellectual suicide) of, or vehement disagreement with, the accurate perception of the real reality alter the pristine truth (objective reality).
When faced with genuine reality (truth), the resort to those irrational anti-truth, anti-realness practices only maintain such a person's ignorance or refusal of authentic reality, of actual truth. It means it only further bolsters a person's state of delusion –a person's state of madness.
Here are some examples of authorized artificial reality –i.e., disreality, an official perceptually invented false narrative (“The Great Narrative”), popularized cases of “perception is NOT reality”, fakespeak– versus immutable reality. Untruth versus truth.
Such as the official untruth (=the authorized lie) that so-called Covid vaccines are “safe and effective”...
“Imagine a vaccine so safe [as declared by the official “scientific” experts, the official health authorities] you have to be threatened [and bribed] to take it.” (From A Poster) [explanations added]
Perceiving governing psychopathic authorities-in-power-and-control as honest, trustworthy, moral, honorable, humane people is most evidently NOT the genuine reality. The conscienceless psychopathic bastards-in-command have even programed populations with the false belief (a big lie) of them, or false gaslighting perception of them, as “the elite” when in reality-entrenched life they are the exact opposite –the scum of humankind (stellar exceptional “scum-on-top” individuals instead of stellar exceptional “cream-on-top” individuals).
Analogously, the US 'Federal Reserve Bank' (a.k.a “the Fed”) is a criminal private corporation, or network, and not a genuine federal (i.e., governmental) agency [83,85,114,204,218-220]. So, the Fed's official name is a blatant deception, meant to fool people about the organization's sinister nature and operations by having the public falsely believe that it is a trusted government institution working for the interests of the public [83,85,114,204,218-220]. It is an officially authorized fabricated phony reality (i.e., a deliberate linguistic lie, a sleight-of-hand technique with terminology, vernacular disinformation), a manufactured misperception of the gaslighting culture [83,85,114,204,218-220].
Or, by now it should be palpable that it is a fake reality (i.e., a big official lie, a socially engineered mass deception) that there are no safe effective Covid-19 treatments, created by perception manipulation through coordinated censorship and suppression of this factual reality-underpinned information.
Or perceiving the Covid-19 coronavirus as a looming killer virus that is going to kill everyone on earth is also a scripted fake reality (i.e., an official propaganda narrative, a big authorized lie, an engineered deception by the so-called “health authorities” [102,103,111,112,123,125-127,136,137,165,209,273]) and NOT the authentic reality. Baruch Vainshelboim, PhD, an expert in pulmonary rehabilitation, succinctly unmasked and dismantled the official prevaricated panic-mongering narrative (authorized fake perception, fake reality, fakespeak, plain big lie) when he pointed out about the Covid-19 coronavirus “SARS-CoV-2” (which stands for "severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2") that “[...] 99% of the detected cases with SARS-CoV-2 are asymptomatic or have mild condition, which contradicts with the virus name (SEVERE acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus-2).” [126] It's deception with language (a vernacular lie), applied to, and embedded in, the Covid-19 coronavirus definition –right in front of the general public's indifferent forever-non-learning noses. If you recall, prior I explained how a perverted inauthentic society frames and uses language to shut in delusions, illusions, invalid beliefs, wrong dogmas, myths, taboos, and lies.
Therefore, all of these officially approved forged perceptions (and a litany of others floating around in the “civilized” fake cultures [455-458]) are false manufactured perceptions.
They are public deceptions, or mass deceptions, intended to fraudulently replace –symbolically, via raw propaganda, or mechanically, via knowledge omission (censorship)– what the actual truth is, what the actual reality is.
They are the ruling psychopaths' –saddled with their shiny “masks of sanity and normality”– callous manipulations of the truth.
They are official plausible lies (or, in gaslighting slang, “noble lies”), containing elements of truth.
They are manufactured bogus realities.
Synonymous with iconic inculcation into a domineering doctrinal cult [253,254], they are the leading monopolistic psychopaths-in-power's creation of an unvarying homogenous map of reality, of a “consensus reality”, a “conformity reality”, a perceptual unification of the mass mind. They are the leading psychopaths-in-power's artificial, deceitful, and inauthentic catapulting or hoisting and exalting of “majority agreement”, “herd endorsement”, or “common knowledge” –i.e., consensus– to the on-par status of truth, onto the glistening pedestal of truth. It's a mendacious unscientific farcical adequation or fantastical interchangeability of consensus (mass conformity) with existent reality. Remember, for a long time it was “common knowledge” and “popular consensus” among both “educated” and “uneducated” folks that the earth is flat, or that “eggs are bad for you” due to their high cholesterol content, and so on with endless other examples.
These authorized fabricated perceptions are the leading psychopaths-in-power's criminal colonizing and programing of the public mind (cultural brainwashing) –a true "thought crime”, cognitive terrorism against the non-ruling laity [105].
They are non-reality-matching projections.
They are fabricated untrue public imaginations.
They are collective fantasies.
They are collective hallucinations.
They are collective delusions.
As a matter of fact, the only authenticity, or whole truth, about an inaccurate false perception of reality is that it is a genuine delusion –instead of actual reality.
Delusional “thinking” –actually believing in delusions (fake truths, myths, superstitions, lies)– needs a cognitive-emotional re-adjustment to factually line up with “what is” (authentic reality, existent truth).
This continuous deceitful process, public perception management [455-458], is in part how the governing political class of psychopathic globalists continuously creates a population in which the vast majority of people (BOTH “educated” and “uneducated”) are deluded –and, like zombies or “cold dead machines”, are mechanically, carelessly, recklessly, stupidly, “well-meaningly” and dutifully “DOING the bidding” for, and are defending, their cunning psychopathic emperors (including habitually and self-defeatingly using on each other –collectively– their gaslighting fakespeak language) [231,265,279,291,292,340,445,455,456].
The American journalist and author Milton Mayer, (1908-1986), recognized, understood, and revealed this common, normal, unfading, very dark reality about “civilized” humans (i.e., the civilized people's collectively and universally invisibilized, rotten “human condition”) back in 1955 in a publication of his:
“A few hundred at the top, to plan and direct at every level; a few thousand to supervise and control (without a voice in policy) at every level; a few score thousand specialists (teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, artists, actors, athletes, and social workers) eager to serve or at least unwilling to pass up a job or to revolt; a million of the Pöbel, which sounds like “people” and means “riffraff,” to do what we would call the dirty work, ranging from murder, torture, robbery, and arson [...]. And all the other millions? They had only to go on as they were and keep out of trouble. What could be easier?” [440]
So, the leading criminal psychopathic mind conquistadores deliberately abuse this powerful misuse-prone specious belief (“perception is reality”) to manufacture, through unethically manipulative linguistic-cognitive maneuvers (the manipulation of symbols, information control), a continuous string of perceptual delusions by which they control populations, from cradle to grave –whereby the entire sick culture is one gigantic mind-manipulation contraption, a deception factory– for their own nefarious interests, criminal aspirations, and predatory purposes [69,83,85,204,217,227,231,234,250,266,290,291,455-458].
Understandably, the controlling psychopathic predator class has been utilizing this convenient efficacious concept for their own benefits for centuries [85], at least. For the psychopathic deception purveyors-in-power it is a method of mind control, a tool of thought manipulation, a recipe for the homogenization of thought –a means for social deception. Hence, we have the reigning psychopathic liars' constant selling of lies. Their social engineering of public perceptions.
The perception-is-reality instrument of manipulation constitutes the basis of information control and, therefore, is the backbone of emotional and behavioral control –categorical collective control of the non-ruling underclass flock of people.
The ongoing Official Covid-19 Crimes-Against-Humanity Holocaust (i.e., the authorized, “scientific”, socially engineered, criminally Kafkaesque, misnamed pandemic) [53-55,57,59,61-64,84,94-137,165,172,209,291,293,316-318,322,338] is the perfect example and proof of their systemic perception management (i.e., systemic deception management [455-458]) of the global public through deliberate omission (censorship) or distortion of true facts and real knowledge, through “persuasive” false logic, and through repetitive fictional narratives (propaganda) –with fake slogans, fake news, and fake facts served to people anywhere by their controlled complicit mainstream medical media and mainstream news media propaganda apparati (the public perception businesses) [3,85,111,112,114,165,176,177,221,222,273,306,314,322,325,326,455-458]– which they are natural experts at concocting, and brainwashing the never-learning general public [20] with.
In the contemporary sick immoral psychopathic world, a world controlled by a ruling mob class of elite psychopaths, the reliable norm is that “perception is delusion” because socially engineered perception –fabricated manipulated perception– equals “perception is deception” instead of “perception is reality”.
To say it differently, the norm is that “perception is NOT reality but deception” –i.e., the norm is that “deception is reality”– in “an empire of illusions” [335], in an ocean of propaganda, in a culture of lies, in a culture of mendacity, in a psychopathic world. A world dominated by half-truths, truth perversions, lies, deceptions, manipulations, fake news, fake science news, fakespeak as we have been living in for quite some time.
It connotes that in a “non-savage” “civilized” psychopathic world it's the norm that much of the major laws are unjust –i.e., the statutory system is a salient injustice against non-ruling people [36,39,57,82,85]– or that much of what is officially proclaimed to be medically “most scientific” is dogmatic scientism (non-science), anti-scientific (anti-science), or pseudo-scientific (pseudo-science) [28-33,36,37,40,42-45,47,48,56,61-63,131,137,147,250,269-272,419-422,425,446,447]. This authorized flavor of manipulative science or fabricated science (i.e., “official quack science”, “official bogus science”, or “official junk science”) is propagandized in the authoritarian psychopathic cult-ure with the hackneyed yodels “follow the science” or “trust the science” that echo through the corridors of official science (i.e., “organized science”) and the mainstream culture –that is, trust the deceitful lying cult-ure's brand of “science”, its “scientific consensus”, its “settled science” [137,425,458] which gives, for example with the Global Covid-19 Coronavirus Holocaust, the official psychopathic medical establishment “a veneer of legitimacy to mass medical murder” [324].
A tragic general consequence of this naturalized or normalized perverted condition is that authentic reality becomes the implausible truth.
Lies, deceptions, and delusions are “normal” –plausible. For instance, a belief in delusions has been gaslit into euphemisms by the narcissistic madness cult(ure) –representing a case in point of the amplification and standardization or normalization of madness– to now (since at least the mid-20th century [424]) officially represent something along the “positive” notions of “the expression of a diversity of thoughts”, an “entitlement to one's opinions”, the “freedom of manifesting one's personal values”, or “living one's own truth”. It is a life philosophy that exhibits the self-convenient subscription to truth relativism, value relativism (“come-as-you-may values” [432]), ethics relativism (a “relativistic ethic” [424]), “situational ethics”, morality neutralism, or reality neutralism (à la “perception is reality”) –i.e., anything is or can be “true” or “moral”, no one is accountable (=classic signs of a delusional-psychopathic cult(ure))– when these “rational” philosophies are a sign of a morally-psychologically sick state of mind and a condition of collective degeneration. They are euphemisms as illustrations of political language corrupting public thought and “opaquely” normalizing and naturalizing deterioration [283].
Genuine truths, legitimate facts, and actual realities are “abnormal” –implausible.
The “successful” insidious normalization process of this collective gaslighting mind rape [455-458] –a “war on reality” [137]– is heavily based on a principle uncovered decades ago by a social psychologist I'd written about elsewhere [223].
Further, it is also not surprising but NATURAL for psychopaths to selfishly abuse this “self-evident” mirage, this false belief, this public relations cliché of propaganda, this mind-based deception “device”, this sneaky delusion-creating concept called “perception is reality”. Because the manipulation of the highly malleable abstraction of “perception is reality” –creating, untruth, unreality, disreality, deception and delusion– naturally parallels and illustrates one of their cardinal constitutional personality hallmarks: their “mask of normality” [69], their “mask of sanity” [151]. As naturally inauthentic, deceptive, manipulative people wearing “masks of sanity and normality” they inherently create naturally inauthentic “MASKS of reality” and “MASKS of truth” –i.e., “FAKE PERCEPTIONS of reality”, artifacts of reality, mock realities, pseudo-realities, make-believe realities, illusions of truth, myths, disrealities, camouflages, deceptions– as a matter of natural routine, pathologically, predictably [455,456]. It is simply the inexorably destructive anti-sanity and anti-realness consequence of being a natural psychopath in action, in practice.
Natural elite fakes as natural elite fakesters. Natural elite fakes are natural elite fakesters. Natural elite fakesters are governing “charismatic” myth-makers. Natural elite fakesters are deception-sculptors. Natural elite fakesters are manipulation-spawners. Natural elite fakesters are fakeness evolutionists. Natural elite fakesters are “friendly” chameleon-like monsters –“friendly” chameleon-like elite monsters.
The natural master fakesters, the Grandfakesters –the Grandmasters of Manipulation, the Grandmasters of Deception, the Grandmasters of Lies [69-77,143,151,157,175-178,292]– are the ruling architects of authorized fake news, fake science, fake realities, and fake events, such as the Pre-Meditated Covid Coup (i.e., the Fake Pandemic, the Fake Perception As “Reality”, the Deception As “Reality”) which is in actuality the Covid-19 Coronavirus Holocaust [53-55,57,59,61-64,84,94-137,165,172,209,291,293,306,317-322,324].
Most significantly, the prime mask of reality, fake fact, myth, fantasy, or gaslit truth (i.e., lie), the leading programers, the predictive psychopaths, the predatory human chameleons [68], want everyone to perceive (“know”) –for instance, via their owned and controlled mass entertainment enterprise (e.g., “Hollywood”, a.k.a “The Dream Factory”)– is that they are “normal humans so they can continue to deceive us, control us and use us for their own power and glory” [69,244]. When the real fact is, as stated earlier, that they –compared to pathological non-psychopaths– are organically diseased, fundamentally ABNORMAL people with physically defective brains (e.g., neurological tissue damages), which externalizes as mentally, ethically, and emotionally defective people, rendering them callous heartless destructive social predators behind an effective mask of sanity and normality [65,66,68-70,72-75,77,151,152,156,205-207].
In brief, a psychopath does NOT possess the physical neurological “hardware” to be a holistic authentic ethical humane person.
Psychopaths are, therefore, humans' highly dangerous vulturine enemy WITHIN its own so-called “species” –a most dangerous human subspecies (“a para-Homo sapiens” [245] or “intraspecies predators”). A breed of anti-human humans –a bloodline of anti-life humans.
Not surprisingly, conformists (“ordinary”, “conventional”, or “normal” people) who “fit in”, who are conditioned and indoctrinated to readily go along with social norms and behavior patterns and, therefore, who DO what is SOCIALLY, CULT-URALLY, PROFESSIONALLY, and LEGALLY right (and MORALLY wrong) –exposing their immense susceptibility to suggestions and perceptual manipulations, and their destructive lack of ethical righteousness– are typically easier to control and brainwash (i.e., they are the easy prey) than non-conformists (so-called “dissenting”, “subversive”, “extremist”, or “abnormal” people) [215] who DO what is MORALLY right (and SOCIALLY, CULT-URALLY, PROFESSIONALLY, and LEGALLY wrong).
Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968), the famous US establishment critic, officialdom dissident, and Peace Nobel Prize Victor, wrote in his 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail”:
“We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was “legal” and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was “illegal”.” [279]
“Normal” folks tend to rigidly, naively, and mindlessly obey the deceptive rulers and faithfully, credulously, and blindly “follow the herd” (i.e., the captured prey) –materializing the nature of their demented culture's “educational” system [55,81,85,176,208,210,311,339,448,458]– while non-conformists have learned to think [see Einstein's prior quote] rather than unthinkingly (i.e., reflexively, automatically) cave in to perceptual deceptions, suggestions, and pabulum (e.g., officialdom mind-control propaganda, such as “wear a Covid face mask”, “get your Covid-19 vaccines”, etc.).
With a true knowledge-empowered, critical, flexible, adaptive, independent, liberated mind other deep realities become visible.
As an example, Dr. Carter elucidated (as aforecited) that politics secretly controls the practice of allopathic authorized medicine, largely unbeknownst to the general public. Yet even more unknown is the true fact (substantiated with a prior quote by Bernays [214]) that politics secretly controls practically everything of significance (e.g., Big Medicine/Big Pharma, Big Academia, Big Science, Big Food, Big GMO, Big Oil, Big Tech, Big Digital, Big Military, Big Media, Big Social Media, Big Entertainment, Big Education, Big Court, Big Economics, Big Banks, Big Finance, Big Commerce, Big Religion, Big War) in every “advanced” “free” “open” “civilized” society of today's profit-glutted corporate world, dominated for over a century by a globally operating organized criminal hub of power and control-addicted parasitical master psychopaths, many of which operate outside the limelight (i.e., they're hidden invisible, akin to viruses or apex stealth predators, “Deep State” entities or unelected “Invisible Government” operators) [21,69,83,85,110,114,157,161,175-178,204,210,213,214,224-236,251,289-293,314,317,411,428,436-438,442,445,455-458].
This global dominion by ravenous psychopathic human predators is emblematic of an ultimate constant historical human reality –a pink elephant in the room, the “civilized” human history-spanning room– the public at large anywhere (whether so-called intelligent or unintelligent, so-called educated or uneducated, so-called spiritual or unspiritual, so-called moral or unmoral, men or women, young or old, and no matter what race/ethnicity) has still not recognized (i.e., learned): the perennial rule and relentless expansion of pathological evil (psychopathy), largely in insidious clandestine ways as “invisible human predators” [68] or “social pathogens” [65] (akin to killer viruses), throughout the cultures and the world in general, tantamount to a malignant cancer metastasis [21,39,65,69,79,82,114,143,174,178,289,296].
The evolution of psychopathy instead of the evolution of humaneness.
The devolution of humaneness instead of its evolution.
The evolution of psychopathy instead of its devolution.
The evolution of Darkness instead of the evolution of Light.
The evolution of an Endless Dark Age.
The endless non-existence of an Enlightenment Age.
Most unfortunately for the (long-term) survival of humanity (and life anywhere), “civilized” humankind is extremely far ahead on this untenable suicidal-homicidal-sociocidal-ecocidal –and very conceivably omnicidal– pathological path of humanistic devolution [39,65,69,79,82,83,114,174,178,204,335,384,457].
Inarguably, THAT is (and always has been) the most destructive REAL pandemic –a true global human infestation, a world-wide plague– everyone should be extremely terrified of.
Foreseeably, the global metastasis (e.g., via colonialism/neocolonialism) of the trajectory of rule-by-psychopaths has been advancing and flourishing throughout the centuries which, as noted earlier, is known as “ponerization” –the progress or evolution of evil [65,457]. This “stealthy” advancement of evilness occurs characteristically under the deliberate guise of altruistic honeyed, albeit gaslit, “common good” narratives (i.e., “the official story”, a constant amalgam of propaganda, half-truths, lies, and deceptions [155,214,315,329,340,439,455,456]) –such as “defeating the communist menace” [439], “eradicating the scourge of drugs” [439], or spreading “civilization”, “freedom and democracy”, “safety and security” (e.g., from “foreign terrorists”), “law and order”, the “rule of law”, moral “exceptionalism”, or religions (e.g., Christianity)– that the truth-indifferent reality-apathetic delusional general non-ruling herd class has been mindlessly accepting and acting upon perpetually in co-operative agreement and tacit approval.
Official allopathic medicine and authorized mainline science are operational elements (i.e., institutions) of the overarching hierarchical profoundly decadent socioeconomic system [27,39,86,87,237,457]. And this depraved prodigious pathological profits-over-lives business structure or network –this predatory infrastructure of the imperial financial system– serves principally the globally dominant small stable, or caste, of reigning exalted plutocratic psychopaths (“the overclass”, “the upperclass”, “the 1%”, “the parasite class”, “the ruling class”, “the psychopathic dictator class”, “the uppercaste”) that exploits the prodigious masses of non-dominant non-ruling people (“the underclass”, “the 99%”, “the conformist class”, “the sheep class”, “the slave class”, “the undercaste”) around the globe [21,39,82,83,85,110,143,156,157,160,161,176-178,204,213,214,225-228,230-235,290,291,294,455,456].
The willingness and drive to exploit other people (i.e., a parasitic orientation, or parasitism) [21,39,82,83,85,161,176-178,210,214,225-228,230-234,455-457] is a typical ramification or noxious effluvia of a core attribute of psychopaths: a lack of empathy and compassion due to a missing conscience [66].
The same sort of completely criminal crew of leading arrogant narcissistic profit-and-control-above-all-else, emotionally dwarf-sized psychopathic freaks [65,66,71-74,152,457] who are responsible for the ongoing century-long medical mass murder through the oppression of unconventional medicine –deliberately using manipulation, trickery, lies, coercion and subjugation [28-36,38,40,42-45,47,48-51,57,58,61-63,131]– and who have been long perpetrating other enormous inhumanities and genocidal operations of “continual lawless mass murder of civilians across the world” [76,143,160,161,175-177,210,310,340,348,403,455,456], is whom you are now supposed to mindlessly believe, trust, and obey their mendacious dogmatic mono-narrative [273], official declarations, and authorized policies about Covid-19.
It is completely illogical, ridiculous, absurd, surreal, and insane, of course.
YET, the vast majority of people do, across the globe, as if they're mindless, albeit programable, human robots (brainless-soulless human machines), representing an all-embracing slavery mentality, a global mass psychosis, a collective madness –a pandemic of insanity.
Anthony Hall, PhD, an Irish-Canadian historian and author, called this global “Covid experience” or universal “Covid phenomenon” informally “herd stupidity” [251]. Covid-19 as a “Covidiocy”, a “pandemic of people stupidity”, populace
on steroids –“cosmic stupidity”.
Some social psychologists call it formally “group formation” or “mass formation”. Psychological group dynamics characterized by a non-thinking mob mindset, a cult mentality of madness, a pathological condition of mass hypnosis (herd hypnosis, group hypnosis, or collective hypnosis) [341,342]. Purportedly it's surfacing since the early 20th century, or mid-late 19th century [342], or since “the industrial revolution” in the 18th century (i.e., since the “enlightened” Modern Age) –the “golden era” of mass formation– occasionally as a TEMPORARY
“phase”, “episode”, “cycle”, “crisis”, or “outbreak” of mass insanity. Sort of like a rare atypical wave of madness that ripples and passes through ordinarily tranquil sane society. In brief, it is customarily framed as a mere outlier of lunacy (as non-lunacy is allegedly the dominant normal standard).
The implicit idea behind the prim fancy name (i.e., mass formation) for “mass irrationality”, “mass hysteria”, “mass dementia”, “mass madness”,
“mass formation psychosis”, “mass psychopathy”, “herd mind sickness”, or “human cattle psychosis” is that after the eruption of universal mental illness has withered down and vanished mass rationality, mass intelligence, collective wisdom, mental herd health and herd sanity return as the “normal” basic operation mode of the general “civilized” “non-savage” public. This belief in a “norm exception” or “singularity” or “deviation” or “fluctuation” or “seasonality” of “herd insanity” is, of course, a silly collective self-fooling delusion.
It reveals the shallow, selective, myopic official “scientific” interpretation of the “phenomenon” or “mystery”, void of a reality-based long-range historical context. Void of the empirical chronic reality of herd madness of “civilized” human animals (i.e., a state of chronic mass formation) manifesting for several centuries, at a bare minimum [350,457]. (Later on in this essay I present examples of persistent masked strains of chronic mass formation going on for millennia). Human madness (or chronic mass formation psychosis) has long been standardized, normalized, and naturalized [335,350,457].
“Invisible” CHRONIC human mass formation psychosis (chronic invisibilized craziness) is the norm –the traditional habitual standard– with “civilized” man.
The phenomenon's official cataloguing and confining as an intermittent human rat frenzy is a self-gratifying collective “scientific” delusion (a herd lie). Because the historical reality –self-evident in front of everyone's “woke” nose–
that of a customary normal everyday frenzy of human rats who are frantically committed voluntarily to a hefty flowery collection of fantasies, tales, fake beliefs, and delusions (e.g., “we live in a democracy”, “we're exceptional”, “we're neutral”, “we can trust our governing leaders”, “we must obey our official health experts”). Or, such as the full commitment to the fantasies, myths, and collective lies and delusions that “civilized” people are fundamentally sane, fundamentally good, fundamentally rational, fundamentally wise, fundamentally humane. It is reality-grounded certification (i.e., recognizable proof) of daily crowd stupidity, traditional crowd madness, historical crowd schizophrenia, permanent crowd mental sickness –global chronic mass psychosis.
Therefore, the Holocaustal Covid Mass Insanity has to be viewed as a “spike” –or a normalizing transitional stage to a higher or more degenerative level– of “normal” pre-existing collective mental illness, mass lunacy, and herd idiocy. The spiking event exposes and makes the pre-existing chronic madness more visible momentarily (i.e., more of the blissfully indifferent underclass people than usually become suddenly more “aware” momentarily).
The official or mainstream or popularized “scientific” human sheep madness theory also charts the non-commanding underclass at large as basically a passive victim when in fact the active personal choice and voluntary dedication of the general masses to truth indifference and “blissful ignorance” of reality are typically fundamental prerequisites for this purported episodic “artifact”, “peculiarity”, or “anomaly” to occur in the first place. Because this self-defeating brand of behavior enables and maximizes the cognitive, emotive, and behavioral manipulation and control of the non-ruling sheep class when exposed to ruling predatory psychopathic barbarians, such as the commanding authorities anywhere.
Interestingly, it seems (per my awareness) that it took over a year into the Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus FakeDemic (PropaganDemic) before
criminal mainstream matrix-“educated” (=indoctrinated, programed)
so-called scientific experts on the mass idiocy “oddity” began recognizing, or voicing, it as such [342]. The truth-bending, reality-whitewashing concept became quite popular within a short time thereafter. Conceivably because of its official narrative's misleadingly idyllic hopeful prospect (i.e., collective fake hope) as a purported “seasonal” or singular or temporary passing occurrence.
So-called “hope” is commonly fake hope –delusion or “magical thinking”– because delusionists or fantasists are natural “hopium addicts”. Traditionally and typically, both “hope” and “faith” are euphemisms for belief in feel-good fantasies, cozy myths, and self-centered delusions. Therefore, it's not that euphemistically-termed “hope springs eternally” (or “optimism springs eternally”) but that “delusion springs eternally” (or “magical thinking springs eternally”) –just like “deception springs eternally”(or “lies spring eternally”)– with nihilistically-BEHAVING “civilized” human apes, with a delusional-psychopathic mad species!
False “hopeism” (or “fake hopeism”) construes the known human pattern of “optimism bias”, which would really be called (and known as) “delusion bias” or “magical thinking bias” in a reality-rooted, truth-based, sane culture. But the untruth-based, mutually parasitic, 2 married pink elephant consortium naturally INVISIBILIZES (thus, perennially and endlessly invisibilizes) –e.g., with its normal reality-sanitizing fakespeak language– the EARTH-VERIFIED PROOF that they're wholly irrational, imbecilic, delusional, and insane.
The popular “hope”-based “mass formation theory” (or broadly beloved delusion-based “mass psychosis narrative”) is IN ITSELF a product and manifestation of timeless “civilized” crowd lunacy.
The RAPID THOUGHTLESS adaption and BROAD use of the MISDIRECTING UNAUTHENTIC “mass formation” concept (especially among the “alternative media” crowd, the so-called “awake people”), DEMONSTRATIVE OF THE TRITE BEHAVIOR OF THE COLLECTIVE HIVE MIND, is in itself ANOTHER proof of the CHRONIC madness of the somnambulant masses.
In very close analogy of this collective fake story line of a sporadic rhythm of human madness (i.e., this popular narrative of whole truth contortion) are the various, typical, whole reality-twisting, whole reality-dimming, whole truth-assuaging, euphemistic descriptions (i.e., examples of truth-sanitizing official fakespeak) of what “civilized” humans really are –such as being “imperfect”, “flawed”, “deficient”, “incomplete”, “unfinished”, “contradictory”, or “fallible”– when the historical reality and Earth reality prove that “civilized” humans are profoundly and fundamentally diseased (and, thus, chronically, categorically, and omnicidally destructive).
In terms of groupthink idiocy or tribe stupidity or cult(ure) stupidity [343,344], a poster of a sane protester of the Authorized Covid-19 Holocaust reads:
“If you've ever wondered whether you would have complied during 1930s Germany, now you know.”
Which indicatives that the collective Covid-19 behavior is truly a mix of herd nitwittedness and herd immorality by unquestioning “well-meaning” willing believers, followers, facilitators, and handlers of the ruling oligarchy of psychopaths' characteristically-mendacious explanations, declarations, orders, demands, and schemes. The Covid Madness Pandemic (“Coronamania”, “Coronoia”) showcases individual people's stupidity and individual people's immorality in the aggregate.
And this collective mad modus operandi has been transpiring during the contemporaneous “Coronadelirium” DESPITE that a slew of people –including US Presidents, governing psychopathic overlords, or their associates, “insider whistleblowers”, and caring alert individuals– long ago told everyone, over and over to this day, using telltale unminced language (a.k.a parrhesia) that this criminal clan of creepy psychopaths wants world-wide total control (which they have been demonstrating by action), that they exploit everyone, and that they manipulate, gaslight, and control everyone's thinking and behavior in a streamlined fashion (the deliberate “manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses”) [39,65,79,82,83,85,114,178,204,213,214,224,455-457]!
It underlines a painfully grim ever-repeating reality that confirms the evaluation of the characteristic historical decorum of humans by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) some two centuries ago –people never have learned anything from history or acted on principles extrapolated from it [20] (see the article's opening quotes).
The obvious implication is that a re-capturing, re-owning, and opening up, expanding, and liberating of one's own, calcified-by-indoctrination, fear-injected mind –a hygienic psychological deep cleaning, a liberatory detoxification of one's own cognitive sewage silo, a drainage of one's own calloused mental swamp, a thorough de-brainwashing and deprograming, a holistic self-liberation, a radical self-reformation, a grand self-revolution, a personal Internal “Great Reset” (“The Great Reset-Of-Oneself”)– to attain a free sovereign mind seems to be THE most important, albeit vastly unrecognized (“invisible”), essential educational self-activity and personal task of self-healing for the megamajority of people (young or old, “educated” or “uneducated”, “intelligent” or “unintelligent”, religious or non-religious, “spiritual” or “unspiritual”, rich or poor, men or women, and regardless of ethnicity or race) that they're unaware of, or deliberately want to be unaware of.
This “invisibilized” primary “Great Reset Yourself” duty (a critical personal responsibility) is the cleaning and clearing of one's untruth-grounded “lenses of perception”. It's the dismantling of the familiar cornucopia of “rose-colored” lenses of myths, phantoms, illusions, fantasies, and delusions. It's the shedding of the fixed stack of “persuasive” lenses of lies, manipulations, fabrications, and deceptions. It's about the deconstruction and dumping of all the fake lenses of perception: the mendacity-centered cult(ure) lenses of individual disempowerment, the mendacity-centered cult(ure) lenses of collective disempowerment; and the mendacity-centered personal lenses of individual disempowerment, the mendacity-centered personal lenses of collective disempowerment.
Ergo, the pragmatic kernel of the philosophy of “waking up” or “waking up to reality” or “waking up to the real world” is mostly about freeing oneself authentically from one's luxurious, albeit self-fooling and self-defeating, prison of illusions and delusions –the immature infantile mendacity mentality, which gives birth to disastrous BEHAVIORAL consequences.
In fact, a major reason for the omnipresent historical non-learning, non-wisdom, and inertia by people at large appears to center around something Mencken observed a century ago:
“The majority of men prefer delusion to truth. It soothes. It is easy to grasp. Above all, it fits more snugly than the truth into a universe of false appearances –of complex and irrational phenomena, defectively grasped. [...] an idea that is true is thus not likely to prevail […].” (H. L. Mencken, 1880-1956, US Journalist, Essayist, And Social Critic, in 1918 [238])
Or, in more concise words:
“People want to be deceived.” (Thomas Bernhard, 1931-1989, Iconoclastic Social-critical Austrian Novelist, Playwright, And Poet [299]) [my own translation from German to English]
Most people's willful choice of unrealness (delusion) over realness (truth).
Most people's deliberate choice of inauthenticity (fantasy) over authenticity (reality).
It epitomizes another ultimate constant historical human reality, another –second– pink elephant in the room, the “civilized” human history-spanning room, too.
enduring human history-backed delusion of most people to continually
trust the leading authorities –DESPITE that they're continually
lying to them and deceiving them, and have done so millions of times.
The enduring human history-backed delusion of most people to continually believe the ruling authorities-in-control have their best interests in mind –DESPITE that the practices of the governing authoritarians continually serve primarily their own best predatory interests.
The enduring human history-backed delusion of most people to continually obey the authorities-in-power –DESPITE that their controlling cult of leadership is continually exploitative and highly destructive to both the public and nature and, therefore, does not deserve to be obeyed.
The enduring human history-backed delusion of most people to continually believe the governing authorities's narratives (WORDS, “conceptual stories”) –DESPITE that they continually churn out self-concerned mendacious propaganda.
The enduring human history-backed delusion of most people to continually have faith in the fundamental “goodness” of the dominant authoritative rulers –DESPITE that they continually manifest and expose their fundamental “badness” (criminality, psychopathy, evilness) by their ACTIONS and PRACTICES.
They are enduring human history-backed
“magical NON-thinking”
patterns, connoting solid principles –principles people have never learned nor acted on throughout “non-primitive” “civilized” human history, including TODAY (see priorquoted Hegel verity).
And crucially, among “most people” in this dismal history-testified eternal pattern of ubiquitous delusionism are naturally also, at any given time during the ages, the vast majority of folks whom the mainstream backward cult-(ure) certifies, designates, gilds, and lauds as “highly intelligent”, “highly educated”, “highly credible”, “highly trustworthy”, and “highly ethical”, such as millions of PhDs and MDs around the world in the contemporary age.
Noam Chomsky, PhD, a renowned contemporary US linguist, culture critic, and author, once summarized the matter:
“Go back to the Bible; who were the people who were respected, and who were the people who were reviled? Well, the people who were respected were the ones who, a thousand years later, were called false prophets. And the ones who were reviled and jailed and beaten and so on [e.g., omitted, marginalized, censored, canceled, banned, suppressed] are the ones [=the genuine truth-sayers, whistleblowers, or legitimate “conspiracy theorists”] who years later were called prophets. And it goes right up until today. […]. Why was Walter Lippmann [=a ruling class aide and pioneer of organized establishment propaganda –i.e., the “PR” business– in the 20th century] one of the “responsible men,” while Eugene Debs was in jail? Was it that Walter Lippmann was smarter than Eugene Debs? Not that I can see. Eugene Debs was just an American working-class leader who raised unacceptable questions, so he was in jail. And Walter Lippmann was a servant of the major powers, so he was respected. And it would be amazing if it was anything else.” (Noam Chomsky, PhD, Renowned US Linguist & Political Theorist, in 1995 [281]) [explanations added]
The influential, reality-adhering, truth-rooted German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, (1844-1900) –who is often dismissingly, erroneously, and self-foolingly labeled “pessimistic” or “anti-spiritual” by human pink elephant delusionists– fully recognized the diseased gaslit nature of the “civilized” cult(ure) over a century prior to Chomsky:
“All questions of politics, of social order, of education, have been falsified, root and branch, owning to the fact that the most noxious men have been taken for great men, and that people were taught to despise the small things, or rather the fundamental things, of life.” [408] [emphasis added]
Nietzsche and Chomsky unpacked an ancient pattern of “gracious”, “progressed”, “cultured”, “refined”, “modern”, “non-primitive”, “non-savage” humankind –the perpetuity of atrophied ethical-emotive-mental faculties, the legacy of chronic mass imbecility, the continuum of human delusion, the heritage of insanity:
Officially and cult(urally) prominently branded, celebrated, and considered “good people” are actually bad people. And officially and cult(urally) prominently branded, demonized, and considered “bad people” are actually good people. A constant self-created gaslighting reality –hardly a surprise in an ageless psychopathic-delusional cult(ure).
It is a perpetually self-defeating reality, in effect continuously since antiquity –affirming Hegel's notion of a commonplace lack of historical consciousness, of humankind's historical non-learning constant [20], of humanity's history-backed CHRONIC lunacy, timeless psychosis, or everlasting “mass formation” insanity, which carries the appearance of an evolutionary inheritance or a branch of “evolutionary constant” (at least for the last 10'000-12'000 years).
The glaring historical evidence is, therefore, that (most) members of “civilized” human animals are unwise and stupid (i.e., the dominance of eternal stupidity (“idiocracy”) and lunacy) –to drive, using blunt uncensored language, Hegel's observation to its near final implication prohibited by the “free” “open” “transparent” “sophisticated” “civilized” human collective (representing a hypocrisy-based topic of non-discussion, a collective taboo).
Indeed, as connoted earlier, diverse leading psychopaths in positions of authority, or their adulators, throughout contemporary history have referred to the general mobs of people as being “deaf, dumb and blind”, as “simpletons” or “useful idiots” [239,240]. Or “the dead” [241] because the ruling predatory psychopathic “Messiahs” consider, quite rightfully (see upcoming section) but completely ironically or hypocritically, the non-ruling people (the public) intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, and morally dead, incapable of learning, incapable of recognizing or admitting what they are really doing to them [241].
The glaring historical evidence is that most people are impervious to –or self-immunized against– veritable reality (truth, that which authentically is or exists).
The glaring historical evidence is that most people are willfully ignorant (ignore-ant), deliberately uninformed, electively clueless because they prefer –that is, they want– delusion over truth. It's an unforced intentional choice in favor of fantasy over truth. It's a deliberate self-induced personal decision –made day after day– to be inattentive, indifferent, oblivious, clueless, and ignorant of truth, of reality, of that “which is”.
This indelible orientation of truth desertion and reality disavowal aligns with the general native heartlessness of nature and the cosmic indifference about life on planet Earth.
The glaring historical evidence is that the overwhelming majority of the non-ruling ordinary public anywhere is as little interested in the truth, or the complete truth, as the ruling psychopaths-who-should-not-be-in-power.
The general public has a preference for delusion over truth.
The governing pathological minority of psychopaths has a preference for deception over truth.
Both peculiar yet resembling human cohorts are dedicated to, shelter, hatch, and proselytize their own compelling montage of mendacities –of “plausible” untruths, “logical” half-truths, and narrow-sighted “rational” truth distortions.
Delusions and deceptions rule over truth for the towering majority of “advanced” “progressive” “civilized” “brave” “noble” “enlightened” people anywhere. Unreality and disreality (fake reality) over reality.
Untruth over truth.
This ever-present lasting empirical human disposition decodes Jonathan Swift's real-world observation from more than 300 years ago, "Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after; so that when men come to be undeceived it is too late; the jest is over and the tale has had its effect […]." [333] –a truism that two centuries later got revamped into the now more known platitude of “A lie travels around the globe while the truth is putting on its shoes.” [334].
The broader implication thereof is that most of whatever someone has come to believe, or THINKS to know (instead of actually knows), in a given cult(ure), and is currently believing, is probably a kaleidoscope of delusions, a medley of mendacities, a smorgasbord of bluffs –half-truths, falsehoods, or lies. It is the continuous prevalence of untruths over truths. Unmasking that the popular ancient notions of, or rather desperate chants of, “the truth will prevail” or “the truth will always prevail” are comforting foolproof delusions –“wishful thinking” (i.e., infantile wishful NON-thinking, “hopium addiction”), fake hope, or “hope porn” (i.e., reality-rooted examples of human “delusions spring eternally”).
As Mencken had intimated [238], the true empirical and historical actualness –the contingency of history– is that “truth denial prevails”, “truth suppression prevails”, “truth blackout prevails”, “reality obliviousness prevails”, “fake news prevail”, “fabrications prevail”, “mendacities prevail”, “lies prevail”, “deceptions prevail”, “propaganda prevail”, “superstitions prevail”, “pipe dreams prevail”, “myths prevail”, “chimeras prevail”, “fantasies prevail”, “delusions prevail”. Logically so because they comprise the directing essentiality, the homing “inner child”, the animating principle, the behavioral motor of the “wise” human pink elephant couple conglomeration (and its standard normal cult(ure) of mendacity), which is completely dominating the planet. They incarnate the breath of their mutual “living deadness” (“living lifelessness”).
Living in the “civilized” global cult(ure) is primarily living in a reality of unreality –existing in an empirical reality of mendacity.
Expounded on the geopolitical canvas, the persistence of the ubiquity of human mendacity means that “human imbecility prevails”, “human inhumaneness prevails”, “human badness prevails”, and “human evilness prevails”. What do you think “civilized” “non-primitive” humans' nearly entirely continuous (=prevailing) wagging of wars of aggression from antiquity to modern times [160,161,175,176,265,310,403,412] is a proof of in terms of what prevails in real objective life? What do you think “civilized” “non-primitive” humans' continuous (=prevailing) planet-wide ecological decimation (habitat degradation, mass extinction of non-human life forms/other “earthlings”), going on for centuries [174,228,296,335,350,371-376,415,457], is a proof of in terms of what prevails in real objective life?
In terms of this last question, over 150 years ago, Henry Thoreau, (1817-1862), a US writer, philosopher, naturalist, and free-thinking canny non-napping mature individual who was genuinely interested in truth and objective reality –instead of being mindlessly dedicated to infantile fantasies and cozy delusions like the adherents of the two married pink elephant convoy– realized and comprehended the true reality about “civilized” “non-savage” “non-simpleminded” “rational” “smart” “wise” humans. He based it on an observable PREVAILING pattern –i.e., “civilized” humans' CHRONIC destructiveness and CHRONIC craziness/CHRONIC mass formation– and, therefore, he could correctly predict something specifically that would also become a real PREVAILING reality in the future, such as in the modern incumbency of the 20th and 21st centuries [55,162-164], validating the intrinsic nature and the lasting preponderance of the “hidden” stupidity, “covert” lunacy, and “invisible” badness of “highly developed” humans anywhere:
“Thank God, men cannot as yet fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth!” [357] [emphasis added]
Truth is the eternal underdog, the prevailing loser, and the perennially sacrificed victim in the untruth-over-truth-precedence equation when it would be the eternal role model, the prevailing champion, and the perennially revered hero in a healthy world populated by authentically mature, psychologically sane, genuinely wise people.
Like Hegel [20], Thoreau [357] , Bierce [264], and Mencken [238] (and numerous others before and after them) knew that “civilized” people are psychotic (i.e., not reality-based, not truth-oriented) –and that, therefore, the truth does generally not prevail– Mark Twain, (1835-1910), too, was cognizant of these realities because he knew “we are all mad” [397]. And, of course, “uncivilized”, “undeveloped”, “savage”, “primitive” people (i.e., “Natives” or “indigenous peoples”) anywhere have known this planet-authenticated reality for eons [412]. They recognized that the “civilized” “superior” people are ceaselessly, fundamentally or constitutionally mad [412] rather than here and there exhibiting brief “bouts”, “interludes”, or “eruptions” of lunacy as their own “convenient” “comforting” “feel-good” self-propaganda (self-lies, self-deceptions, self-delusions) dictate. The “inferior primitives” knew that the “superior unprimitives” are afflicted with “permanent mass madness” or “permanent mass psychosis” (or “permanent mass formation”).
For truth to prevail in existing reality –and not simply in childish self-lying fantasy suppositions of the customary world of mendacity-over-truth, such as “the truth will always prevail” or “the truth will prevail of its own power”– it must be constantly and persistently sought, shielded, defended, shared, distributed, propagated, publicized, and lived widely by a majority of people. It entails personal responsibility. It entails personal effort. It entails personal maturity. THEN we would live in a sane world of mostly mature sane people –a veritocracy (“rule by the truth”, a world of truth sovereignty)– where the observed empirical objective reality is: “Truth flies, and falsehood comes limping after” or “The truth travels around the globe while a lie is putting on its shoes”.
The collective ramifications of these actual human realities are absolutely horrific. Because the abovelisted, and a myriad of other similar, surreal delusions inevitably and deterministically translate and lead to immense ancillary inhumane practices by the non-ruling general public [143].
For instance, after a sizable number of erudites and truth-spreaders have perpetually and tenaciously alerted the public for over a century about the driving self-interested political opus vivendi of the global official medicine cartel [28-36,38,40,42-45,49-53,55,56,58,62,63,250] much of the open “secrecy” about this real fact –which spells ongoing holocaustal practices by this extremely criminal mafia fraternity of elite psychopaths– is now (or always has been) mostly due to the irredeemable icy indifference, apathy, complacency, inertia, and deliberate ignorance (ignore-ance, an act of ignoring or overlooking) of the general public (as opposed to nescience, not knowing due to the nonexistence or unobtainability of knowledge).
That's why a lucid Orwell, in his priorcited quote [93], explained that in order for someone to recognize what's going on in plain sight (“in front of one's nose”) there “NEEDS” to be “a CONSTANT STRUGGLE”. Which is the OPPOSITE of an ordinary state of selfish apathy, disinterest, indifference, inertia, complacency, and willful ignorance (deliberate illiteracy, willful gullibility, intentional blindness, self-inflicted stupidity). A repressed, numbish, or deadish state of being that allows and enables heinous crimes and inhumane atrocities by the plutocratic psychopathic globalist terrorists-in-control (with their organically diseased, biologically defective, physically abnormal brains resulting in their twisted inhumane “mentalities and hearts”) [65,66,68-70,72-75,77,151,152,156,205-207,292,457].
Orwell's precept on a requirement of actively experiencing personally a “constant struggle” for an individual “to see what is in front of one's nose” means this:
A person must be alive, feeling, caring, humane –the person must have a real conscience (“a human with a soul”)– in order to seek out, investigate, recognize, and face actual reality and truth.
The less of a “constant struggle”
the less we feel,
the less we care,
the less of a conscience we have,
the less humane we are ...
The more machine-like and dead we are,
the more uncaring we are,
the more inhumane we are,
the more psychopathic we are,
the more soulless we are.
Naturally and logically, pathological psychopaths –as cold-hearted individuals without a conscience [65-70,152]– are the deadest of “the living dead” (“the deadest of the dead”).
Hence, as “the deadest of the dead” individuals (the coldest machine people), the iron-hearted ruling predatory psychopathic technocrats-in-power instinctively gravitate to, develop, perfect, propagate (“normalize”), and utilize technologies that allow them to gain deeper control of the “worthless people” [364] (i.e., the non-ruling public) –and to callously make the “meaningless people” [364] more machine-like because machines tend to be (almost) fully controllable (and fully disposable).
One can call these forms of technology “enslavement technologies”. They are customarily sold to the electively-oblivious undercaste by the ruling mafiosi club of psychopaths, and their functionaries and sympathizers, via deceitfully-framed, so-called humanity-benefiting, “false-face” tales [417]. It is an act of manipulation –which, of course, is an ancient normal tradition with so-called civilized humans [155].
An example of such an “enslavement technology” is, as of the year 2023, the in vogue state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (“AI”) technology (e.g., the “ChatGPT” or “GPT-4” bots) –a dumb, unaccountable, controllable, no common sense-possessing, no ethics-having, no empathy/feeling-equipped, no real intelligence-harboring (especially no “emotional intelligence”-possessing, analogous to its human inventors, developers, and promotors), no analytical rationality-boasting, no reflective introspection-owning, no internal motivation-bearing, no autonomy-possessing, no personal experience in real life-anchored, non-dynamic, lifeless, correlation-uncovering but not causation-uncovering (patterns-seeking not causes-seeking), broad surveillance-enabling, total global control-expediting, truth censorship-empowering, cult(ure) narrative-monopolizing, public control-simplifying, energy-guzzling, mechanical super calculator tool (“supercomputer”) [178,382-391,406,407,416,417,452].
A totally calculative compiler of a deliberately selective pool of “Big Data”, a plagiarizing no-source-citing conscienceless unliable privileged robber of information from an officially-approved intentionally-selective pool of data sources, a dishonorable deliberately biased deceitful manipulative fraudulent
universal digital elite authority [178,382-391,406,407,416,417,452], a
electronic über-human oracle, a secretive enigmatic “digital god” [392], a falsely assumed-trustworthy “godbot” [407], a non-divine “Deus ex machina” (a non-divine machine God), a bodiless digital master manipulator –a bodiless digital elite psychopath (a psychopathic elite machine; a mirror image, clone, or evil twin of the bodily sentient ruling psychopaths). Which is indicative of the lack of integrity, ethics, and wisdom, and the abundance of unaccountability, arrogance, megalomania, foolishness, and/or malice, of the AI initiators, mediators, developers and implementers ("[people who] cared about 'benefitting humanity' wouldn't be developing/disseminating tech that does those things." [417])– factual realities that further empower the deliberately and naturally biased sentient predatory psychopathic “gods”-in-control.
Synonymous terms for “artificial intelligence” –such as “unreal intelligence”, “unnatural intelligence”, “plastic intelligence”, “synthetic intelligence”, “machine intelligence”, “imitated intelligence”, “pseudo-intelligence”, “fake intelligence”, “mock intelligence”, “mimicked intelligence”, “parroted intelligence”, “hollow intelligence”, “substitute intelligence”, “pretentious intelligence”, “insincere intelligence”, “superficial intelligence”, “phony intelligence”, “make-believe intelligence”, “hyped-up intelligence”, “bogus intelligence”, “plagiarized intelligence”, “manufactured intelligence”, “engineered intelligence”, “fabricated intelligence”, “lying intelligence”, or “mendacious intelligence”– expose, too, this deeper reality about AI.
Over half a century ago an American social philosopher fittingly remarked, and presciently warned, that:
“When watching men of power in action it must be always kept in mind that, whether they know it or not, their main purpose is the elimination or neutralization of the independent individual –the independent voter, consumer, worker, owner, thinker– and that every device they employ aims at turning man into a manipulatable 'animated instrument,' which is Aristotle's definition of a slave.” [394] [emphasis added]
Advanced generative AI or “artificial general intelligence” (AGI) or “transformative AI” –“artificial superintelligence” that allegedly delivers “superior facts” and “the truth” [387] (i.e., the fake facts, the deceitful half-truth, or the untruth of The Psychopathic Authoritarian Digital God) in the form of a global standardized highly deceptively persuasive mono-script (“[...] the bot replies as if there is just one answer. They imply there’s nothing more to discuss. Bots won’t tell you their sources or offer links inviting you to consider alternatives.” [407]) enabling “monopoly control” [416], an “almost complete control of opinions and sovereignty of interpretation” [387]– is perhaps or probably the greatest most powerful tool of mind control (the “perfect propaganda tool” [387]). The human-controlled AI godbots enable the establishment and enactment of a global monopoly on narrative dissemination –i.e., a global narrative ownership, a global propaganda hegemony, or a global propaganda imperialism– by the parasitic psychopathic global monopolists-in-command.
AI godbots are the near ultimate people-disempowering self-enslaving appliance (and, thus, the supreme life-disempowering, life-crushing, anti-liveliness instrument) in the predatory command-addicted hands of the psychopathic script-fabricating script-selling script-controlling elite brainwashers-in-power (“governminds”).
In a publicized speech at the 'World Government Summit' in Dubai in early 2023 one of the leading overt faces of the global controllers practically confirmed exactly that when he talked about AI, chatbots, digital identities, the metaverse, synthetic biology, and nanotechnology:
“Who masters those technologies –in some way– will be the master of the world.” (Klaus Schwab, 14-Feb-2023 [393])
Since most people are disempowered and willfully self-disempowering myopic entities –as
willfully inert apathetic deadish sleepwalking automatons– AI is (or will be) warmly welcomed, or even demanded, by the overwhelming majority of people everywhere. (The major reason for its mass acceptance is illuminated further into the essay in a segment where I pose the question “How do we find the truth of things, the real facts, the actual reality?”).
“Progressive” human technologies tend to closely mirror, and thus resonate in a circle with, the “progressive” DEvolutionary nature of modern humans –such as being stupid, programed, controllable, unaccountable, myopic, mendacious, unethical, lacking in empathy/humaneness, having a “blissful” machine-like deadness (see descriptive features and synonyms of artificial intelligence above).
“Intelligent” soulless machines with “zombie minds” [406] are naturally conceived, incubated, and perfected by “intelligent” soulless people machines with zombie minds (i.e., “mass-produced, programmed, numbered, insensate things” [395]; humanoid robots).
“Intelligent” soulless INTERNAL human machineness (icy deadness) procreates, “progresses”, and “evolves” more of its own kind, by its intrinsic nature, in its own image –EXTERNALLY.
Naturally, soulless machine people produce a soulless machine world. Inherently, dead fake people create and are “at home” in a dead fake world (AI is “basically the substitution of fake life for real life. [...]. We, being ruled by an IMITATION of life.” [429]) [429,430].
It is the natural “advancement” and “progress” of the human animal machines. It is the “evolution” of the civilized human “death-machine” [174] –the invisiblized soulless devolution of the civilized human death machine.
Concerning the most “insensate things” [395] or “the deadest of the dead” heartless soulless predatory human machines (robotic humanoids), a major distinctive feature of conscienceless psychopaths is, according to two scientific icons of psychopathy research, their “limited range or depth of feelings” [67] [emphasis added], their “emotional deficiency”, their “emotional poverty”, their “general poverty of affect”, “a diminution of emotional range”, especially along the deeper notes” that's “far-reaching, profound, and final” [151] [emphasis added]. Ergo, conscience-free soulless people –spiritually dead psychopaths– are the most galvanized and resolute death force among humans.
With the “civilized” 2-married-pink-elephants' homo “sapiens” cult we have a scale of “living deadness” –a spectrum of “living soullessness” (i.e, the “emotional flatlinerism spectrum disorder” or the “soullessness spectrum disorder” or “the deadness spectrum disorder”). A palette of sickness and degeneracy –NOT a gradient of health and sanity.
Over a century ago, one of the icons of 20th century world literature, Franz Kafka, (1883-1924), who was an intriguing writer and skilled observer of “the human condition”, recognized this common state of human soullessness, this systemic zombie mode, this widespread internal human deadness (i.e., “the human deadness spectrum disorder”), and referred to it as “the frozen sea inside us” [410].
Above all, a feeling-caring vividness, an unblocked deep feeling range (enabling and birthing real profound humaneness, such as a genuine sense of compassion) is the paramount precondition, the integral linchpin, the obligatory centerpiece –the imperative “sine qua non”– for wisdom and authentic constructive learning, such as the comprehension of the implications or the (deeper) meaning of facts [151].
A trailblazer of the science on psychopathy, Hervey Cleckley, MD, (1903-1984), found that the clinical profile of psychopaths include a “failure to learn by experience” [151] (remember Hegel?), and a “specific loss of insight [...] to a degree seldom, if ever, found in any but the most seriously disturbed psychotic patients” [151] [emphasis added] (psychosis signifies a loss of contact with reality). Although, understandably, “invisible” chameleon-like psychopaths [68] can display an “excellent mimicry of insight” [151] –manifesting a MASK of insight, a MASK of a “sound mind”. (Not coincidentally, a rendition of an “excellent mimicry” of sound human intelligence is what “artificial intelligence” machines (i.e., “elite digital psychopaths”, “machine psychopaths”, or “AI psychopaths”) produce [406] –elite machine intelligence (i.e., “artificial intelligence”) being a sired oeuvre of the “civilized” psychopathic-delusional cult(ure) of madness). Of course, as supreme stealth predators, invisibilized psychopaths are also highly capable of mimicking genuine emotions. These skilled deceptionists can express fake emotions or inauthentic feelings, such as “cognitive empathy”, which is a euphemism for intellectual or cognitive understanding.
Are you STILL holding on to the reality-verified false notion (untruth, lie, fantasy) that the leading (overt and covert) authorities-in-power-and-control, in a plethora of significant positions of authority across the mainstream institutional spectrum (e.g., politics, medicine, science, academia, education, media, technology, philanthropy) are intelligent, wise-about-the-world, rational, and honorable?
you do, what does that fact imply about you?
“Living” DEAD humans –that is, narrow feeling-range individuals (“emotional flatliners”)– cannot learn deeply and constructively (or can only learn so on a “non-stickable” short-range scale: marginally, temporarily, or situationally) by their very foundational constitution, their nature of “living” deadness, which is embodied, vetted, and “certificated” by the long-range historical inventory of human non-learning. The traditional “beating a dead horse” metaphor, an application to under-aroused humans, refers to this grand lack of feeling-caring human vitality –i.e., an obstructed flat feeling range, “a diminution of emotional range” [151].
Quintessentially, Hegel's appraisal of (“civilized”) people's complete lack of learning from history [20] deconstructs and unmasks the universal soulless condition of the collective (“non-primitive” “non-savage”) human progeny.
The historically lasting “non-stickable”-learning condition or never-learning state of “civilized humankind” (i.e., Hegel's “never-stickable” learning state of “civilized” people) unwraps the reality that there have almost always occurred collectively only “trivial awakenings” or “pseudo-awakenings” or “superficial awakenings” or “fake awakenings” or “minor awakenings” or “partial awakenings” or “temporary awakenings” or “recurring transient awakenings” –or a succession of “non-stickable” awakenings (resulting from “non-stickable” learning). But very rarely, if ever, a collective “great awakening” –although perpetual talk, claims, or hype about “the great awaking” occurring or about to occur have been opulent throughout the long empirical “civilized” human unawakeness history.
The rhetoric that “civilized humankind” is experiencing, or is about to experience, “a great awakening” is an oxymoron. Such rhetoric amounts to exhibitions of Great Fake Use Of Language, or displays of Great Fakespeak, or manifestations of Great Collective Self-Propaganda. The fake rhetoric of “a great awakening” is one of “civilized” “developed” people's comforting fake narratives from their big ever-growing arsenal of man-made fictions. It's one of “civilized” “developed” people's common enduring natural fantasies, it's one of their common enduring normal delusions.
In terms of the lasting global unawakeness condition, the enduring ubiquitous collective soullessness –the exorbitant prominence and vastness of “the never-learning living deadness”– profiling the “2 Married Pink Elephants”, influential Austrian writer Thomas Bernhard (1931-1989) pictured it for us with this stark allegorical metaphor in one of his most famous novels:
“When we're looking for a human it's like we're constantly searching through a gigantic morgue, a humongous house of displayed dead bodies.” [353] [my own translation from German to English]
The authentic fact that human emotional flatlinerism, human spiritual deadness, or metastatic human soullessness (a poverty of soul) “rules the world” –that is, it's the wide-spread systemic general norm or standard, or the nature of “civilized” human apes– and that it inherently moves in a progressive downward vortex (a path of atrophy, a trajectory of collapse, a journey of self-destruction) can also be conclusively harvested from the following two noteworthy statements:
“A man dies when he refuses to stand up for that which is right. A man dies when he refuses to stand up for justice. A man dies when he refuses to take a stand for that which is true.” (Martin Luther King, Jr., US Human Rights Activist, Establishment Critic, And Nobel Laureate, 1929–1968) [449]
“We can say that the essence of normality is the refusal of reality.” (Ernest Becker, PhD, 1924-1974, US Anthropologist & Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author) [414]
It is this willful “living deadness”, this “living lifelessness”, this “living immobility”, this self-induced “living inertia”, this “living sleep state”, this “living condition of being asleep”, this chosen “living sleepwalking state”, this “living vegetative state”, this willful “living amnesic stupor” condition of never-learning, this elected “living” condition of being “deaf, dumb and blind” [239,240], this “living spiritlessness”, this willful “living soullessness” that makes humans moldable, exploitable, controllable, ownable, herdable, and enslavable by external forces, “living dead” dark forces –evil psychopathic people.
As accentuated above and now deliberately reiterating,“living dormancy”, “living deadness”, “living soullessness” is “the universal coin wherewith everything is bought” [354] –such as mass conformity, plebs obedience, mob stupidity, mass mind control, herd class manipulation, sheep class trust in their psychopathic captors, hive class exploitation, self-disempowerment and serf class disempowerment, the total control of the slave class, underclass enslavement, the poisoning and destruction of the nobody class, the mass murder of human and non-human “nobodies”, humans' anthropomorphism or anthropocentrism or what I call, in more explicit preciser true reality-unshrouding truth-baring language, “anthroposupremacism” or “anthroponarcissism” or humans' global tyranny over all the organisms on Earth (i.e., “species racism” or “speciesism” [371-373]) [296,374-376,415], and planetary omnicide.
As Miguel de Cervantes, (1547-1616), a Spanish writer, wrote in his very famous novel “Don Quixote”:
“Sleep [...] has only one fault, that it is like death; for between a sleeping man and a dead man there is very little difference.” [354]
In the 19th century, the highly insightful Friedrich Nietzsche, (1844-1900), used the metaphor of “the land of the sleepers” [409] (a.k.a “zombieland”) to describe the universal human condition –a global chronic human state that Cervantes, centuries earlier, captured with this sleeping human-dead human analogy and saw as the universal cause (“the universal coin”) of the manifestations of human madness [354].
And in this form, function, and role as practical “living sleeping” dead instruments (i.e., functional dummies or “useful idiots” [239,240], soulless creatures) is why self-imposed “living somnolent”, “living spiritless”, free-willed “blissfully dead” people are extremely dangerous to life anywhere at the disposal of a ruling cult regime of anti-life psychopaths (and why the former group is the BIGGER of the two coupled pink elephants in the “Infinite Dark Age” room).
Analogously, and in a state of “rational” circular insanity (lunatic “rationality”, psychotic “rationality”, lunatic “lucidity”, or “intelligent” stupidity), “invisible” madness, invisibilized sickness, and “covert” inhumaneness, people who ask questions along the line of “why even make efforts to fix, mend, alleviate, or stop the omnicidal destruction of the “non-savage” “non-primitive” “highly developed” “highly evolved” “wise” human race?” or “what's the point of trying at all?” typically only expose with such sad defeatist musings their own poignant absence of a “constant struggle” –or the possession of only a fleeting meager “constant struggle” constitution of humanism. That is, they showcase their own fundamentally disempowered personal state, their “forsaken-and-given-up” condition of intentional ignorance, their deliberate obliviousness, their willful dormancy, their planned invigilance, their voluntary carelessness, their self-induced apathy, their living deadness, their “frozen sea inside” [410], their living soul hibernation, which (as limelighted above) has always enabled all human atrocities in the first place.
The “civilized” human reality of a willful sleepwalking state, of a chronic soulless deadness condition –manifested for centuries and millennia– illuminates another fundamental “invisible” truth, another foundational “invisibilized” implication: it isn't so much that “civilized humanity” has been living in a world filled with visible hate (although there has perpetually been plenty of that around), but that we've been living in a world filled primarily with “invisibilized” unlove –where unlove is apathy, indifference, a lack of “constant struggle”, the absence of caring, a deficiency of feeling, emotional flatlinerism, zombiism, soullessness, deadness.
The reality-based observation on the “living deadness” state –the soulless machine-like living– of most people uncloaks and informs why the core issues of “advanced” humankind have never been revolving around a lack of an “Information Age”, a lack of a “Truth Availability Age”, a lack of an “Education Age”, a lack of a “Communications Age”, a lack of a “Technological Age”, or a lack of a “Digital Age” because communication, education, information, knowledge, facts, truths, and so forth, have no, or limited, meaningful and constructive power when faced with machine-like, “deadish living”, uncaring-indifferent, short-sighted human animals. “Elite apes” who are fundamentally compromised, crippled, and diseased with enduring emotional flatlineritis (or lasting emotional flatlinerism). For instance, the recognition that human civilization is a cult(ure) of “knowing” “intelligent” “wise” “civilized” emotional dwarves illustrates the underlying, unexplained, “invisible” cause of the highly penetrating 19th century observation –fully applicable also to the 20th and 21st centuries– by Sarah Emery, recited at the start of this thesis.
The (increasingly) disempowered condition of the willful functional spiritless sleepwalkers or sleepers (increasingly) hampers, warps, and restricts their perception, thinking, response-ability and action capability. For instance, the cult(ure)-adjudicated “most rational” “most intelligent”, “most scientific” “most credentialed” guild of controlling psychopaths-in-power should have implemented systemic constructive actions many decades ago when it became very evident we're in a process of planetary collapse yet, calculably, they've done close to virtually nothing [367] –literally “sleeping at the wheel” as
soulless “living dead” mega monsters.
The “living catatonic spiritlessness” condition of the pink elephant confraternity is a state that hinders, halts, and stops constructive real progress: the evolution of humaneness.
With “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Planetary Room” we have a dynasty of blissful collective unconsciousness. With “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Planetary Room” we have TWO invisibilized “living dead” or “living spiritless” or “living lifeless” human entities. We have the most dire synergy of the TWO major “invisible” anti-life “living” forces anywhere in the world. Their interactive co-evolution made manifest as the cascading “evolution” (i.e., “progress”) and primordial tenure of never-learning invisibilized soulless humans in the blink of geological time (especially since “the birth of civilization”).
The co-evolution of two human classes of “emotional flatliners” –“invisible” “emotional flatliners”.
The “evolution” of a drove of emotional midgets.
The devolutionary progression of a codependent pair of emotional cripples.
The catabolic odyssey of ethically defectives.
The “smart” technological advancement of soulless machine people –of Unfeeling Machine Gods, of Icy God Apes.
The inevitable journey of the officially undiagnosed but Earth-verified human emotional flatlinerism pathology (i.e, “the universal “invisible” emotional flatlinerism syndrome”, “the invisibilized soul deficiency disease”,“the ubiquitous invisibilized soullessness spectrum disorder”, “the fatal soullessness spectrum disorder”, or “the lethal human deadness spectrum disorder”) branding “civilized humans”.
The natural omnicidal disease course of chronic emotional flatlineritis.
The natural disorder pathway of collectively and universally invisibilized chronic emotional dwarfism (i.e., the “invisible” chronic degenerative lethal soullessness spectrum disease, the “hidden from sight” terminal human deadness spectrum disorder).
The invisibilized “living” deadness' innate devolutionary journey (as a “death-machine” [174]) into non-living deadness: its self-erasure, its own complete extinction.
In actual planetary reality, human apes'-self-aggrandizing gaslighting dogma of “human evolution” is the reality-verified evolution of human devolution. When looking at “civilized humanity” through prototypical human pink elephant glasses (i.e., a self-exalting “civilized” human pink elephant mask), it is a geochronologically extremely fast and brief rise-and-“shine” existence –yet in hard-core actuality, it is a geochronologically extremely fast and brief descent-and-shame existence of the unwise human species, the soulless machine apes.
Importantly, Hegel (and others [e.g., 21]) does not exclude any particular category of people in his assessment of people's historical conduct of unwisdom. The axiom applies to both so-called unintelligent people and so-called intelligent people (after all, Hegel's dictum includes “governments”, which are made up of allegedly bright people, such as its “leaders”), to both so-called uneducated people and so-called educated people, to both so-called moral people and so-called immoral people, to both so-called spiritual people or non-spiritual people, to both so-called religious people and non-religious people, to young people and old people, to poor people and rich people, to men and women, and no matter what race or ethnicity.
A personal life experience-derived incisive observation or “hard lesson” learned by Valery Legasov, PhD, (1936-1988), a Russian scientist, 1986 Chernobyl disaster whistleblower, and truth-disperser, attests to the timeless global non-discriminatory reality of “the Hegel syndrome”, totally encompassing also officially credentialed folks, such as scientists, medical doctors, and other “higher educated” individuals:
“To be a scientist is to be naive. We are so focused on our search for the truth, we fail to consider how few actually want us to find it. But it is always there, whether we see it or not, whether we choose to or not. The truth doesn’t care about our needs or our wants. It doesn’t care about our governments, our ideologies, our religions. It will lie in wait for all time.” [398] [explanation & emphasis added]
In terms of “to be a (“sophisticated”, “worldly”, “civilized”, “trustworthy”, “smart”, “rational”, “logical”, “wise”, “non-moronic”, “non-primitive”, official) scientist is to be naive”, per an old print version of the famed “Encyclopaedia Britannica” books, “naive” means “uncritical”, “not consciously logical” [399]. According to an old print version of an old official dictionary [170] “naive” is defined as being “simple”, “credulous”, it's referring to a person who's exhibiting “a lack of [...] learning, analysis, perception, [or] depth”, a person who is being “unwary about duplicity or distortion”. Per a recent version [400] of “the world’s leading digital dictionary” [401], the word “naive” is also defined as “ignorant”, “childlike”, “gullible”, “simple-minded”, “untaught”, “unaffected”, “countrified”, “unsophisticated”, or “patsy” (which is a stooge, a hireling, a dummy, an easy prey, a doormat).
Do you recall that the controlling alpha psychopaths view underclass folks as “deaf, dumb and blind”, as “simpletons”, as “useful idiots” [239,240], or “the dead” [241] (and the deranged elite psychopaths derive mental enjoyment from continuously exposing “in plain sight” the general herd's perennial vast stupidity [450])? And do you recall –or did you get– that the priorquoted statements by Albert Einstein and Aleck Bourne point to the same reality? The naivety of scientists, medical allopaths, and other officially highly educated people –i.e., the “intelligent” stupidity, simple-minded “intelligence”, or dumb “brilliance” of these “professional morons” (i.e., “trained monkeys” [421])– can be observed, and has long been observable "in front of everyone's nose", on an ONGOING and CONTINUOUS basis by anyone who's authentically lucid and truly awake.
Moreover, the Russian literary genius, heretic, and political activist, Fyodor Dostoyevsky, (1821-1881), had already fully grasped, expressed, and exposed this “invisible” or invisibilized reality back in the 19th century:
“[...] I did not know how to become anything; […] neither a hero nor an insect. Now, I am living out my life in my corner, taunting myself with the spiteful and useless consolation that an intelligent man cannot become anything seriously, and it is only the fool who becomes anything. Yes, a man in the nineteenth century [and the 20th & 21st centuries] must and morally ought to be pre-eminently a characterless [=indifferent, spineless, cowardly, pathetic, feeble-minded, unheroic, dishonorable, lifeless, soulless, ordinary, normal, stupid] creature; a man of character [=integrity, morality, incorruptibility, courage, bravery, thoughtfulness, caringness, humaneness, spiritedness, conscience, nobility of soul], an active man is pre-eminently a limited creature.” [431] [emphasis & explanations added]
Of equal significance to Hegel's timeless ubiquitous truism, Mencken's notion that “the majority of men prefer delusion to truth” –soothing easy to grasp delusions to complex truths [238]– implies, too, that people in general (without distinction in categories) are delusional, irrational, illogical, myopically self-absorbed, lazy, careless, pathetic, ignorant, irresponsible, immature, foolish, sick, diseased, psychotic, insane, unethical or cowardly.
Are these implications the prime reason why no matter the scale and the endless historical record of high crimes and most inhumane heinous atrocities against populations committed by the controlling psychopathic rogues-in-action [453-456], the megamajority of the public (regardless of cultural stratum: whether officially educated or uneducated, officially intelligent or unintelligent, religious or not, spiritual or not, young or old, poor or rich, women and men, and regardless of ethnicity or race) does not (want to) recognize and acknowledge –i.e., wake up to, and face, the real fact (objective reality) right in front of their unwise noses– that a gang of evil psychopaths (a global cabal of affluent elite grifters) is ruling, controlling, exploiting, disempowering, or otherwise seriously harming them? What else can one reasonably assume?
Delusions are fantasies, phantoms, “visions”, superstitions, falsehoods, fake beliefs, false idols, and lies people love. Believing in, and holding onto, delusions is a deification of myths and mendacities. The willful self-inflicted chronic delusion-over-truth preference by most people [238] is a self-deleterious self-sabotaging self-defeating –i.e., gradually suicidal– formula that routinely puts individuals to sleep in relation to truth.
A principal orientation TOWARDS welcoming myths and comforting lies is a principal orientation AWAY FROM unwelcoming facts and discomforting truths.
The willful selective attention to illusions and delusions leads to, and is paralleled by, the willful selective inattention to truth and existent reality.
Delusion over truth is unrealness over realness –untruth over truth. It is truth devolution: the atrophy of sanity. It is delusion evolution: the progress of lunacy.
By wittingly preferring delusion (unrealness) to truth (realness), the priority of focus of most people shifts to engagement with fantasies, myths, and the preoccupation with a litany of other comparable “soothing” diversions, “comforting” digressions, and “cozy” distractions. All the while their much needed attention to “unsoothing” truths and “uncozy” authentic realities diminishes, and as a result wholesale ignorance, cold indifference, and widespread inertia flourish –and grand inhumanities and injustices proliferate. It amounts to the general public's deliberate participation (being a “part” of the problem) –via willful “blissful ignorance”, chosen blissful blindness, intentional blissful silence, self-imposed apathy, self-selected reality evasion, elected inactions, and opted deadwalking– in the vampiric global psychopathic tyrants' plotting of countless crimes against humanity and other forms or diversities of life.
The habitual omission, obfuscation, distortion, reframing, pacification, sweetening, accommodation, toleration, dismissal, denial, or refusal of unpleasant uncompromising realities invariably causes the habitual creation, survival, and patronage (“progress”) of unpleasant uncompromising realities.
Standard anti-reality activities are standard anti-life activities.
Normative anti-truth behavior is normative evilness.
The technological “digital revolution” or “internet revolution” opened up a whole new, abundant, deliciously green, controlled pasture of delusions or “terra nova” of fantasies the psychopathic pack of ruling predatory shepherds could readily herd the gullible delirious delusional indifferent pink elephant crowd into to feed and feast on: exciting cyberspace pseudo-realities, pleasant virtual fake realities, and digital feel-good escapades (e.g., imaginative online video games, or the juicy turf of social media).
Just a step or two away from getting permanently digitally linked up as biological or non-biological (transgendered, gender-undefined, genderless, sexless, neutered, or non-organic [358,359]) human-machine entities (“humanoid cyborgs” a.k.a “transhumans” or “posthumans” or “zombies”) to an endless and always present supply of comforting virtual fantasies in an electronic bubble existence (i.e., a synthetic hyperreality, the cybersphere, the “metaverse”, the final frontier of unreality-centered “perception is “reality””) as part of a dehumanized disgraced animalized robotized mechanized insane global control system of technocratic totalitarianism [246,282,395,457]. A digital dictatorship, an all-seeing AI-based digitized biometric social control grid (“The Panopticon”), a digital prison, a digital concentration camp, an electronic slave system, an electronic gulag [174,246,282,317,384,389]. (“The transgender movement”, or “transgenderism”, is also an intermediary transitional step in the machine human or transhumanist agenda –the sickening scheme of directed controlled “human evolution”– systemically implemented by the criminally insane psychopaths-in-charge [358,359,422,423]).
In a number of ways this “invisible” digital jail system has already been in place for several years in a nascent cruder form –a normalizing precursor form. For example by the fact that nearly all people anywhere, billions of “advanced”, “progressive”, “spiritually-awake”, “consciousness-elevated”, “intelligent”, “enlightened”, “civilized”, “non-primitive” individuals, carry –voluntarily, electively, and consensually– their self-gratifying, environmentally-harmful, health-damaging, trackable, identity-exposing, addictive slave device (i.e., their “smart” cell phone) [45,174,178,377-380,427] with them wherever they go, just about around the clock. Which is another normal exhibition of “non-primitive” “sophisticated” “civilized” humans' invisibilized chronic lunacy and imbecility (in current cult(ure) fakespeak this true reality would be trivially framed, at best, as “momentary mass formation”). In terms of the blanket global utilization of “intelligent” mobile phones, some individuals had pointed out that it's the first time in human animal history where the slaves happily (i.e., in blissful opted ignorance) carry their own chains (i.e., their own invisibilized “smart” chains).
It is a giant standardizing habit that has been, and is, exhibited daily by the willful machine-like collective self-incarcerators on the road into a fully controlled global electronic concentration camp [174,246,282,317,384,389]. It's one of innumerable collective cult(ure) behaviors that, as noted prior, got co-formed and cult(urally) conditioned, standardized, normalized, and naturalizedd through “the conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses” [214].
George Orwell (1903-1950) gave us the ghastly visual vignette of this near-future reality of a digital slave prison system impending for each of us: “[...] imagine a boot stamping on a human face –for ever.” [351]. Which is now being grifted, hustled, and huckstered to the habitually “authority”-orienting, the habitually “authority”-compliant, the habitually fable-smitten, the habitually never-learning class of “living dead” nobodies (the meaningless, worthless “useless people” [364], the useless class) with the gaslighting idyllic sketch of “Own Nothing, Be Happy” [125,384] by the habitually lying, habitually manipulating, habitually deceiving, psychopathic, owning class of self-proclaimed “Gods”-in-authoritative-power. Their deceitful “Own Nothing, Be Happy” siren song –which is deflecting from their innate predatory drive for global omnipotence– stands for a cozy electronic prison –a digital “utopia”. A prison disguised as utopia.
It is and has been the psychopathic-technocratic cult(ure)'s gradual consensual transformation of humans –i.e., “the worthless class” [364]– into easy-to-control machines (“dead matter”) –humans without humaneness and morality (“humans without souls”). It's the gradual consensual human “progress” by gradual psychopathic-technocratic dehumanization.
The consensual surrender to dehumanization.
The normalization of consensual dehumanization.
The consensual normalization and dominance of people machines (“dead matter” humanoids) instead of life.
The normal or natural anti-life progress of a technological cult(ure) ecosystem of soullessness (soul-deadness), a technocratic cult(ure) of psychopathy –a technological psychopathocracy.
The collective consensual DEvolution of humankind [317].
So, unfortunately, willful illiteracy of reality (i.e., “convenient cluelessness”, ignorant bliss, blissful gullibility, or blissful idiocy; recall that ruling grandiose lunatic psychopaths or their inane admirers view non-ruling common people as “useful idiots” [239,240]) and chosen denial of reality –operative behaviors which end up in deference and consent with the directives of a psychopathocracy– are ultimately not constructive options and are intrinsically non-adaptive in an environment controlled by extractive psychopathic predatory parasites (i.e., the leading charlatans at the top of the power pyramid). It lowers a person's chances of survival.
Ignorance is disempowerment.
Untruth is disempowerment.
Willful ignorance is anti-life.
Truth is empowerment.
Applied knowledge is empowerment.
Truth-seeking is pro-life.
These factual realities nullify the underclass-beloved, seductive –albeit (collectively) self-defeating, self-neutering, self-disempowering, dangerous– fantasy, delusion, or cultural gaslighting idea that “ignorance is bliss” or “denial is delightful” (or similar fake adages and mad cult mantras: “Don’t say it out loud, and it won’t be true" or “Walk on air against your better judgment”).
Over time, deliberate blindness to truth, elected blindness to reality, collective ignorance of truth and collective refusal of reality deterministically result in collective downfall and collective demise –collective extinction, in an intertwined process of co-extinction with other planetary life forms that humans are intricately interconnected with.
An inhumanely mad culture (or cult-ure) programs its inhabitants that darkness (ignorance) is good and light (knowledge, truth) is bad –that “turning off your brain” is happiness and truth-seeking thinking is unhappiness, and that censorship of truth and perversion of empirical reality are constructive sound activities.
And an inhumanely mad culture (or cult-ure) is receptive to such cult(ural) illusions and longs for such “pie in the sky” lore.
Predictably, it's commonly ignoramuses (or “blissfully stupid” people, also tagged as “blissers”), such as indifferent pink elephant delusionist individuals, who believe, utter, and live by the nihilistic psychopathic cult(ure) motto of “ignorance is bliss” –which is an illusory or delusory state of happiness.
The only constructive long-range genre of “ignorance is bliss” (or “blissful obliviousness”) for the human masses appears to be in people's practical habit of deliberately avoiding and ignoring official cult(ure) delusions and deceptions. Purposely eschewing and ignoring the popularized gaslighting story lines, propositions, and doctrines of the controlled narrative economy of the delusional-psychopathic mainstream conformist cult(ure). Some individuals have called this deliberate behavior “eye-bouncing” but a more inclusive holistic depiction is “mind-bouncing” or “organism-bouncing”. This sort of demeanor is more designative of having an Amish-like life attitude [307].
Because willful mind-bouncing (or intentional organism-bouncing, or emanating more of an Amish-type temperament) helps to protect one's cognitive-emotive mindset from slow subtle decay and from getting continually led (more) astray by the elite deceivers and elite delusionists of the cult(ure). A “constructive ignorance is bliss” model of emulation. It's a decision to guard one's own mind. A decision of responsibly taking care of one's mental health and psychological well-being –an act of personal healthcare (an act of self-love).
Because whatever enters an individual's mind in terms of information and knowledge –just like what enters an individual's mouth in terms of foods and beverages– is largely an elective personal choice, a deliberate decision. Made day after day. And just as the regular choice of the type of edibles a person consumes forms and notably determines the quality of that individual's bodily physique (a person's physical health) so does the regular choice of the type of information a person “consumes” form and notably determine the quality of that individual's cognitive mind and thinking capability (a person's mental health).
Not committing oneself to “constructive ignorance is bliss” behavior (i.e., organism-bouncing) is self-sabotage through the passive or active invitation of self-propagandization with authorized cult(ure) mendacities. It is a ritual of mental self-poisoning, an act of self-disrespect, an etiquette of self-contempt, a proof of self-unlove.
As delusional, truth-apathetic, mad, married pink elephant members, most individuals continue to believe, seek out, and remain mesmerized by and transfixed to –like a moth to the light of a flame– the lies and propaganda of the ruling reality-verified psychopathic gaslighters-in-power (the powerful “God”-like psychopathic “Saviors”) despite that they continually manipulate and deceive them, fortifying their personal and collective insanity.
The lasting great “success” of the aforedescribed “perception is reality” concept, which is susceptible to deceitful fabrications and illusions, is notably enabled, aided, and strengthened by the fact that most people have an affinity for fantasies (over truth).
The beguiling concept “plays into the hands” –and is in the hands– of both pink elephants in the historical room.
The reality-indifferent deceptionsts try to convince everyone –i.e., they program (“brainwash”) everyone with the false fraudulent mental narrative (propaganda)– that universally perceived SELF-SERVING deceptions are truths (mass deceptions, mass manipulations, mass lies are truths).
The reality-indifferent delusionists try to convince everyone –i.e., they program (“brainwash”) everyone with the false fraudulent mental narrative (propaganda)– that universally perceived SELF-SERVING delusions are truths (mass delusions, mass fantasies, mass myths are truths).
Fraudulently manufactured fake consensus (i.e., official “multiplication propaganda”) is truth –which chronicles the way of life in an autocratic cult [253,254].
The perennial end result is a perennial fake world. A world of deceptions, a world of delusions –a world of untruths. A world of untruths is a psychopathic-delusional world, a deception-based and delusion-based world –a world of, by, and for delusionists and deceptionists (“fools and rogues” to use Bierce's terms from over a century ago). A cult(ural) dictatorship of, by, and for mendacity.
The incontrovertible reality is that the major officially engineered, approved, and managed Covid-19 story lines, which are classic examples of authorized perceptions-as-deceptions (and so “perceptions are deceptions”), are –from the very start– political deceitful dogmatic narratives (like the fakespeak about vitamin C for Covid, or about allegedly effective safe Covid-19 coronavirus vaccines) –and are NOT unpolitical truthful impartial narratives corresponding with experiential medicine and existing reality [53-55,57,59,61-64,84,94-137,165,172,209,291,293,306,316-325]. As alluded to, official imperial narrative management is the authorized propagandistic colonizing and programing of public consciousness –public mind control with misleading or false stories, explanations, declarations, scripts, ideas, memes, rumors, lies, and clichés by the authoritative “GovernMind” of psychopaths [65,66,68,69,137,217,291,315-317,322,328,455-457].
If everything in any diseased culture comes down ultimately to the control of one's mind (consciousness control), the control of public perception via fake narrative (fakespeak) is a most crucial element in the hijacking and sequestering of the overall true reality that the Covid-19 coronavirus “pandemic” is a manufactured crisis, a stupendous political fraud operation. Another genocidal mammoth crime against humanity, going on right in front of the general public's complacent inert willfully sleeping noses (see aforecited Hegel/Orwell/Curtin quotes)– a reality inversion hatched by the controlling exceptionally criminal psychopathic upperclass [53,54,57,59,61,64,84,102,109,114,116,123-125,130,131,135-137,209,273,291,293,306,316-322,324-326].
This is hardly difficult to imagine or understand for any rational interested concerned (i.e., non-deluded, non-indifferent) awake person considering that the worst faction of elitist psychopaths in the world can keep a real global medical holocaust –that's been ceaselessly going on for well over a century and continues today, right in front of the general public's self-contented careless non-acting acquiescent noses (see aforecited Hegel/Orwell/Curtin quotes)– “perceptually canceled” (“plausibly non-existent”) in the public hive mind.
And so the self-anointed “civilized” “non-savage” and “suave” world population at large is (deliberately) unaware of the gigantic Covid-19 profiteering racket. The inhumane suppressive criminality against vitamin C for Covid is but ONE highly egregious firm ominous harbinger of The Big Covid-19 Con –happening right in front of the general public's willfully complacent yielding slumbering noses. Just as the general public is, and has been, unaware of a multitude of vital discomforting truths right in front of their self-contented heedless passive noses [160,161,175-177,210,310,340,348,403,455,456] because "the majority of men prefer delusion to truth” [238].
The priorcited “2 pink elephants in the historical room” –most people's predilection for delusion, and the endless rulership and proliferation of psychopathic creatures (i.e., the scum-based titans or icons of fakery and mind games, the predatory wizards)– are closely related to each other. In fact, they're married as a “perfect” match made on earth: a highly deceptive human animal married a highly delusional human animal.
It's like the relationship between stage magicians and audiences who love them. Psychopaths are like stage magicians who give their magician-applauding audiences illusions that have the appearance of truth [242] –in imitations of “perception is reality” or “delusion over reality”.
And so, “the two pink elephants in the historical room” –the delusional pink elephant and the deceptive pink elephant (the “fools and rogues”)– have been “successfully” (i.e., symbiotically) married for thousands of years in loyal intimate codependency. Displaying a mutual superficial outer facade (“mask”) of “feel-good” charm, “don't worry, be happy” optimism, and a grotesque general “all is good” mentality of oblivion (i.e., a collective reality denial).
The global “phenomenon” or “mystery” or “enigma” of a demented “equal” 2-class structure (i.e., a ruling class versus a non-ruling class, masters versus serfs) –which has been in existence since at least the dawn of “civilization” some 10'000-12'000 years ago (the Neolithic Age, or the end-stage of the Stone Age) [39,82,143,174,178]– is rooted in, and sprouted from, the natural individual constitutional conditions of these two ancient married pink elephants. The historical permanency of the 2-class social order (e.g., in a “class society” or “class culture”) is a natural mirrored manifestation of the historical permanency of the organic physical brain defects of psychopaths (i.e., psychopaths are incurable [69,151,152,205,243-245]) AND the historical permanency of most people's pathological appetite for delusions-over-truth.
This natural process of class formation is the externalization of the degenerate mirror realities of each other. It is internal reality manifesting in external reality:
“As above, so below; as within, so without; as the universe [or the world], so the soul [i.e., the lack thereof as with “civilized” humankind].” (Attributed to Hermes Trismegistus) [explanations added]
“[...] it is the biological nature of the beast [=“homo sapiens”, the human animal] that has molded the social structure of civilization, rather than the other way around.” (Desmond Morris, PhD, English Zoologist, Sociobiologist, And Painter, in 1967 [415]) [emphasis & explanation added]
Since there is a biological separation, or division, between psychopaths and non-psychopaths [65,66], there is classism in a real sense, there is inherent class inequality –they actually do live in two tangibly different, albeit complementary, worlds (or “classes”). Overall, we have a class of eager deception manufacturers on one side (the “rogues”), and a class of eager delusion consumers on the other side (the “fools”).
Of course, as a symbiotic co-dependent married pink elephant couple they both make (as explained prior) ample use of the “perception is reality” or “symbolism over actuality” concept –their “reputation over reality” or “appearance over substance” life orientation. All on their own accord, independently –inherently, naturally.
The delusional pink elephant in the historical room –the delusion-over-truth megapopulation– naturally lives by the gaslighting concept of “clever” cozy “delusions are reality” (delusions as truth, plausible lies as truth, untruth as truth). Because, narcissistically (albeit disingenuously and invalidly), “plausible delusions” and “plausible myths” get perennially hauled, relegated, and elevated to the level of truth. Delusions as MASKS of truth. Delusions as MASKS of reality.
The deceptive pink elephant in the historical room –the predatory class of governing psychopaths– naturally lives by the gaslighting concept of brilliantly cunning “deceptions are reality” (deceptions as truth, plausible lies as truth, untruth as truth). Because, narcissistically (albeit disingenuously and invalidly), “plausible deceptions” and “plausible lies” get perennially hauled, relegated, and elevated to the level of truth. Deceptions as MASKS of truth. Deceptions as MASKS of reality.
Fellows of the 2 married pink elephants caliber, peers of the 2 married pink elephant classes, members of the gaslighting world of the 2 married pink elephants –the pompous unbridled human sirens with their influential luring serenades– are the commanding “shrouded” misinformers, the commanding “shrouded” disinformers, the commanding “invisible” mendacity framers, the commanding “invisible” propagandists, the commanding “veiled” mind governors.
The two married pink elephants in the historical room embody, de facto, an apathetic docile delusion-over-truth addict naturally bonded with a predatory domineering deception-over-truth addict. Two untruth addicts –or unreality addicts. The anti-truth animals. The “intelligent” anti-reality animals. The “wise” anti-truth animals. “Truth escape artists” [355] –or reality escape artists. They are truth invisibilizers –or reality invisibilizers. Truth cancellers and reality neutralizers. Pathological truth deleters and reality neuterers. They're constitutional untruth fanatics –or constitutional unreality fanatics. Intrinsic deception addicts and intrinsic delusion addicts. They are willful collective self-liars. Elective truth haters or reality repellers. Truth refusers or reality refusers [414]. Unreality or untruth addicts, or reality haters, who (as noted earlier) flaunt a veil of truth commitment, a veil of authentic reality dedication–who wear a mask of truth representation, a mask of authentic reality portrayal.
These two-married-pink-elephants-in-the-eternal-room creatures –this symbiotic pair of mendacity addicts (mendacity fanatics), traditionally unreceptive to authentically constructive learning– are the two basic categories of people Hegel's truism emanated from and refers to: “peoples [=the ultramajority of the truth-antagonistic reality-defiant non-ruling class of individuals] and governments [=the truth-antagonistic reality-defiant ruling class of individuals] never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it” [20].
From a continuous endless string of standard “untruth pandemics” (or “pandemics of mendacity”), the Holocaustal Covid-19 Mayhem is, consequently, yet another extremely shameful inexcusable manifestation of a “pandemic of reality refusal” or a “pandemic of truth disinterest” or a “pandemic of non-learning” by the human collective.
With addiction –especially a “mendacity addiction”– comes truth denial, truth hostility, reality omission, reality escapism, and bizarre rationalizations and justifications for the (self-)destructive addictive affliction. (Hence, the predictable general reactions to this essay here are unacknowledgment, omission, denial, placation, derision [e.g., “just the silly opinions, not real reality, of an extremist”; i.e., an official cult(ure)-unqualified disgruntled “primitive” individual], disposal, or obliteration –precisely mirroring and matching the standard truth-neutering everyday conduct of the spiritless coupled pink elephant cultists). The foul raw reality about untruth junkies and mendacity devotees was articulated in this (commonly falsely accredited) notorious observation by Selwyn Duke, an American writer and columnist:
“The further a society drifts from Truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” [366]
However, as clearly explained in the chapter 'The Censorship, Suppression, And Misrepresentation Of Vitamin C Therapy For Covid-19 Coronavirus Disease Are Not Outlier Practices But The Norm' and in this chapter, such cognitive decisions and behavioral choices –acts of self-sabotage, self-lying, and collective disempowerment– do not change (a repulsive) objective reality at all but, instead, help preserve and cultivate it, aiding in its “evolution”).
American essayist and social critic Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) encapsulated the “civilized” married pink elephant assembly's addict nature of sickening indifference, callousness, egocentricity, truth repudiation and reality cancellation:
“The biggest truth to face now [...] is that I don't think people give a damn whether the planet goes on or not. It seems to me as if everyone is living as members of Alcoholics Anonymous do, day by day. And a few more days will be enough. I know of very few people who are dreaming of a world for their grandchildren.” [313]
For instance, neither deceptionist pink elephant individuals nor delusionist pink elephant individuals are genuinely accountable and take responsibility for their vast combined anti-life destruction. Instead they conveniently, albeit self-defeatingly (i.e., immaturely), blame each other for their cooperative mayhem and crimes-against-life. Both cases are foolish behavioral frolics of collective self-gaslighting.
Indifferent non-ruling “civilized” pink elephant delusionists self-indulgently and dishonestly portray themselves as virtuous victims in the clutches of the ruling “civilized” psychopathic pink elephant deceptionists (i.e., they disingenuously take refuge in, or “hide” behind, their “victim narrative”, their “convenient” self-lying story, their plastic narrative of exoneration and redemption, their political tale of self-deception and others-deception as, allegedly, “good” or “well-meaning” people) despite that it is nearly always a major case of willful ignorance (i.e., willful stupidity, deliberate gullibility, opted blindness, self-induced sleepwalking, elected soullessness) on their part (“In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.” –Unknown). And it practically always has been the case throughout “civilized” human history (e.g., revisit Sarah Emery's statement from over a century ago cited at the dawn of this treatise, or peruse the herepriorcited classic work by Cervantes from over four centuries ago).
While the ruling predatory nucleus of “civilized” deceptionist pink elephant psychopaths weasel out of their own culpable role in the equation by giving the impression it is not them but non-ruling “deaf, dumb and blind” delusionist pink elephant people who, to one degree or another, carry out and execute these anti-humanity anti-life atrocities (i.e., they are perennially DOING the wrong thing [455,456]) despite that they, the ever-scheming ruling pink elephant deceptionist psychopaths, categorically planned these crimes (i.e., they, too, are perennially DOING the wrong thing [455,456]) and fully know about the ensuing highly calamitous ramifications.
Or the confederation of self-labeled “human wise apes” (homo sapiens), blame together as the culpable twosome-assembly –the karmic intellectual predator league of psychopaths: the planners, schemers, and orchestrators of epic crimes; and their planned deed-manifesting conformist “awake” undercaste people: the ever-willing ever-volunteering participatory handmaidens, managers, and executioners of the predators' conceived epic crimes (many of whom are beta psychopaths or “secondary psychopath” [70])– in an act of absolving human agency, some “exterior” factor for their cataclysmic mega deeds in mutual agreement and approval of reality denialism [349]. A self-serving and self-regarding reservoir of whitewashing, forgiving, or pardoning acts that are visible activities of invisibilized reality evasion –visible activities of invisibilized truth escapism.
The self-styled “truth-loving” religionists, “the pious brethren” [155], are a prime example of this make of invisibilized mass dementedness, using in egotistic self-fooling child-like defense an abstract mythical otherworldly entity –“Satan”, “Lucifer”, “The Devil”, etc.– as the “self-explanatory” “logical” source and cause of worldly evilness. Blaming “the system” (or a part of it, such as artificial intelligence [385]) is another favorite “self-servingly convenient” psychotic rationalization and justification of the “wise” human grand apes to dodge responsibility, accountability, chargeability, and condemnation despite that “the system” is wholly invented, created, maintained, “progressed”, guarded, and perpetuated by them solely.
Decades ago an American social psychologist, Thomas Gilovich, PhD, pointed out that these types of examples are illustrations of “rational” “reasonable” “plausible” “intelligent” “clever” “wise” collective self-foolery:
“In numerous studies across a wide range of situations, people have been found to attribute their successes to themselves, and their failures [e.g., the vast anthropogenic devastation of the planet] to external circumstances [e.g., the geo-historically EXTREMELY RAPID (=HIGHLY IRregular) global warming, species mass extinction process, and all life-threatening ecology-and-climate change in the contemporary epoch are claimed to be –according to lots of individuals– due to increased sun activity, or regular fluctuations in natural cycles of sun activity]." [349] [explanations added]
Supposedly, both "civilized" deceptionists and "civilized" delusionists are eternal victims (no one is truly accountable, no one is really culpable) –when in fact they both wear a skinsuit or mask of eternal victimhood (in reality, it's a situation of generation after generation of chronological adults betraying and failing its generation and a new generation in an endless incrementally degenerative loop, with highly deleterious systemic repercussions).
Catching a core essence of the global “highly civilized” conformist delusional-psychopathic cult(ure), an unknown individual mused this in a comment:
“People have been raised to believe that image is EVERYTHING. A great selfie and pretend life = good person. This is 'How To Be a Psychopath 101'. No one is accountable for ANYTHING. Do whatever you want, it’s someone else’s fault. 'Psychopath 101'.” (Unknown, 24-Mar-2022)
In consequence, with the neglect and abandonment of truth comes the neglect and abandonment of humaneness and love. And, instead, the rise and reign of practices of inhumanity and unlove –psychopathy and lunacy.
So, the extremely harrowing reality for the relatively very few individuals (i.e., the mature realists) who genuinely do not (wholly) belong to this self-contented, despicably destructive, mad, soulless pink elephant combo (a homicidal-suicidal-omnicidal force) is that they are up against BOTH pink elephants (“fools and rogues”) and not merely the directive psychopathic pink elephant individuals (the "rogues") –the always convenient popular scapegoat of the atrocities-enabling delusional pink elephant individuals (the “fools"). There are 2 married classes of enemies –2 enemies of truth, 2 enemies of reality. As someone cautioned:
“[...] beware the black snow on the ground and teapots in the sky.” (Unknown)
This apocalyptic predicament is indubitably the (near) sole reason why real truths and their protagonists (i.e., truth-tellers, truth-defenders, truth-activists, realists, self-liberators, self-empowerers, or “primitive” non-conformists and non-compliers) have always faced a very steep uphill battle throughout “non-primitive” “non-savage” human history –the “civilized” “advanced” Perpetual Human Dark Age we are in.
Why has the married tandem of pink elephants in the historical room remained “hidden” right in front of most people's inert indifferent self-anesthetized self-hypnotized noses throughout the pages of the history of human civilization?
As equivalent truth-hostile reality-hostile, realness-hostile creatures both human pink elephants naturally do not want to see and acknowledge the truth –especially an unflattering one that exposes both of them for what they really are. This crux holds true even if the truth is right in front of their noses (e.g., that actual evil truly exists and rules on planet Earth) –or is repeatedly and intentionally put there. Self-censorship (mental suicide) and self-gaslighting –and collective self-censorship and collective self-gaslighting– PERCEPTUALLY and SYMBOLICALLY assuage, obliterate, or reverse those disastrous unwanted truths [151].
Of course, these self-deluding shenanigans –collective self-satisfying evasions into mutual truth denialism (collective cognitive suicide)– do not change anything on the veritable truth, on the actual unalloyed reality. These immature antics are unshakable evidence that the “civilized” human species is an extremely unwise living animal creature –the direct opposite of an intelligent enlightened courageous noble life form.
The order-following delusional pink serf elephant makes sure,
self-servingly –via purposeful ignorance (herd ignorance), indifference (herd indifference), and truth neglect (herd truth neglect)– that it never “sees” the true objective reality about its
order-giving mate, the deceptive psychopathic pink master elephant.
In their state of intentional obliviousness, they “are very much like the children of a Mafia boss who do not know what their father does for a living, and don't want to know” (i.e., adult pink elephant individuals acting like children) to suitably generalize onto a global scope an empirical observation by an American historian [340]. Thereby giving the commanding psychopathic pink elephant mobsters their practical
control and power.
This makes (as noted earlier) the non-ruling delusional pink elephant
individuals, the BIGGER of the two married pink elephant ensemble, the
MORE accountable, more responsible, more culpable players –the ultimate cause– in the human equation of evil-doing, the human condition, the craziness of the world.
through willfully hanging on to delusions (wrong beliefs, untruth, unreality) about
its leading pink elephant companion the delusional pink elephant's
recurring deliberate blindness about its deceptive pink elephant
counterpart serves the collective human animal species to, ultimate, not “see” the whole or real truth about itself, about the human character –about human nature.
And, in a mutually enabling dance of lunacy,
the deceitful psychopathic pink elephant individuals "empower" and
"reward" the indifferent truth-loathing delusion-imbibing pink elephant
individuals with an endless supply of fantasies, myths, superstitions,
fairy tales, mystical legends, half-truths, fake news, and "plausible"
lies. Including about themselves, of course, in order to remain most effectively “unseen” by the 99% class for what they truly are –fable/lie: they are “the elite”; reality/truth: they are pathological psychopaths of the highest order.
The two married pink elephants cover for each other as collaborative truth-adverse entities (emblematizing a cooperative mutualism where both parties derive benefits) –keeping each other in the “pink elephant in the room” sphere, keeping their “pink elephant in the room” status (the "invisible"-in-front-of-one's-nose status) alive, keeping each other disingenuously “hidden in plain sight”, keeping their mutual self-deception going, keeping their mutual inhumaneness, irrationality, madness, and culpability in a disassociated fantasy realm of invalidity and non-existence.
The fundamental implication is that members of both pink elephant lineages wear a versatile assortment of “invisible” propaganda masks: an “invisible” MASK of rationality, an “invisible” MASK of realness, an “invisible” MASK of transparency, an “invisible” MASK of openness, an “invisible” MASK of objectivity, an “invisible” MASK of intelligence, an “invisible” MASK of truth, an “invisible” MASK of normality, an “invisible” MASK of sanity, an “invisible” MASK of substance, an “invisible” MASK of greatness, an “invisible” MASK of humaneness, an “invisible” MASK of dignity, an “invisible” MASK of sacredness, an “invisible” MASK of saintliness, an “invisible” MASK of wisdom –mirroring each other's images as a married symbiotic duality.
“Civilized” humans (the pink elephant confluence) is the ultimate gaslighting species, the ultimate delusional species –the ultimate gaslighting-delusional species. A species of "invisible" elite deceptionists (psychopaths, the controlling predator class) and “invisible” elite delusionists (the general sheep class).
As elite gaslighters and elite reality escape artists, the ultimate deceptive-delusional species has self-decorated itself as, and self-elevated and self-propagandized itself to, the exclusive special category and pinnacle of, a wise species, wise animal folks (“homo sapiens”, a family of hominids that has been around for circa 300-400+ millennia [361]). This species-egotistical feat is congruous with human nature (i.e., it's normal), thus to be fully anticipated, because grandiosity (megalomania, self-delusion) is a prime attribute of pathological psychopaths [65-71,73-75,151].
Indeed, “homo sapiens sapiens”, the most modern (current) strain of “homo sapiens” (appearing at around 150 millennia ago) is occasionally used (or had been used more commonly a few decades ago). With that classification human animals flag to each other that they have supposedly been getting, and are allegedly, wiser and wiser, double wise or super wise compared to the more archaic “homo sapiens” –undergoing and enjoying a purported “evolution in human wisdom”. Winding up and topping off with the self-indulgent narcissistic myth, fake saga, or delusion that “wise humans” (homo sapiens) are above and beyond merely “wise” (“homo Wisdom”) –“civilized” humans as God-like humans, human Gods (“homo Deus”) [363]. A development that doesn't vouch for the evolution or progress of human wisdom and rationality but for the evolution or progress of human psychopathy and madness.
We are the crowning achievement of evolution per the authorized declaration by official science (i.e, the generally integrity-void organized mainstream science community, “The Scientific Industrial Complex”) of the cult(ure) of the pink elephant congregation. The self-awarded and self-aggrandized fake “homo sapiens” affixation to perpetually reality-certified UNwise human animals (homo NON-sapiens) is a unique and special vintage of mendacity-anchored, insanity-rooted, unreality-based, “official science” you “can trust” –it is the capstone of official psychopathic junk science. Because this gaslighting brand of notarized science is, supposedly, above and beyond (i.e., it's superior) what the real reliable trustworthy objective ultimate final authority, planet Earth (“the science of empirical reality”), proves is authentic reality to human animals right in front of their “non-primitive” “rational” “wise” noses. Earth is the no-nonsense, no game-playing, no fantasy-subscribing, non-foolable, non-cajolable, non-bribable, non-delusional, non-manipulable, non-deceitful, full truth-exposing Senior Diagnostician Of Humans, the Final Assessor Of Human Animals, the Ultimate Judge Of Human Apes.
Yet such by human animals lunatically warped “authorized science” –conformist mainstream cult(ure) science (i.e., “THE science”)– is no surprise. After all, “civilized” homo non-sapiens' “smart” “clever” “progressive” first-order Leitmotif (“leading motive”) of their existence is “perception is reality” (“appearance over substance”, “reputation over truth”, “deception over truth”, “symbols over realism”, “fantasy over truth”). And this display of masquerading (“MASKerading”) is the pre-eminent operating principle of any cult [253,254] –including and especially the 2-Married-Pink-Elephants' cult of civilization, the cult of human machines, the omnicidal cult of human zombies.
The self-given and self-promoted reputation of “homo sapiens” is The Most Gaslit Self-Branding Self-Marketing Slogan, The Great Fake Narrative –The Sacred Untouchable Grand Self-Propaganda Script– “civilized” “non-primitive” humans have been programing and brainwashing themselves in continuously for eons in their disease of madness. It's their greatest and climactic “perception is reality” ploy, their unrivaled “invisible” self-moronism –their perfect invisibilized self-psychopathy.
The self-anointed badge “homo sapiens” is the most conspicuous, the most grandiose, narcissistic, schizoid, infantile, feel-good, “invisible”, mythological credential (e.g., in their arrogant “humbleness” , or “humble” arrogance, the religious delusionists have been endlessly propagandizing the fabricated fairy tale –and living the fairy tale (“dominionism” [373,413])– of homo sapiens as the “God”-chosen, “God”-destined, “God”-approved, domineering culmination of Earth history, existing at “the center of the universe”) and deceitful certificate (e.g., especially “civilized” Western male deceptionists have been “teaching” the lie –and living the lie (“human exceptionalism” [373,413])– of homo sapiens as the inexorable apex, the purported evolutionary “end goal”, of an entitled-to-globally-dominate, highly superior, omnipotent human God creature on the planet).
Notice that they're both God-complexed. They have a shared and matching distinct, human-supremacistic, “invisibly” destructive God complex that characterizes these two classes of human pink elephant individuals. They are narcissistic big soulless apes with a self-gratifying God complex that “condones”, “permits”, “forgives and forgets” or “excuses” their omnicidal self-satisfaction and narcissism in a circular “coherent rationale” of lunacy and psychosis –it's “sanity” within insanity, “invisible” madness within visible madness. The shared and matching narcissistically human-serving God complex –a most convenient, selfish worldview– is instructive of shared, synergizing, and matching invisibilized sheer madness.
“Civilized”, “advanced”, “progressive”, “globally thinking”, “scientific”, “moral”, “humanitarian”, “non-primitive”, “non-barbaric” humans' Elephantine Narratives or Premium Ideologies are always “coincidentally convenient” or “magically desirable” in how they align neatly and purely with their own simplistic narrow-framed or short-sighted self-indulgent anthroponarcissistic animalistic interests, appetites, and agendas –and get “justified”, “rationalized”, “religionized”, “spiritualized”, “intellectualized”, “theorized”, “logicalized”, and “scientificized” according to them– while empirical reality (“the whole truth”) takes a backseat and ultimately doesn't matter.
An American professor, writer, curator, and activist, Lacy Johnson, PhD, commented on the astronomically destructive ramifications of the short-sighted selfish delusion of “human specialness”, “human invaluableness”, “human divinity”, and “human supremacy” in 2021:
“So much damage has been done by the lie that this world belongs only to a few [=the human species], that some lives matter more than others. The consequences of that lie have changed Earth more in a few decades than in the previous several million years. Outside, the next extinction looms.” [374] [emphasis & explanation added]
The human self-attribution of “homo sapiens” –i.e., the “scientific” nomenclature of “homo sapiens”– is the ultimate invisiblized linguistic gaslighting act of “civilized” animalistic, elitist, classist [371-376,415] humans. It is the ultimate collective self-delusion and self-deception of the compulsively mendacity-fabricating, “heroic”, “supreme”
ape species. It is authorized unrealness as “realness”, notarized unreality as “reality” –official unscience as “science”. Again, human words (labels, decorations, medallions, imitations, cloaks, pretenses) –versus human actions (behavior, conducts, empirical reality, “the proof is in the pudding”). False human ideas, wrong presumptions, illusions, fake beliefs, fantasies, lies, delusions, deceptions (unrealness) –versus human behavior, conduct, and planetary reality (realness).
The culture of “human civilization” is One Great Conformist Gaslighting Culture. Human civilization is One Great Conformist Gaslighting Cult.
To take one example of a veritable
human “mass formation” lunacy or domineering human crowd madness, the globally predominant “civilized” “enlightened” “non-primitive” “non-savage” oppressive looting socioeconomic systems of profit-over-life (or personal-convenience/personal-human-interests-over-life), which have been in operation for centuries, are human-centered (self-centered/species-centered/ruling class-centered) instead of planet-centered (others-centered/biocentered/ecocentered) functional conceptions, inventions, and constructs [21,39,82,85,157,161,176-178,225-228,230-235,290,291,294]. Only the latter of which an authentically and verifiably wise species (instead of delusionally and gaslightingly wise creatures such as humans/humanimals) would have naturally set up and and would be, by their very core nature, operating from.
Nobelist Kary Mullis, PhD, (1944-2019), an American biochemist and inventor of the “PCR Test” (that had been DELIBERATELY used UNSCIENTIFICALLY and FRAUDULENTLY by the official state-authorized criminal allopathic establishment of medical mafiosi [62,105,137,338] –the official “trust the science” regime of psychopaths– during the Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus PloyDemic Operation), once remarked that:
“[…] there are no old wise men up there at the top of science [or economics, politics, medicine, etc.]. […]. [...] the academy of science is just a bunch of idiots just like everybody else. […]. [...] there are no old wise men up on the top making sure that we don't do something really dumb.” [362] [explanation added]
These profit-based (“monetaryism”), human-prioritized, parasitic, socioeconomic structures (operated under whatever label, e.g., “capitalism”) are ecocidal systems of, by, and for ravenous psychopaths –and those “non-primitive” “woke” “wise” individuals who adapt to, tolerate, guard, advance, rationalize, and invisibilize these omnicidal “scientific” structures. In sum, they are existent manifestations of clever ingenious human villainy. They are “logical” “intelligent” “rational” “sapient” systems of, by, and for the willfully sleepwalking narcissistic “rogues and fools” [264], the deceptionists and delusionists, the “elite thinkers” and the “magical thinkers” –the “civilized” cult of “divine” insane animals.
“Civilized” modern “homo sapiens” –particularly since the dawn of “The Homocene Age” in the 18th century– are full of monumental idiocy and hubris and empty of real intelligence and wisdom.
The empirical planetary reality (“the science of Earth”) documents what the collective of “civilized” humans has been, particularly since the 18th century:
an invisibilized ravenous lethal metastatic cancer, growing and spreading across the entire planetary landscape at warp speed like an omnicidal plague –having been shamelessly wrecking, decimating, mutilating, and destroying “the tree of life” or “the web of life” or “the community of life” in extreme human-centric narcissism and self-indulgence [65,69,143,174,178,296,350,371-376,415,457].
It's a planetary fact or reality that equates to a Mega “Crime Against Life” virtually anywhere on Earth (i.e., a “Cyclopean Crime Of Life Eliminationism”, a “Holocaust Against All Life”), committed by “civilized” “developed” “advanced” “wise” “good” humans.
This planet-verified truth is linguistically obscured widely under the opaque euphemism or sanitized revisionism of “human overpopulation” (the “over-crowded ape” [415]). Although even that toned-down incendiary term and theme –and especially its instructive insinuations, deeper implications, and tectonic consequences as just metaphorically and literally described– are “culturally highly improper” to talk about. For centuries it has been continuously the global taboo topic –the ugliest reality of non-discussion– for “non-primitive” “rational” “civilized” “enlightened” “wise” truth-ducking and reality-repudiating pink elephant humans.
The “non-primitive” “non-savage” homo “sapiens” cult (human
civilization, the “civilized” 2 Married Pink Elephant human species) is
One Expanding-Plundering-Polluting-Murdering Giant “Clandestine” Global Empire –A “Veiled” Anti-Life Death Cult Of Human Killer Apes (also called “the death-machine” [174]), A “Masked” Anti-Life Cult Of Soulless Predatory Apex Butchers, An “Invisible” Anti-Life Cult Of “Sophisticated” “Developed” “Civilized” Savages,
A Mega Gang Of Invisibilized Inhumane Human Monsters.
“Knowledgeable” “educated” “smart” “civilized” “advanced” “progressive” “successful” “benevolent” “wise” “respectable” “deserving” “worthy” “entitled” “God-chosen” “spiritual” “divine” human animals are PLANET-CERTIFIED human killer apes, PLANET-CERTIFIED “invisible” omnicidalists –PLANET-VERIFIED invisibilizing and invisibilized omnicidalists. They're likely, or very probably, the most horrifically destructive so-called “conscious” “wisdom-driven” (as opposed to so-called unconscious instinct-driven) species ever in Earth's history.
According to the human civilized cult(ure)'s “official science” institution (and its glorified “scientific method”) the megalomaniacal claim and godly classification of humans as being “wise” (or “rational” or “intelligent” or “scientific”) has not yet been falsified (nullified, disproved) by objective reality and, thus, has “scientifically” hitherto never deemed a revision or re-classification. In their “scientific” lunacy (i.e., per their pompous political “evidence-based science”, which is fakespeak for fraudulent evidence-BIASED science) their dogmatic categorical denial of empirical reality (e.g., planetary reality) makes their subjective unreality an objective reality.
“Sophisticated” homo “sapiens” is the cleverly POLITICAL animal –not the cleverly scientific animal. “Mad man” (homo insanus [368,369]) –not “wise man” (homo sapiens). Homo insanus is the Earth-certified insane human ape.
"Civilized" “non-primitive” “non-savage” “wise” humans are the crowning evolutionary achievement in terms of, or as, the “perfect” “thriving” co-evolved matching deceptionism-delusionism blend or hybrid –pragmatically manifesting itself in invisibilized self-centeredness (“invisible” narcissism, masked selfishness), invisibilized stupidity (“invisible” folly, masked idiocy), invisibilized madness (“invisible” lunacy, masked insanity), and invisibilized inhumaneness and invisibilized evilness (“invisible” inhumaneness, masked inhumaneness, “invisible” evilness, masked evilness, “invisible” soullessness).
An “INVISIBLE” mutually beneficial deceptionism-delusionism blend –an INVISIBILIZED symbiotic deceptionism-delusionism hybrid– is ... The MOST DESTRUCTIVE form of insanity and evilness EVER.
The worst possible, devolved anti-life monster –instead of the most supremely dignified, evolved divinity.
“Non-primitive” “refined” “enlightened” “civilized” “progressive” humans –wearing a MASK of wise folks (i.e., wearing the self-gaslighting “homo sapiens” MASK)– are The Ultimate False “God”.
It is hardly shocking, therefore, that US author Kurt Vonnegut (1922-2007) wrote:
“I think the planet's immune system is trying to get rid of us […]. I think the planet should get rid of us –we're really awful animals. […]. Evolution can go to hell as far as I am concerned. What a mistake we are.” [313]
The well-fitting array of “invisible” masks, snugly covering their entire heads, function in the self-fooling egoistic service to “hide”, right in front of their reality-allergic noses, the unsettling horrendous authentic full truth about “civilized” humans –themselves. Collective foolishness, collective irrationality, and collective inhumaneness “imperceptibly” covered up by a colorful potpourri of masks in the human comedy of madness.
Both pink elephants guard, maintain, and nourish the lifeblood of each other's untruth-anchored existence –delusions and deceptions. The major currencies of their berserk “appearance over substance” cult(ure) –of their psychopathic-delusional world.
Planet “Earth” managed and monopolized by this extraordinarily destructive mad human duo collective. Jointly protecting and worshiping human mendacity and lunacy –thus, inhumaneness.
For instance, near the start of this treatise that is unmasking the masked 2 married pink elephants in the historical room (i.e., the human civilization cult) I elaborated on how language is an instrument to either acknowledge and reveal or not acknowledge and hide truths and realities through collective perception management. Since the married pink elephant pair is a historical anti-truth anti-reality entity “politically correct”, “politically orthodox” [80], “culturally permissible” general language has been customarily used to deflect, blur, twist, combat, censor, invisibilize, or destroy “politically unorthodox”, “politically unwanted”, or “culturally impermissible” truths.
By not collectively using correct language (e.g., not broadly calling the governing authorities of nations anywhere “psychopaths”, or not calling the US government “the US regime” or “the US empire”, a perennial warfare state helmed by an endless continuum of psychopaths [21,161,175-177,235,292,310,340,403,418,457], or the collaborating-complicit governments of other nations “US regime-allied governments”, “US regime-allied puppet nations”, or “US empire (neo)colonies”, and instead gaslightingly dubbing and referring to the ruling authorities as “the elite”) the public is actively helping to hide FOR them –on their behalf– and for themselves (=lying to themselves, holding on to delusions, self-deception, self-propaganda) what the true reality is in terms of who and what they actually are.
By using anti-reality anti-truth language, non-ruling people have been actively helping the ruling functional psychopaths to stay undiscovered (hidden, covert, secret).
By using anti-reality anti-truth vocabulary, non-ruling people have been actively helping the ruling functional psychopaths to operate unbothered in clandestine ways.
By using anti-reality anti-truth lingo, non-ruling people have been actively helping the ruling functional psychopaths with their perpetual instigated crimes-against-humanity.
By using official mainstream fakespeak language, the “aware and awake” automatous individuals of the non-commanding “inferior class” have been actively serving the commanding psychopathic human mafiosi apes like highly reliable robotic machines do, like dependable useful tools do, like “useful idiots” [239,240] do, or mindless “useful puppets” do –akin to “the puppets” they are routinely and “insightfully” referring to when pointing the finger at the leading visible psychopaths-in-overt-positions-of-power.
By using a false choice of lexicon, virtually all non-ruling people have been complicitly covering for the ruling brain-damaged psychopathic criminals –rendering themselves deeply inhumane (evil).
By using anti-truth and anti-reality vernacular non-commanding people (undercaste individuals) become and are, wittingly or unwittingly, active truth censors and reality suppressors themselves.
By being “invisibly” committed to self-lies or self-propaganda via continual use of common fakespeak slang, non-ruling pink elephant individuals are being “invisibly” committed to self-criminality. Because reality-invisibilizing pathological self-liars or self-propagandists are reality-invisibilizing pathological self-criminals or self-traitors.
The ruling rich oligarchy of enslaving psychopaths (the “rogues”) habitually use gaslighting linguistics on the non-ruling folks (the “fools”) to shape and control their minds, such as via their controlled dominant one-homogenous-voice mainstream media outlets (i.e, corporate-government media), the cult(ure)'s authorized propaganda disseminators –including corporate online media, Big Tech search engines, and mainline social media websites [273,289-291,314,442,454-458]– that practically almost everyone has been flocking to and congregating at, like a massive cooperative herd of subdued sheep. And, by extension, the non-ruling people at large do the mind programing with gaslighting language on themselves, and each other (i.e., the programed are the programers too).
A triple-source “one-voice” (i.e., undiversified) whammy.
A constantly reinforced “automatic” (mindless) self-propagandization with authorized normal “cult(ure) language” (misnomer language, fake vocabulary, fakespeak) solidly cementing in collective self-deception.
A historically constant and perennial, linguistic variant of “mass formation” (i.e., chronic herd lunacy). An “unseeable” “soundless” “masked” perpetual mass psychosis (“mass formation psychosis”) in front of –or rather, literally right underneath– everyone's nose. A “socially non-existing” “cult(urally) inadmissible” linguistic “mass formation” –a taboo mass madness (taboo “mass formation” madness).
A daily collective ritual of self-hypnosis –mass hypnosis– with mendacities.
A daily linguistic recreation of the psychopathic anti-truth anti-reality cult(ure).
A daily collective subversion and murder of one's own capacity for self-insights.
A daily air-tight collective self-defeat, or slow suicide, with a singularity of untruths.
Official language (authorized cult-ure lexicon) as a linguistic MASK (analogous to the various MASKS psychopaths wear naturally): masking truth with language –with psychopathic language, authorized fakespeak (Orwell's “political language” [283]).
Quintessentially, near universal fake language usage is commensurate to
imitating, mirroring, and manifesting (practicing) classic personality
traits of pathological psychopaths on ourselves and, therefore, AGAINST ourselves:
recurringly lying to ourselves, recurringly manipulating ourselves, and
recurringly deceiving ourselves about factual reality (truth).
It is utilizing language psychopathically to continually sabotage and defeat ourselves –self-inflicted systemic DISempowerment via daily
inauthentic vocabulary choice in the aggregate. A constant multitudinal
DISempowerment. It's being collectively UNloving to ourselves and each
That's why it's very difficult for most people to get beyond the formative clutches of their socialization (acculturation) –the influence of the leading perception-managed organizing narratives (“mental stories”) and ideologies of an authoritative propagandizing culture, i.e., the culture-based programing. Something I first realized as a teenager studying sociology.
That's why it's very difficult for most people to get out of an authoritarian cult –and because they're living in an amnesia-like trance-like bubble very few individuals even recognize that they are in a hypnotic microcosm of mendacity, in part due to daily collective linguistic self-hypnosis.
Most instructive of all, “civilized” “non-primitive” humans have been using psychopathic-delusional language –fakespeak (i.e., politically and cult(urally) ratified normal language, the official language of The 2 Married Pink Elephant Cult)– for thousands of years as the cited truism by Confucius (551-479 BC) at the 'Introduction' clues us in. Ergo, “civilized” “advanced” "progressive" “non-primitive” humans STILL have not learned Confucius' lesson, indicative of the durable historical dominion of the loony conformist cult(ure) of the two married pink elephants. And, analogously, it is demonstrative of a striking proof-in-the-pudding that the sacred hypnotic anthem “the truth prevails” (or any of its offshoots like “the truth will prevail”, “the truth always prevails”, “the truth will prevail on its own power”) is a reality-validated fakeism, self-deceiving delusion, Utopian fantasy, and “feel-good” fairy tale. It's a delusionism, not a truism.
Similarly, a corollary of the continuous “invisible” dictatorship of the 2 married pink elephants (the binary class system) throughout “civilized” history is that for most people it also remains perpetually “invisible” –right in front of their truth-shunning never-learning apathetic noses– that the conformist culture they're born into and live in is a high-functioning cult. A typical cult of insanity, governed –meaning “governminded” or “mind-governed” (=mind-controlled)– and ruled by psychopathy and delusion.
So, disingenuous NON-reality-matching language use is a major customary practice through which most people –ergo, the culture at large– keep authentic unalloyed reality (truth) “hidden in plain sight”. Whether it's by falsely calling, time and again, the officialdom authorities “the elite”, or themselves “enlightened” or “civilized” (non-primitive) or “good people”, or their society “free”, “transparent”, “neutral”, “liberal”, “fair”, “democratic” or “exceptional” –or whether the zombie-like mad members of “civilized” cult-ures chant over and over other popular, albeit mendacious, collective mantras in their conditioned normalized standardized hypnotized trance of obedient officialdom conformity, such as “Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective”, and what have you. Because all of these examples (and numberless more) are sterling examples of “perceptions are deceptions” and “perceptions are delusions”. They are NOT perceptions of genuine reality –they are NOT truth perceptions, nor truth ascertainments.
The general public as a spreader of the lies, deceptions, and truth distortions of the gaslighting cult(ure) through fake phraseology and parlance. The soaring majority of people as propagandists of the approved untruths of the psychopathic supremacy sect.
Because truth apathy, truth minimization, truth strangulation, reality ignorance, and reality denial are not conducive to constructive authentic learning I presume the dearth of genuine interest in the untainted immutable truth by the overwhelming majority of people is the principal reason why people anywhere remain “clueless” or “ignorant of their real condition” [21] despite that “the means for imparting information have been conducted on such an extensive and magnificent scale as at the present time” [21] and why people anywhere “never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it” [20]. As opposed to the notion that people are (solely) helpless, unfree, innocent victims of the relentless deluge of propaganda (disinformation) by the power nexus of psychopathic dominators, controllers, and fraudsters.
The latter explanation is, of course, and as denoted earlier, the exclusively preferred choice by most people. And circulated widely by many (disingenuous, ignorant, or unconscious) intellectuals and whistleblowing individuals who, for the most part, fairly accurately describe the psychopathic pink elephant in the room (although rarely referring to it by its true name, a pathological psychopath, thereby contributing to the concealment and confiscation of authentic reality). As expected, this latter view (i.e., non-ruling “civilized” people as alleged innocente, nearly mere blameless sinless crimeless “poor victims”) is highly popular –a convenient collective self-delusion– among most non-ruling folks because it self-servingly relieves and “exonerates” them of personal accountability, responsibility, complicity and culpability in the equation [335].
Fundamentally, the synergistic combination of these two symbiotic aspects of the two married “civilized” pink elephants in the historical room –their mutually enabling individual practices of a personal penchant for delusions over truth and a continual bombardment with mendacious establishment propaganda (deceptions)– has the overall greatest harmful impact [160].
The presence of pathogens in an environment (including the so-called Covid-19 coronavirus [53]) isn't the prime factor whether people become ill. It is the quality of the (internal and external) environment of a person. A healthy environment or “terrain” (e.g., a robust internal “immune system”) defeats malignant pathogens. In analogy, the psychopathic pink elephant's deceptions find fertile ground –a lush fruitful terrain– in the other partnered pink elephant's fondness for, and infatuation with, delusions. Hence, the global hegemony of psychopaths proves that the megamajority of people are unhealthy and diseased possessing weak unstable degenerative mentalities which represent the nourishing –enabling and manifesting– environment (terrain) for the predatory psychopathic animals' constant deceptions and manipulations.
This symbiotic configuration (i.e., the two married pink elephants in the historical room), manifested as the pink elephant unit's functional cult(ure) of “invisible” inhumane madness, epitomizes a dynamic, from-top-to-bottom, from bottom-to-top, self-perpetuating, self-reinforcing anti-life circle or tautological loop –and, ultimately, a self-sabotaging self-defeating self-destructive (suicidal) long-winding downward spiral, a funnel, a vortex. In which, essentially, one low-grade “new global normal” stage of madness gets replaced by another lower-grade “new global normal” stage of madness in a “progressive” hastening sequence.
Both classes of human pink elephants as a DEVOLVING collaborative force, having progressively become less and less humane (or more “soulless”) over time in the dominant aggregate –which is the result of their advancing deadly invisibilized soullessness disease (i.e., “The Global Soullessness Spectrum Disorder”, “The Universal Soul Deficiency Syndrome”).
In this synergistic form and capacity and with a pink elephant dyad-centric or anthropocentric (instead of a life-centric or bio-ecocentric) operative orientation, this truth-indifferent, morally blank, humanistically regressive, albeit technologically progressive, humongous beast has been hurdling down “civilized” human history ravaging, trashing, and raping the entire planet (i.e., “civilized” humans' “war on nature” or “war on life”) –with a most logical end in pristine sight [174,296,335,350,376,415,457].
Carl Sagan, (1934-1996), a well-known US astronomer, astrophysicist, and author, ominously hinted at “a most logical end in sight” (although coming to this conclusion from a somewhat different angle) when he wrote this in 1995:
“We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance [of the public majority –i.e., the indifferent delusional pink elephant people, the “fools”, the “teapots in the sky”] and power [of the governing authorities –i.e., the criminal psychopathic pink elephant people, the “rogues”, the “black snow on the ground”] is going to blow up in our faces.” [252] [explanations added]
This symbiotic venomous constellation –“this combustible mixture”– comprehensively, coherently, and foundationally explains the Ongoing Invisibilized Human Dark Age and “why things are the way they are” [140] during the Covid-19 era, or any other time in the annals of (“civilized”) human history, because they are the doomed corollaries thereof.
As humans prefer easy-to-understand soothing sweet “feel-good” delusions (i.e., they crave myths, fables, magics, illusions) and are disinterested in, and apathetic to, harder-to-understand, discomforting, or unorthodox truths (as Mencken [238] and others denoted) –and, therefore, possess a poor receptiveness, willingness, and ability to distinguish between delusions (e.g., authoritative declarations, official narratives, fakespeak) and authentic realities (empirical truths)– they are very susceptible to deleterious authorized disinformation (propaganda) always supplied to them in spades in the form of darkly persuasive simplistic sound bites by the habitually governing, naturally deception-creating, “Messianic” top psychopaths in positions of power and control [21,109,154,176,227,234,246,290,291,455-457] (see the earlier segment on the abuse-prone concept of “perception is reality”).
“the 2 married human pink elephants in the room”
we have “the perfect marriage”, “the perfect match”, “the perfect symphony”, or “the perfect, mutually self-sustaining, mutually self-strengthening, mutually self-multiplying alliance” –between the endlessly deceitful manipulative scheming untruth-over-truth-preferring STORYTELLERS, and the endlessly gullible non-thinking never-learning untruth-over-truth-preferring STORYBELIEVERS.
The historical reality of the perpetual predominance of the pathologically destructive united married pink elephant squad –the culture or, rather, the cult of the 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Room, planetary life under the dark spell of fantasists and deceptionists– means that a genuine human solution for global peace, justice, equality, health, and respect for all life will never emerge from this pathologically disingenuous ilk of individuals (the deception-based rogues and the delusion-based fools) [174]. A fatal systemically metastasized cancer –a “megacancer”– is never going to willingly offer a true solution, or cure, for its own (temporarily) thriving existence. It's like how a US novelist, Holly Black, put it:
“If you’re the sickness, I suppose you can’t also be the cure.” [297]
Or how an Austrian novelist, Thomas Bernhard, put it who concluded humankind's destructive self-defeating sickness is feeblemindedness:
“[...] humanity has only ever existed in stupid notions, there's no helping it. There's no cure for stupidity. That's a fact.” [298]
In terms of “incurable human stupidity”, in the common disempowered state of “living” marked by willful blissful ignorance (“blissful happiness-in-ignorance”, “blissful stupidity” or deliberate stupidity, “blissful somnolence”, “blissful deadness”) and reality refusal it is indeed difficult, or impossible, to recognize one's own pure stupidity, self-sabotaging myopia, and self-defeating insaneness –to manifest the potential ability for authentic deep self-insights and profound insights generally.
Analogously, the crushing reality of this synergistic catastrophic configuration (the “civilized” “progressive” human collective as a lethal cancer, or the worst “weed” ever [371], in stages exploiting and/or destroying all life on earth [21,39,65,69,79,82,114,143,174,178,289,296,350,371-376,415,457]) also means, and has always meant, that BOTH pink elephants –the ruling psychopathic deceptionists and the interrelated non-ruling insouciant delusionists among us– must be actively fought simultaneously.
Contrasting this factual historical reality of the two married pink elephants “right in front of our noses”, in modern times many so-called or self-styled “positive” or “optimistic” people, or individuals with “good vibes”, or “spiritualists”, typically carrying a cherished facade of open-mindedness, have claimed that humanity is undergoing an “expansion of awareness” or an “evolution of consciousness”, that an epochal quantum jump of “spiritual enlightenment” or a historic great transition of “wide awakening” is happening, indicative of a systemic cascading leap in intelligence, ethics, and wisdom –and commensurate behavioral ramifications thereof– across the planet.
Of course, this welcoming self-decorating dulcet “feel-good” CLAIM –or, rather, illusion, fantasy, wishful thinking, delusion, self-gaslighting stunt– is at variance with the unwelcoming reality-based observations (i.e., authentic perceptions) of numerous eminent individuals throughout human history who noted that people don't learn from history. Here again, we encounter a situation of “ACTIONS (reality-certified PRACTICES) speak louder than WORDS” (or magical thinking). Real reality versus imaginary invented fabricated fake unreal “perceptions are reality”. But in this particular case mendacious words are being dished out generously by delusional members of the non-ruling public (such as “eternal optimists”) rather than by the mentally-and-emotionally defective psychopathic power syndicate (the dictatorship of psychopaths, the rulership of psychopathic “human animal Gods” [363]).
The observable fact and objective external reality of “herd subservience” [114] (or mass stupidity), the real fact that the vast majority of people around the world (whether so-called intelligent or unintelligent, so-called educated or uneducated, so-called spiritual or unspiritual, so-called moral or unmoral, rich or poor, men or women, young or old, and no matter what race or ethnicity) has been compliantly buying into the official, contrived, fear-driven, repetitive Covid-19 Propaganda and cogent Covid Lies (falsities, fakespeak, absurdities, illusions, half-truths, deceptions) –evidenced, for instance, by their systemic dog-like behavioral obedience to the dictated ludicrous destructive mandatory emergency policies (e.g., mask wearing and self-quarantine for everyone, general global lockdowns [59,99,111,112,114,117-121,126,129,165]) and to get incredibly dangerous faintly effective experimental Covid-19 vaccinations [53,64,128,130-133,135,145,146,172,273,285,286,306,308,309,316-323]– demonstrates empirically the woeful collective absence of a bona fide “great awakening”, rise in conscious awareness, and broad consciousness expansion in the present time (see my earlier comments on the popular fantasy called “the great awakening”).
It factually documents the non-existence of a surge of intelligence and the non-presence of mental, moral, and behavioral wisdom of the psychopathic-delusional coronaworld as a whole.
In fact, it shows general humankind's “leap in unconsciousness”, a progression and elevation of a “lower consciousness”, an “expansion of oblivion”, an “escalation of moral decay”, an “advancement of spiritual deadness”, a “giant surge of delusion” (or the hardy longevity of perpetual herd delusion), the “devolution of consciousness” –and the “devolution of collective humanity" (humaneness).
Observations by an unencumbered journalist come to mind:
“Believing something because everyone else believes it is stupid. Believing something because everyone else believes it in an information ecosystem that's controlled by powerful sociopaths [=psychopaths] is insane.” (Caitlin Johnstone, Australian Writer, Independent Journalist, And Social Critic, in 2020 [247]) [explanation & emphasis added]
Some astute individuals [e.g., 360] remarked that this insanity by the majority of “normal” people (i.e., officially appraised “psychologically healthy” people) conforming and dedicated to The Official Covid-19 Myth has all the hallmarks of a religious cult with a psychopathic priesthood leading the Covidian Cult (or the Covidian Complex). Such as unmindful (“blind”) belief in the official story line (i.e., the Covid Myth), non-thinking (“blind”) faith in authority, perfunctory (“blind”) obedience to authority, a united dress code (e.g., the wearing of Covid-19 face masks), behavioral standards (e.g., staying six feet/2 meters apart from others), and no questioning of and distrust in the “authorities”, “officials”, “luminaries”, and “experts” –all of which personify official credentials of compliance, official stamps of submission, official seals of brainlessness, official medallions of madness [360].
And the sane, thinking, mindful non-followers of the Covid cult –dissenters, heretics, non-conformists, realists– who don't believe in, and obey according to, the cultists' twisted morally hollow lunatic world view (e.g., the Covid evangelism or Covid religion) are stigmatized, in classic gaslighting mode, as the “psychologically unhealthy”, “abnormal” people (“extremists”, etc.). And must be shunned, rejected, shamed, or punished (i.e., violence must be used against them). Cult behavior is to be expected in a psychopathic cult(ure,) as I had explained earlier.
It appears to me (as conjectured earlier) that –“invisibly”, right in front of their noses– so-called civilized humans have perennially been lacking and, thus, been urgently needing a “truth revolution”, a “realness revolution”, a “personal authenticity revolution” or a “personal maturity revolution”, rather than a “religious revolution”, an “industrial revolution”, a “technological revolution”, a “digital revolution”, an “artificial intelligence revolution”, an “information revolution”, or a “communications revolution”.
The real invisibilized nostrum, the true “invisible” solution, right in front of most people's deliberately oblivious indifferent non-learning noses, to the endlessly cataclysmic human condition branding “civilized” mankind has always been in collective humanity deciding individually to become truth-oriented, truth-prioritized, and do the right thing (practice integrity) –i.e., to become and BE real (reality-oriented, reality-centered, realistic, mature), for collective humanity to, finally, individually deciding to “grow up”.
The elite deceptionists, the ruling clan of megalomaniacal psychopaths, are unredeemable and incurable [69,151,152,205,243-245] and relish their positions of differential power, control, and deceit –ergo, they are unable to, and have no incentive to, become truth-based and truth-prioritized and do the right thing (become and BE real and integrous). They like who and what they are.
Therefore, “in theory”, the only very slight chance of salvation for “civilized” humankind towards a healthy constructive direction has always resided entirely upon the extremely daunting eternal mission of comparably few genuine discordant truth-spreaders to get the willfully ignorant, blissfully oblivious, conveniently clueless, careless, apathetic, “civilized” fantasists –most people– to willfully chose to become truth-based and truth-prioritized and do the right thing (become and BE real and integrous).
The resurrecting-a-dead-animal-back-to-life-approach. An animal that does not want to be revived, on top of it (who still genuinely wonders why the psychopathic human chameleons-in-power call the non-ruling herd of people “the dead” [241]?).
The current Covid-19 Holocaust Psyop proves that one more time: the more personally physically tangible the destructive operation becomes –i.e., people personally suffering from Covid vaccine injuries (or their close friends or family members)– the more likely it is that they, finally, begin waking up to the actual objective reality. Basically, they need to get punched in their face by objective reality to start waking up to objective reality right in front of their apathetic delusional intentionally ignorant nose. It's the “learning” by desperation instead of inspiration –informally better known as “no pain, no gain”.
Or, to use a different perspective of the same actuality, their condition of purposeful blindness and deliberate self-disempowerment has to reach and attain a certain physically tangible form and quality in order to even start rattling them out of the “blissfulness” or “happiness” of their ignorant retardedness and moronic obliviousness.
So, with indifferent delusional pink elephant individuals (i.e., “the living spiritless”, “the living lifeless”, “the living dead” or “the walking dead” [335] who are “staying alive” in a notably elective anesthetized condition) it's really the physically beating-a-dead-animal-back-to-life-approach that has, logically, a faint resemblance of temporary success (i.e., it's a “momentary awakening”) before that pink elephant assembly is back to its normative self-contented deliberate sleep state of narcotic “peaceful” stupidity (because it is –emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and morally– a naturally dead human animal after all, as appeals to those arenas typically are categorically disappointing).
How has this external fix-it effort fared in real life throughout “civilized” human history? The historical record of “civilized” human conduct (“in practice”) is self-evident. It consistently demonstrates, too, the evidentiary incurability of "enlightened" delusionists (recounting Hegel's statement, with added emphasis on human practices: “peoples and governments never have learned anything from history, or ACTED on principles deduced from it” [20]).
True awareness or a deep awakening (and, to some extent, humaneness such as compassion) are acquired only with an authentic prime interest in the truth (unadulterated facts, real reality) and being intellectually honest and unwavering about it.
Operating from delusions –i.e., “living in fantasy land”– never leads to enlightenment, a true “spiritual awakening”, an actual “leap of awareness”, or an authentic “higher consciousness”.
Indeed, a famous proverb (which basically conveys and regurgitates the same message as Confucius' tenet cited in the above 'Introduction' of “The Theory Of The The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room”) tells us that...
“the truth sets you free” and
not that “the fake realities, the lies, the myths, the magical NON-thinking, and the delusions set you free”,
nor that “the authorities set you free”.
Coincidence or wisdom?
It is no coincidence but logical predictability that the deeper, reality-exposing implications of that axiom, as I just spelled it out, are almost never, if ever, taught, discussed, or disseminated in our truth-hostile truth-impounding “civilized” world. Because almost everyone operates according to the latter two non-wisdom criteria. So, it is a collective taboo, locking in a "socially unacceptable" "culturally impermissible" reality, a “collectively inconvenient” –thus, “collectively forbidden”– truth.
How do we find the truth of things, the real facts, the actual reality?
A related well known aphorism provided the answer...
“seek, and you shall find”.
“Seek” means “to look for” or “to search for” [170]. It's an activity, an action, an active process. It takes a personal effort.
The adage does
not say “believe and trust what the (official) authorities –whether religious, medical, scientific, journalistic, educational, digital, or political authorities– tell you with their declarations and you shall find the truth”
nor “accept as truths what the government tells you”.
Coincidence or wisdom?
Again, it is no coincidence that the deeper, reality-exposing implications of that axiom, as I just spelled it out, are almost never, if ever, taught, discussed, or disseminated in our truth-hostile truth-impounding “civilized” world. Because almost everyone operates according to the latter two non-wisdom criteria. So, it is a collective taboo, locking in a "socially unacceptable" "culturally impermissible" reality, a “collectively inconvenient” –thus, “collectively forbidden”– truth.
...because of the crushingly domineering rule by the pink elephant DUET throughout the “civilized” ages,
...because these TWO married anti-reality ANTI-TRUTH pink elephants have practically nearly always completely colonized and dominated the public mind space throughout the history of human civilization,
...truth has to be CONSISTENTLY AND PERSISTENTLY PURSUED at ANY given time in history as it is CONSISTENTLY AND PERSISTENTLY being buried underneath –and, therefore, lives quietly in its glorious innate prowess BEYOND– the authorized and unauthorized noisy “we-care-about-you” mendacities of the self-oriented deceptionists and the authorized and unauthorized clamorous “feel-good” mendacities of the self-oriented delusionists.
Truth discovery, via actively searching and looking for it, is also falsehood and lie discovery.
By “searching for the truth” –by questioning and scrutinizing official scripts, intellectual narratives (planted “notions”), and authorized explanations (approved “ideas”), by looking “behind the curtain” (the primary, albeit generally-never-learned, lesson taught by the legendary movie “The Wizard Of Oz”)– the errors, untruths, and mendacities are, too, found.
It means that only by actively looking “below the surface”, “behind the curtain”, “underneath the official mask” –i.e., by scrutinizing “the official truth”, “the official reality” – can the authorized lies, deceptions, and fantasies be seen.
If “to seek is wisdom” then “to NOT seek is unwisdom” –non-sapience, imprudence, folly, dumbness, imbecility.
“Believing”, “trusting”, and “accepting” as truth what the crooked establishment authorities and the ruling psychopathic wizards are dispensing are all on their own a non-activity, an inaction, a passive process. It takes no personal effort. Despite that this maxim of “seeking the truth” has been widely known and sporadically taught since antiquity, relatively extremely few people, at any time in history, seek the truth in actuality.
Traditionally, nearly all people anywhere merely passively and willfully take on a selection of dominant offerings from the official menu of championed narratives the cult(ure) makes prominently available in the public space via its mass opinion-steering-and-manipulating [214] “educational-informational” structures (the systemic universal elective mass compliance and conformity with Covid-19 mandates, such as mask wearing or physical distancing, or getting inoculated with toxic Covid jabs is yet another proof of this empirical
truth about human behavior) –and the willful passive acceptors and willful active regurgitators of those authorized stories are deemed “normal” “sane” “intelligent” “advanced” “progressive” by the programing mad cult(ure) of the 2 married “invisibly” collusive human pink elephant dual class.
“Civilized” humans' categorical non-truth-seeking “way of life” includes, of course, “religious” folks. Nobelist Martin Luther King, Jr., (1929-1968), stated that the church is frequently “an archdefender of the status quo” [279] –religionists as courageless conformists, religionists as “covert” power seekers [155].
It is easy to see why:
The search for truth takes effort, the adoption of faith (belief) takes no effort.
Thinking is hard, believing is easy.
Truth-seeking is activity, narrative-accepting is passivity.
The active quest for truth is pro-life, the passive adoption of narratives is anti-life –spiritual deadness.
Dissenting from and non-complying with (i.e., non-adopting) the authoritative narratives and the prevalent consensus requires courage because it's risky in “civilized” humans' authoritarian cult(ure), following and complying with (i.e., adopting) the authoritative narratives and the prevalent consensus requires no courage because it's non-risky in “civilized” humans' authoritarian cult(ure).
All of it is a matter of personal convenience versus personal inconvenience... meet the egoic apathetic delusion-over-truth pink elephant in the historical room.
Welcome to the standard normal natural “culture of narcissism” of the “civilized” “progressive” “advanced” “good vibe” married pink elephant enterprise.
Logically, a perpetual state of dominant effortless wallowing in delusions and fantasies –and passively trusting the characteristic endless mendacities and deceptions of the leading psychopathic authorities– can only result in a perpetual state of humanistic unawareness, humanistic unenlightenment, humanistic unrealness, humanistic unprogress, humanistic enslavement, and humanistic degeneration. All of which is mirrored in the contemporary “civilized” psychopathic state of the world and the general history of human civilization. It is the gradual loss of THE characteristics that's supposed to make the human animal “human” or “humane” –rather than merely being a reptilian-type of animal.
Humankind's historical collective delusional “thinking” and behavior is why the human animal has not made it (yet) out of the Dark Age of the human animal realm [415], their profound animality [415] (review the history of “the two married self-proclaimed civilized pink elephants in the historical room”). Although assorted human animal fantasists believe or proclaim otherwise, such as with their patently untrue assertion that the human ape animal has risen above and beyond animal nature. If realistic sincere sane people were to look back at today in a century or five centuries from now they'd squarely and rightly think of us as animalistic Dark Age folks. And the same type of individuals recognize this right now about today's human primate-dominated world.
And so, the following questions are rather easily, firmly, and emphatically answered because “experience and history teach [...] this” [20]:
Considering the ancient pedigree that people “never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it” [20], do we as a majority aggregate finally recognize and genuinely acknowledge the ubiquitous virulence of the deliberate general repetitious disinformation (brain-washing propaganda) by the obscenely wealthy savage group of monopolistic profit-and-control-above-all-else psychopaths in powerful positions of authority?
Considering the ancient pedigree that people “never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it” [20], do we as a majority collective finally recognize and genuinely acknowledge the inhumane barbarism of the ONGOING censorship and tyrannical oppression of unconventional unofficial medicine (such as the abominable repression of vitamin C for Covid-19) by the psychopathic state-medical industrial cartel?
Considering the ancient pedigree that people “never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it” [20], do we as a majority mass finally oppose and fight, instead of tolerate and obey –thus, aid– the ruling emotionally crippled mentally unhinged psychopaths, the world's worst people (pure evil), who have been incessantly operating right in front of the general public's complacent uninterested comatose noses (see aforecited Hegel/Orwell/Curtin quotes) for eons causing unimaginable crimes against humanity (including the current official Covid-19 crimes against humanity)?
Or I can arrange the same in a non-question format in case the answers to the above questions –or to more specific, myopic, naive Covid-19 coronavirus questions, such as “when will Covid-19 end?” or “when will Covid be over?”– are (still) not self-evident.
“Experience and history teach” [20] that we as a majority herd KEEP escaping into, KEEP preferring, KEEP defending and protecting, the self-sabotaging self-defeating –hence, self-destructive– delusions (lies, fantasies, myths, deceptions, fake news, fake science news, fakespeak) fed to us by...
(a) the gaslighting psychopathic technocratic authorities-in-power, and by
(b) their litany of underlings (criminal cowards), willful accomplices, and trolls [53-55,57,59,61-64,84,94-137,165,172,209,227,234,290-293], AND by
... and thereby remain apathetic, indifferent, willfully gullible and deliberately ignorant about the utterly ugly but factual realities (e.g., The Holocaustal Covid-19 Coronavirus ScamDemic) at the hands of the pseudo-elite psychopathic predator caste, going on in front of our complacent dormant noses, and as a result we “passively” or “silently”, albeit actively, collaboratively, and complicitly –and, thus, culpably– participate in, and contribute to, these unconscionable acts of inhumaneness ourselves.
Because in the end, deliberate ignorance, deliberate obliviousness, deliberate indifference, deliberate silence, deliberate complacency, deliberate inertia, deliberate complicity equal “being part of the problem” –and not “being part of the solution” (or soul-ution). They mean betraying and failing humanity. They mean betraying and failing humaneness.
Verbalizations and declarations of purportedly possessing a so-called “state of higher consciousness” and supposedly “wanting” to create a healthier world are products of the internal mind. Making the world a better place –actually changing the world for the better– only ever happens by proper external behavior, actions, and practices by the individual and the human aggregate. Actions and practices, or the scarcity thereof, are the only genuine “measuring sticks” or arbiters of the past and present brand of human authenticity and essence.
Ergo, I reckon that the premier indication of a real “tunnel of hope through the dark mountain of disappointment” [279], the first and only credible practical-empirical signs or steps of an authentic positive human evolution in a “leap of consciousness”, psychological health, courage, ethics, compassion, love, spirituality, and ACTION-BASED true wisdom –if it ever were to happen which is extremely questionable and doubtful in the light of a long “civilized” human history of UNwisdom, delusion, and lunacy– by truth-neglecting, reality-denying, delusion-craving-and-defending, and into fantasy-evading general humankind are expressed and crystallized in the following notations:
“It takes courage, it takes honor, it takes virtue to face the truth –no matter how dire that truth is. In fact, [...] a hallmark of a healthy mind is an unyielding willingness to face the truth, no matter how dire that truth is. And that is the only way we have any chance of changing course.” (Dane Wigington, Geoengineering Investigator & Activist, in 2020 [248]) [emphasis added]
“You are not free if you are not mentally free. A truly sovereign human has liberated their mind from all delusions. Propaganda-generated delusions. Culture-generated delusions. Ego-generated delusions.” (Caitlin Johnstone, Australian Writer, Independent Journalist, And Social Critic, in 2020 [247]) [emphasis added]
“For those who commit to lives of slow suicide, to the squelching of their true selves and their consciences in the face of a rapacious and murderous society, there is always the chance [e.g., to make the personal decision] they can break with the norm and go sane [=an ACT of sanity]. […]. […] really living [instead of being or remaining a “living soulless”, “living unwakeable”, “walking lifeless”, or “walking dead” entity] involves risks and living outside the cocoon of the social lie.” (Edward Curtin, US Sociologist, in 2018 [335]) [emphasis & explanations added]
“The only sane response to an emergency is ACTivism … and the sanest response is heroism. Not sainthood. Not enlightenment. Not social status. Not corporate success. Not any kind of material achievement. No. The only sane response to a situation where we stand in front of a house on fire is to pick up a bucket. Anything else is numb, unfeeling, quite dissociated, and selfish. And when one is inside that house, the only sane response is to get out the fire extinguisher, seek to help the ones inside to get free from the flames, to minimize the suffering of others and to save others and oneself, regardless if one succeeds or not. The only sane response is thus heroism.” (Michael Adzema, Independent US Scholar, Ecoactivist, Former Psychotherapist, And Author, in 2018 [330]) [emphasis added except for “inside”]
“Resistance entails suffering. [...]. It is not about the pursuit of happiness. It is about the pursuit of freedom. Resistance accepts that even if we fail, there is an inner freedom that comes with defiance, and perhaps this is the only freedom, and true happiness, we will ever know. To resist evil is the highest achievement of human life. It is the supreme ACT of love.” (Chris Hedges, US Journalist, Social Critic, Author, and Pulitzer Prize Winner, in 2017 [249]) [emphasis added]
(Originally published: 26-July-2021 [https://archive.is/w9gYE] | Last revised, updated, and expanded: 21-Jan-2025)
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